Russell from AlienVPS emailed me their “Spring 2012 Sale” offer, which can also be found on their WHT thread.
He also notified me about a special offer exclusively available to LowEndBox readers. This offer includes DDoS protection at a very low price. The Advanced DDoS protection no longer nullroutes your IP Address, but filters out the attacker’s traffic instead. It is available for purchase for existing and new customers for an additional fee of $2/Month. It can be applied to all plans in the Las Vegas location.
OpenVZ Abduction w/ Advanced DDOS Protection
- 190MB Guaranteed RAM
- 220MB Burstable RAM
- 19GB Disk Space
- 190GB Bandwidth on 25Mbps
- 1 CPU Core
- 1 DDoS Protected IPv4 address
- Las Vegas Location
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
12$/Year – Order Link
The “Spring 2012 Sale” offer features a 25% lifetime recurring discount, usable by entering the coupon code SPRING2012 at checkout. You can find some of the discounted offers below.
OpenVZ UFO 1
- 256MB Guaranteed RAM
- 512MB Burstable RAM
- 25GB Disk Space
- 250GB Bandwidth on 10Mbps
- 1 CPU Core
- 1 IPv4 address
- Las Vegas or New York Location
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
3,75$/Month – Order LV/Order NY
Xen UFO 1
- 256MB RAM
- 512MB Swap
- 10GB Disk Space
- 250GB Bandwidth on 10Mbps
- 1 CPU Core
- 1 IPv4 address
- New York Location
- Xen/SolusVM
6,75$/Month – Order Link
Additional offers can be found on their WHT thread.
Network Information
AlienVPS colocates their servers at in Secaucus, NJ; and at in Las Vegas, NV.
Las Vegas ( Test IPv4:
New York ( Test IPv4:
DDoS Protection Test IPv4:
Additional Information
AlienVPS has also introduced a 5-day Money Back Guarantee. AlienVPS has had some issues with their old Warp plans and CentOS 6 (OpenVZ). All plans will be provisioned on host nodes running a stable CentOS 5.7.
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Wow… now is $12
I wonder if they can first solve the problems with their current servers before getting new clients… More and more random downtime. This week, I got like 3 alerts :|
Yeah, I have a $19 and a promo $14, not impressed with uptime at all.
Actually, id personally say that are better because their servers dont actually go down. And their pretty much the same price
Wonder where they got the DDoS idea from :P
That too… and no $3… but $2!
They have to beat them at pricing or they feel like they lost im surprised they don’t do a $14/year VPS.
OMG! And suppossedly the $12 one already has protection o_O!?
We could ask Const. to “test” their protection :P
WTF. didn’t think I would see them posted here again.
What i thought paha!
CentOS 5.7 is EOL and they should be using 5.8 on new nodes, Not sure if it really is a big concern.
We use 5.7 (Final) on all of our nodes, seems to be the standard version with most DC’s.
It’s just a “yum update” away from CentOS 5.8, so no big problem here.
I had nodes installed with 5.7 other day so it’s still available i guess they installed from iso not netinstall.
After checking out the original thread on WHT, I choose to hold my pocket this time.
After-sales extremely bad
VPS be closed
February submitted technical support, so far no response
Wow, new post and is not BuyVM or other ppl at frantech :o
Maybe someone felt guilty after banning me :P
LEB/LET are dead since frantech took over.
You’re still but hurt?
I am surprised to see you banned. I mean you are annoying on moments with long arguments however this should not be a reason for ban. Or there was something else?
Neah, I made a profecy BuyVM will buy more BW and complained about all the abuse against me. Frantech takes complaining seriously :P
It is really sad, this is the end of LEB/LET, these ppl have no shame at all.
Do not buy this garbage. I was forced to cancel this garbe worth 19/month, after 2 hard full wipes, constant ioping up to 800, YEAH THIS TRASH CAN TAKE 1 DAMN SECOND TO DO ANYTHING. Uptime? I dont know, maybe 90? Network constantly down, random reboots every 4-5 days. Be wise, don’t buy this fucking shit.
