Via this WHT offer. 123Systems is currently having a 15% off sale on virtual private servers. With coupon code WHTSALE15 you can get the base level package for $5.91/month.
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
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Servers are in Phoenix. 100Mbps or 1Gbps ports. Fully managed with 24/7 support. But the domain was only registered since February this year, with both NS + website sitting on a server in BurstNet.
Now, it does sound like a pretty new company, but with quite 7 staff members — most are in US so I guess having to do shift work to cover 24/7 support. Not sure — it’s just a bit suss to me especially with that many staffs + fully managed plans.
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they don`t seem to have any grasp of english; their ‘about’ is lifted from another site
Google search on “is an Innovative Internet Solutions and Services Provider which”
their TOS/privacy policy is lifted from another site
Google search on “any information that it has about the Customer…”
Essentially ALL of their copy is stolen from other sites, they didn’t even bother to reword or correct GLARING GRAMMAR/SPELLING ERRORS.
@ ui – I didn’t look into it beyond your post, but since there’s so many results for “any information that it has…”, it’s possible their TOS was from HostLegal or a similar site.
Only speculation though. I didn’t really look into it.
1.) Yes its from HostLegal
2.) We just moved our main web server from BurstNET which is what we have been in the process of doing for the past week, We already moved the VPS nodes.
3.) How do you get that our company page is ripped? It’s completely custom check again.
4.) I know the domain has only been registered for 2 months we used to be Dreams Networking and moved us and our clients to 123Systems to offer a wider variety of products since Dreams Networking was based on offering game server hosting and was only used on a small number of mmorpg forums, Dreams Networking was in business for almost a year when we moved over to 123Systems (We didn’t drop any clients or services in the move)
5.) I understand it might look suspicious but that is your 100% opinion and i respect that, But we have over 100 active VPS clients that are extremely happy.
My VPS is unreachable. Same goes with their website. 17+ mins and counting…
@terii — seems to be back?
Yea…. it’s back.
My Nagios reported 2h 2m 50s downtime, using minute pings.
LocalHost was never ‘down’ it was undergoing a fairly large DDoS attack that we was trying to contain but it kept hitting us everytime we dumped it onto the datacenters Switch, We finally got the threat neutralized and got everytime stable again, DDoS attacks are not uncommon and we try to prevent them as soon as we are hit.
We moved our website to a new node shortly after being hit so if localhost is ever targeted again our website will not going down and we can still be reached.
LocalHost was never ‘down’ it was undergoing a fairly large DDoS attack that we was trying to contain but it kept hitting us everytime we dumped it onto the datacenters Switch, We finally got the threat neutralized and got everything stable again, DDoS attacks are not uncommon and we try to prevent them as soon as we are hit.
We moved our website to a new node shortly after being hit so if localhost is ever targeted again our website will not go down and we can still be reached.
Fixed some typos*
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the updates. Much appreciated.
I’m not here to discredit you or any of your services, and sorry if you feel that in any way. I’m simply telling it as it is from a customer’s perspective. I’ve only been a customer less than 4 days and I’ve seen the VPS rebooted about 5 times by itself (all issued from physical host node as I see proper shutdown msg in /var/log/messages). I did raise a ticket asking why and was re-directed to your announcement page, that’s fine, no worries. However, it would be nice if the announcement e-mail is sent out either prior to the incident or ASAP right after the incident. Personally I have VPSs all over the place and it’s just a pain if I have to navigate to all the hosting company and check their announcement page on my 3G Anroid G-1. And I am on road all the time.
Well, if your primary server was under DDoS attack… then I take that you guys rebooted the server to get rid of any leftover residuals? My other VPSs with other host retains uptime during DDoS attacks.
I am impressed with your support response time though. The couple tickets I’ve raised were all answered less than 10mins.
Just my .02. Thanks for listening and taking in my comments.
(Plus during this DDoS attack, I PM-ed you on WHT and never got a response. Simply because your website was unreachable during that time.)
I noticed you PM’d me on WHT but I can’t really take time to reply to all the PM’s i get on WHT when im trying to deal with a fairly large attack.
Yes the node was rebooted to even the load out afterwards, If you want compensation for the few reboots that happened on the node you was on that is no problem just open up a ticket. Also if you want to be migrated to a new physcial node that is no problem either it is a simple 5-10 minute process and all your data will stay in-tact.
We are actually going to be migrating everyone off of localhost in a few days and prep it for new hardware to resolve some issues that we are expecting to occur in the late future, We can live migrate your server so you won’t see any downtime when switching physical nodes.
Also, We have a LIVE support MSN were we can be contacted 24/7 in case you cannot reach us anywhere else, WHT might not be the best place to contact me if we are having problems because i won’t monitor my PM box during these issues, Just add support[at] to your MSN contacts and we will be there if you have any issues in the future.
However we have managed to get a few things in place to resolve any further localhost issues for now, So we don’t expect for their to be anymore downtime on localhost anytime soon. But we can still migrate you if that’s what you want. Like i said its a very simple 1,2,3 process and you will be on a new physical node (Most likely one of the newer Core i7’s that we just had setup)