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Is SolusVM V2 Suitable to Use in 2024? Latest Updates and Ongoing Improvements

Back in our initial review of SolusVM 2.0 in late 2022, we at RackNerd felt that SolusVM V2 was not capable of handling production environments. Since then, they have fixed those concerns and implemented many fixes to the platform. Read on to see whether SolusVM 2.0 is ready for prime time...

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Is SolusVM V2 Suitable to Use in 2024? Latest Updates and Ongoing Improvements

Nostalgia: The Evolution of VPS Control Panels: From HyperVM to SolusVM and Beyond

Dustin Cisneros, CEO of RackNerd, has been in the industry a long time and remembers its somewhat cruder origins. Let's take a look at the past and present of the hosting industry, and maybe glimpse the future, too!

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Nostalgia: The Evolution of VPS Control Panels: From HyperVM to SolusVM and Beyond

Let's Go Jurisdiction Shopping: Data Sovereignty and the Cloud

Internet users are accustomed to thinking of the global network as a sort of separate, special space.  In early days, people talked about "cyberspace" - a virtual world disconnected from our shared physical world.  When you hear the Zuck talking about the "metaverse" it feels like he's describing an alternate dimension. However, all these grand virutal realms are impossible without actual physical metal and electricity. And that's when we get into data sovereignty.

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Let's Go Jurisdiction Shopping: Data Sovereignty and the Cloud

Amazon Broke the Internet Today. Good Sales Tactic?

Amazon's Ohio datacenter experienced a significant outage today.  Amazon reported that "some instances within a single Availability Zone (USE2-AZ1) in the US-EAST-2 Region have experienced a loss of p...

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Amazon Broke the Internet Today.  Good Sales Tactic?

Microsoft Azure's CosmosDB Accidentally Left Wide Open

Microsoft revealed Thursday that some customers' CosmosDB databases in Azure were accidentally left wide open. A security researcher named Wiz discovered that it could access keys that unlocked thousa...

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Microsoft Azure's CosmosDB Accidentally Left Wide Open

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