This provider suck, They love network issue too much :P
Is quite easy to provide DDOS protection if your VPS is down more than it is up.
Can’t beat that & it’s free too!
Uptime of my alienvps is drasticly changed (on better) since I requested move to no swap node. It’s up around 10 days or so “already” – quiet impressive considering previous experience.
This offer doesn’t feature swap, so you should be okay ;)
Yeah, that’s if they even reply to move you to a non-vswap node. I’ve had a ticket open to do just that for two weeks now.
I don’t think they copied BuyVM at all, I was looking at the WebRulon (AlienVPS) Network a few weeks ago
and they already had Awknet listed as a peer ( ).
This was before BuyVM announced it.
Neah, BuyVM invented OpenVZ, KVM, XEN, TCP/IP, UDP and IPX.
I dont think we will ever be able to patch this place back again, IMO it is irreversibly lost.
I will be on WHT, now and then. Good buy(VM) and stay strong :)
Guys, Be careful. They dont respond to tickets. Ive had so many services with them, I had to cancel them all because of lack of communication and support.
1) Their nodes are down a lot.
2) Their speeds on higher tier packages are not as advertised.
3) Ive had tickets sit for 2-3 weeks.
4) Their webhosting is constantly down.
5) They just want your money, Stay away.. Read reviews… Don’t be a sucker.
If you don’t believe me… read reviews before you buy:
There are tons of reviews…
My main concern at this time with AlienVPS it’s their support, a couple of users have complain about it, and other users decided to leave them.
If they fixed their support woes then they will definitely be a good option.
Lets see who decides to try them and post their result.
I hate to be a BuyVM groupie, but honestly, short of their lack of stock does anyone else set a standard besides them? That doesn’t even really matter, if someone is as good as or comes close to BuyVM, let them be posted, after all, BuyVM stock is a precious commodity.
But that’s just the thing, here we now have AlienVPS being posted “god forbid someone other than BuyVM gets posted” again, hate to be the groupie, but short of spirit, who doesn’t feel cheated and/or scammed by this latest offering?
BuyVM stock isn’t a precious commodity at all, where do you get this nonsense?
It’s constantly sold out, which is a good thing. Their name floods this site, I would be worried about oversell if they never ran out of stock.
They cant keep up with the demand because what they are trying to do just is not economical and makes no money. If they made a profit there wouldnt be a problem providing more servers, but that is not the case
Makes no money, and yet we haven’t had to lower or prices or run sales in two years. I would ask you to show us how it’s done… but well, we prefer a healthy business model and not having our name drug through the mud by clients sick of being treated like a commodity <3
Installing more servers is just a matter of money and forklift fuel and it sounds like BuyVM is doing that. If I have a concern about BuyVM it’s more about the staff getting overworked as the client base expands, than not having enough servers. They would then have to bring on more people, which for a company of BuyVM’s current size can drastically affect how stuff gets done, not necessarily in a good way. I’m a happy BuyVM client so of course I hope for the best.
I don’t know what’s more over-loaded, your head or your servers. Your business model is based on clients not using what they pay for, lets face facts you would crumble if everybody used there resources.
And here we are talking against about BuyVM, so this post is serving the bigger purpose.
@Ashley BuyVM model is also based on their customers not using what they pay for, this is why they are adamant that ppl which are using one thing at least are “abusers”, child molesters, porn-addicts and the like. They would go to extreme to make sure only light users are staying, the others are too frightened to even open tickets. They even ban ppl on forums that express a different opinion, but the difference from others is that in BuyVM case, that really works.
You may be right about BuyVM’s user base not consuming all the resources they paid for ,… but I don’t recall using 100% or even 70% of any VPS I bought from any company, not even my dedis
I know you are angry and I think you need to cool off and come back later.
You may be right about BuyVM’s user base not consuming all the resources they paid for ,… but I don’t recall using 100% or even 70% of any VPS I bought from any company, not even my dedis
I know you are angry and I think you need to cool off and come back later.
