LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Snapshots vs Backups Explained, And Why You Need Both in Your Life

It's a common misconception in the hosting industry that snapshots and backups are interchangeable terms. However, this is not the case: snapshots are NOT equal to backups! While both snapshots and backups serve to protect data, they differ in some key ways that are important to understand.

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Snapshots vs Backups Explained, And Why You Need Both in Your Life

HostHatch Announces BGP Sessions, Snapshots, Floating IPs, and New VPS Offers!

Fall, alternatively known as Q4, has officially arrived. What does that mean for you? Lots of cheap deals. HostHatch is no exception, but they have more than just cheap offers for you. They're rolling out some new features.

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HostHatch Announces BGP Sessions, Snapshots, Floating IPs, and New VPS Offers!

Does Your Provider Offer Snapshots?

For a long time, VPS snapshots were only available in high-end hosting companies, but over the last few years they've become increasingly common in the marketplace.  This neat feature can be a real ti...

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Does Your Provider Offer Snapshots?

Vultr Has Started Charging for Snapshots

Since October 1, cheap VPS provider Vultr has begun charging for snapshots. This was announced in a blog post on September 20.  They explained the reason for this change is due to abuse of the previou...

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Vultr Has Started Charging for Snapshots

Poll Results: Which of These Features Do You Look for When Selecting a Provider?

Back on September 14, we asked you what features you look for when selecting a VPS provider. Those who've been around for a while remember the old days when every provider slapped SolusVM on a master...

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Poll Results: Which of These Features Do You Look for When Selecting a Provider?

Poll: Which of These Features Do You Look for When Selecting a Provider?

Years ago, most providers offered SolusVM and OpenVZ templates. We've come a long way! Now even small providers have custom-developed features that rival the major public clouds. From block storage to...

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Poll: Which of These Features Do You Look for When Selecting a Provider?

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