@Asim I was replying Ashley which used the argument of a business relying on ppl not using their resources against someone and not against the “good guys” which are doing the same.
And it is one thing to oversell 2:1 3:1 and another 10:1.
The difference been that Chris is arrogant and thinks he owns the budget market. BuyVM’s customers do the talking, not Aldryic or Francisco.
Its fair to say when we first came about i thought the same thing about them (BuyVM), till i actually got to know the people behind the company.
He’s still on a kick that we’re moderators on the forums when it’s obvious we aren’t, check all of the mods. If he wants to start yelling at the mods claiming they’re really Aldryic or something, that isn’t going to really help him down the road.
Easiest way to deal with him is to just ignore his rants and at some point he’ll just find something new to yabber about, maybe even a true discussion on TOR instead of just the anger fest the threads on LET turned into.
I still they are arrogant and use this community for their ends against anyone who disagrees and can prove they are overselling.
@Maounique Overselling is not bad, Overloading is… I thought I should point out
NP Francisco, I agree you won, nobody can beat moderators, no matter the arguments, I let you enjoy your victory, but I am sure you wont be able to get over this BW issue if you dont buy more. You cant continue to ban/kick ppl that use the resources or are likely to use them forever and hope it will work out indefinitely.
It will eventually come to a close.
I’ll gladly show you our contract with egi and our graphs :) As I said, we’ve always been transparent with what we have and how much it costs us, you simply need to ask like many others have.
There’s no win/lose with the mods, they’re just there to keep the peace.
You know where to reach me if you ever want to see what I mentioned.
Well, you could always post your customer numbers, the BW you have bought. We will consider all customers are on the 500 GB plan. You dont need to show me, show the community how wrong I am. Baning is not gonna prove you right, at least not in everyone’s eyes.
If you are indeed transparent, put up the facts, as you know I am not allowed to be your customer because I would use the BW, but others might be interested why they were kicked for abusing BW when they are “guaranteed” what they pay for.
BuyVM is not the only one that has no stock. Check RamHost, they seems to have no US stocks either.
My support ticket posted on 03/13/2012 is still waiting for an answer.
Does the $12/yr plan come with DDOS?
Well I can’t really recommand AlienVPS since I had my share of troubles with them since I bought a VPS there in january. They had weird downtimes and the support isn’t really that fast. Luckily, I had no prolonged downtimes like some people have experienceed.
On the other hand, at least they are working on their problems and they fix them. The service has been okay for some weeks now.
Basically, it’s has decent performance for the price, just don’t count on them for anything too important.
Let’s get one for review. Hope it won’t disappointing..
Got my VPS created on their lv4 node.
You should ask how much for the IO filter addon.
Already mentioned above, $2/month.
I purchased this box for review and some testing purposes only.
@Sei Kan I/O filter!!! You didn’t got the joke? u_u
why would u need a high I/O ??
for God sakes,this is a LOW END BOX !!! read my lips, LOW END!
if u expected the perfomance to be ON TOP OF THE WORLD, go get ur own hardware.The I/O is still OK compared to 0 !
In my opinion 20MB/sec is fine too unless you are going to do some very very resource intensive task for which most VPS-providers will ban you right away.
Only if that 20MB/s are stable. Otherwise is bad.
@Yomero true
I have to actually disagree. I’ve been through at least 15 VPS providers in the past three months, testing and trying out the services. I’m not a power user of any means but I enjoy having servers to play around on.
That said, 20mb/s for disk I/O is *not* adequate, unless you enjoy waiting 1-3 seconds for a simple command like “uptime” to return results. If you don’t know any better, this lag might seem acceptable but if you know how servers should perform, anything under 50mb/s (or so) is quote annoying.
No, it depends. If you used a computer with PATA disks and linux, I am pretty sure that you didn’t waited 1-3 seconds for an ‘uptime’.
I/O performance isn’t only dd
Hello Asim,
I would like to ask you. How do you run your website?
What script do you use? I want to change my current blog to another OS, but I’m not familiar with the new Lighttpd or NginX config.
Would you mind sharing with me?
I don’t mind sharing, contact me via email or via my blog’s contact us and I will let you know.
I don’t want to hijack this thread :)
trust me, you wont feel the slow I/O for an uptime command.
are you sure your connections are great enough ?
i’ve been using couple of bad VPS.some of them are even under 10MB/s, but i dont face any slowness issue when typing uptime,uname -a and other basic commands.
I wonder why AlienVPS always seem to clone the ideas of BuyVM? Maybe because one of their new employees uses to work for FranTech? (*cough* James/Solar*). I’ve heard some nasty things they’ve done which has kept me away from them, and all the nasty downtime?
Aye, I’ll spend a extra few bucks to have my server on 4 weeks out of a month, instead of down 3 weeks out of 4 each month with AlienVPS and save what $5 bucks?
For $12 per year, it is worth a shot as a tertiary DNS.
I will keep the LEB crowd informed of my experiences in this thread.
Holy cow it is already set up.
O.k…. logged in to apt-get update, resolv.conf was empty so it wouldn’t look up the repo.
Then it logged me out and:
Broadcast message from root@server4 (Tue Apr 3 05:16:07 2012):
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
Now it has gone down, no longer accessible via ssh.
Wow. That was fast.
But the VPS admin panel says it is up and running.
Is there something I am missing?
Was hoping for a cheap third DNS server and a proxy for Craigslist posting.
All better now, seems like the host ficed the problem. Awesome!
Good hustle, guys and gals!
BTW you need a Debian 6 32-bit minimal image.
LAMP in 190 megs doesn’t cut it.
Couldn’t you have included this all in one post instead of making 7+ posts about this? I mean, okay we get it. I hope your time of positive service last longer then a week.
I wont buy another alienvps :P too much down time.
Yea, be careful with AlienLayer. My VPS in Las Vegas had no connectivitiy, and it took them a whole entire month and about 5 support tickets before I got a single response. They gave me a month of credit to make up for it, and then my VPS was fine for one whole day before it was unconnectable again. Again, no response to tickets.
I picked up over a dozen different low-end VPS to try out and see which providers I liked best before getting a bigger package — and AlienLayer was unquestionably the absolute worst of them all, without a doubt. Stay away.
My vps with Alienvps has been down for more than 3 days. Opened tickets and no answers at all. I won’t buy any new vps from Alienvps.
no problem so far from my site.been using them for 2 month alrdy,NO downtime at,i’m not a staff or AlienLayer or anything.just stating my personal vps is in New York by the way :)
I got one of these in October(?) of last year. It was my first VPS and I was amazed that it worked at all. It held up pretty well for a while, but lately has been crashing a lot. I just logged in and see that it was down again 16 hours ago (I haven’t bothered monitoring it). I paid $14 for it and I figure I got my money’s worth almost immediately, so I’m not too bothered by its problems at this point. I just use it as file storage, 19GB for $12 a year is not bad at all. But I don’t plan to renew when it expires. I see that my NY Xen VPS was down 6 days ago too. It looks like the company is trying to operate beyond its capabilities of keeping stuff running.
Since I see the lies already started against me regarding the reason for the ban, I have here the picture with a previous version. Last one removed Tor references because chief said this is why he is deleting the post, but instead of leaving the post, he outright banned me AND deleted it again.
Where did Kujoe see any constantinos and ddos is beyond me…
I understand their request for bans but I didnt expect them to go so low and lie like that. And it wasnt Aldryic, ir was Kujoe…
Dont you see, ppl what offers are posted here ? Apart from frantech only hosts that have a huge bad publicity and low service, probably this way frantech looks perfect. This “offer” is an example. I am sure many good hosts sent offers but they are just ignored, LEB/LET have been sold out.
There have been lots of hosts with great reps get posted by Mark?
VMPort, InceptionHosting, BurstNET and many others that i’m far too tired to remember. Tell you what, when your ban lifts today/tomorrow, we’ll spend some time in a PM where you can let all your anger out and all your conspiracy’s about us out and i’ll correct whatever you’re wrong about. We’ve always been very transparent about our offerings and how our company works so if you missed some key point, by all means, you’ll have my attention.
Now, can we **both agree** that thread crapping on here is in bad taste and leave it till then?
Not really, I will post allthe time this:
I have the right to defend myself against the lies you guys spread against me. Kujoe went one step too far, and as long as you try to burry the evidences (btw, ask chief to present the version Kujoe saw, I am curious if he will go that low too) As long as you try to put more posts between the evidence and the end of this thread you will have me back with it. Ask to get banned here too and everything will be fine again.
Hey Maounique,
I assume you are posting the ban.jpg for people not aware of your situation. As one of those people let me inform you that the ban.jpg doesn’t reveal anything other then taking to mitgib about your belief regarding buyvm’s bandwidth, not sure what your trying to say here.
Thank you,
Don’t bother with @Kujoe, he is a scammer, took my yearly vps without any reason, simply because I wasn’t polite, lost 2 of them. So don’t even mention his name, whenever he had family problem, he grabs clients vps, go figure.
I bet $50 this is incorrect.
Jon, I am posting here to curb the lies of Kujoe. He said I was banned because I was suporting constantinos and he saw my post before being deleted but failed to provide any proof of that, even tho the mods did try to find an incriminating evidence at his request.
While that was not the latest version as in that I removed the Tor reference as requested by chief (he still deleted it and banned me for reposting what he deleted tho it wasnt the same thing and I did heed his (only-about Tor) request which clearly shows in my view he was acting on higher orders), I was banned for that.
I never condone terrorism, other than saying that the threats of physical violence against Constantinos and exposing his address and personal life is going too far. Yet, Kujoe is free to spread his lies and me unable to prove him a liar other than in here.
I dont get a single word this guy is talking about, what does this giberish has to do with LEB at all?
It is important as lately were posted only the “guud guys” offers here and the very negatively vied competition, such as alienlayer, burstnet, etc. It is another proof this became the personal turf of BuyVM, Inceptionhosting, SecureDragon and the like.
I replied Chief’s request to help him to review offers here, but never got an answer which I am sure happened to others too, because it is not the lack of time, it takes 15 min or so to review an offer, it is the bias in supporting the “community pillars” that is making LEB/LET a mockery today.
been using AlienVPS for 2 month alrdy
i like the system.stable and NO downtime at all for me
i was wondering, why are you guys experiencing those kind of bad issue ?
i love my box & alien vps so much..
oh btw,my box is in NY
Who are these ‘good’ hosts that aren’t being highlighted on LEB? The only ones I can think of that have a great service I can’t complain about rarely run offers (like XenVZ and allsimple), so naturally wouldn’t be on the front page that much.
From personal experience I would say prometeus (iperweb), BlueVM had offers lately, LEB only even that “failed” the tests to be featured here. That is only from within my boxes, imagine how many others are ignored every day.
BlueVM had an offer in early Feb, but looking at the comments from that thread the experience may not have been great for a number of users.
Given your comments, I’d have thought you’d have had more evidence of quality providers not being listed….
To the topic in hand, my $15/y AlienVPS in NY has been rock solid, 62 days uptime and counting.
BlueVM Now Offering KVM – Starting At $18 /Yr or $4.50 /Mo!
41 comments Most recent by vtw March 25
“Extra LEB/LET Coupons:
~ $3.00 OFF KVM1 Annually: KVMANNUAL
~ 10% OFF Monthly For Life (All KVM Plans): LIFETIMEKVM
~ 15% OFF Quarterly Plans For Life (All KVM Plans): QUARTERBANK”
Not worth mentioning, I think, especially since they had special offer for LEB/LET.
BlueVM may not be very stable, but I found their support great. IMO, if a company launches a new product and makes a special LEB offer, should be featured here.
Regarding old times, sure, in the past things were more balanced, but in the last month there has been a slippery slope in which more abuse from “pet hosts” was allowed and less hosts featured. Recent bans of open critics of those are also adding to the picture.
They should be banned from posting. They can’t even keep their servers online, worst VPS I have ever used.
not ur lucky day i guess.
been using mine for 2 month,now downtime at all :)
I’ve found even their Valentine promo of $15/year (instead of as-always $19/y) to be suspicious since I saw some very bad feedback being reported in recent months. And now $12/y, it’s just weird!
Did all of old clients left from there and now that’s just refilling :p
With that said, it’s indeed a HOT offer, thus I might get one as a backup.
That is when we get tempted… =/ IMHO isn’t good (despite I still do it sometimes :S )
Right its been a day now… Next offer please.. Someone new :) Not seen a new company for a while :)
Sorry, been super busy at work so I haven’t had time to write any posts.
I’ll try to bust one out tonight.
Thanks mark I appreciate your work :)
New posts are up, hope you have already checked
Guys, Stay away. I’ve had tickets open for 3+ weeks.
Pack your bags and go..
Out of stock …
Funny how the “deal” is out of stock — but you can still buy at regular price (19$)
Hope you dont mind losing your $, dont say we didn’t warn you :P
Well, IMHO that is normal. As a provider you limit the number of coupons available for a promo.
Actually Valentines day discount to $15/y remained until March if I’m not wrong, and maybe until this $12/y discount was released.
Smooth sailing so far.
AlienVPS ftw!
In the meanwhile, more downtime in las Vegas! (Node LV9)
It just goes down like an stupid idiot
And no, doesn’t use vswap, is suppossedly a stable RHEL5 node
Thanks for confirming that issue.
I choosed Las Vegas IDC but they give me New York
My ticket is still Open for 1+ week.
Welcome to AlienVPS. Don’t say we didnt warn you.
Got 2 servers, they worked 1 day and now the are SUSPENDED!
The payment was made via Paypal, the ticket is open 24 hours already.
I had an account with Alien for a few months; overall, I would say it was the worse experience of any provider I used on this site. To be fair, I was offered to be moved to a more stable host node, as I guess there was major issues with this hosts OS. I honestly had a best of about 2 weeks of uptime, with sometimes multiple reboots in a single day – none of which did I instigate.
I would also agree, that the post-sales support is quite slow – if your host is down, and it’s been an hour or so, and decide it’s time to let someone at Alien know about the issue. They may have been working on it, but I would never know, as I am not sure if there is even a network/system status page?
After awhile, I decided to stop sending in tickets; then, I decided I don’t really need this kind of service, even for a dollar or two a month, which it’s not.
This is not a personal stab at AlienVPS – I just want to let you guys know that using unstable host hardware or software is just not going to make any customers happy; also, respond to tickets in some kind of timely fashion, as it really sucks to wonder if you guys got the ticket and don’t care, or are busy, or?
I would say to stay away from AlienVPS, as the overall support and system stability is not good at all, when compared to many LEB providers.
Anyone on node ny12?
It’s been down for month.
VPS is down, has been down for days. No answer on support ticket, node lv4.
This sucks.
Guess it was worth $12 to find out that AlienVPS is unworthy of our business.
uh oh! I got a vps on the same node but its working okay – hope it doesnt mess up. I shouldn’t have trusted them again :( .
You tried rebooting from the panel I am assuming?
Yes, tried reinstalling too.
No go.
Stay away from this horrible company. very bad experience. very bad uptime , very bad support. they can reply your ticket for more than one month or don’t reply. and their WHM license was expired but no one to solve that and all customers can not log on that to manage their hosts.
my vps are down for almost 2 days – no one answering.
support ticket 193850
Just to quickly add, had two servers with these guys. They are one of the worst hosts ever.
Servers are so slow and the staff take days to answer simple support tickets.
And today, 5-6 hours down in Las vegas.
Now I am totally sure this is complete garbage.
And as always, customers never get an explanation about what happened. My box goes down a couple of times per week.
Imagine some us paying 19$ for this :)
YEs I have one $15 and one $19 from the old offers.
Yeah, my LV vps was down today too, I don’t know how long. My NY one has been up for 34 days and has generally had very good network speed, but it’s had downtime too.
My experience with these vps’s was mostly quite good when I first got them last October, but seems to have gotten worse from there. The total amount of $$ involved was pretty low and they were my first vps’s so I’m just shrugging it off as experience.
Avoid Them they are dead
They’re not dead (both of my vps’s with them are up now, and pretty responsive), but I think LV in particular has been down way too frequently.
the staffs for support i mean x)
LV9 outage again yesterday. Sigh
Have one in NY and the uptime is really bad. Reboots every day, no reply to support tickets when its totally offline, no replies to twitter.
offline again now. Few folks I know with VPS there also offline
This is the one at NewYork
FFS what crap is this
Disruptions, downtime, wow…
Lol, that’s pretty funny that someone bothered paying for that domain. My NY6 vps has 51 days of uptime now, but my LV9 vps seems to be restarted at least once a week and it now has 1 day + some hours of uptime.
Ehh, it looks like the NY network interruption was at least announced in advance ( ). Meanwhile though Alien seems to have given my email address to Facebook which used it to send me a bulk email inviting me to join Facebook. Bah.
Yep, I got the same crap xD
Do they allow tor end points / relays ?
Just a suggestion, read the comments.
I’m one week the activation server. Already open an invoice and so far nothing has been resolved. I will request cancellation of service by paypal. Horrible service independent of the amount charged.
Not advise anyone to buy the product this company:
see the answer they gave me 3 days in a contest open to
In my innocence I finished the race and so far I have not received the service:
That’s because I paid $ 19.00.
My invoice was paid some days ago, but the service wasn’t activated yet.
I’ve contacted the seller, but have no answer.
Therefore, i would like to cancel my payment.
The bellow text is a Brazilan Portuguese translation for paypal’s staff.
Minha fatura foi paga há alguns dias, mas o serviço não foi ativado ainda.
Entrei em contato com o vendedor, mas não obtive resposta.
Portanto, eu gostaria de cancelar o meu pagamento.
Esse é a tradução do texto acima.
De Comprador – Felipe Cabral12-04-2013 23:44 BRT
According to the agreement signed invoice number # 28028, reply of the day 04.12.2013 22:07 – “Hi, I am sorry about the delay in activating your order. We now manually approve all orders due to increased levels of fraudulent orders we’ve been receiving. We can activate your VPS right now and adjust your renewal date to one year from today however we will need you to first cancel the Paypal dispute. Please let us know if you will be cancelling the dispute and we will activate the VPS asap.”
I’m canceling the disputed with the conditions described in the following response:
“Unfortunately it was only the rapid Possible opening a Paypal dispute in this action never Realized That in 5 years of account.
I will make a cancellation but if it is not activated in the next 24 hours will reopen the dispute and will request the cancellation of the service.
Depending on the service contract to perform design studies in college and I’m very disappointed in you not Fulfill the agreement. ”
Felipe Cabral
I also made the mistake of buying from these guys, constant downtime, no replies to tickets
canceled 4days ago dispute but not received yet my server
Your dispute has been closed. Thank you.
This dispute is closed.
From Buyer –
10/13/2014 06:41 PDT
i don`t received what i paid .on the seller webpage appear instant activation for vps but have past very much time and don`t received yet my server.i want my money back
From Buyer –
10/14/2014 17:17 PDT
I filed a complaint with paypal because we got server even wrote on your site that is activated instantly. activate my server now and will close the complaint
Russell Staff
Hi, I am sorry about the delay in activating your order. We now manually approve all orders due to increased levels of fraudulent orders we’ve been receiving. We were about to activate your VPS but see that the payment has been reversed. If you wish to use this VPS please cancel the dispute and then update this ticket and we will provision your VPS asap and add a free week of service as a result of the delay.
I always spent my half an hour to read this blog’s articles or reviews daily along with a mug of coffee.