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Brad Traversy's Guide to Web Development: Updated for 2023!

Traversy GuideLast year we published a piece on Brad Travery’s Guide to Web Development.

In a nutshell, the Guide walks you through all the many options you have when it comes to web development.  For example, are you looking for a CSS framework?  Then you might consider Bootstrap, Tailwind, Materialize, Bulma, and Foundation, and here’s a bit about each.  Same for backend kit, other frontend technologies, testing, vital APIs, IDEs, static site generators, patterns, project management, and even mental health.

Traversy’s guide is a wonderful thumbnail guide to the industry, because

  1. it’s current: Traversy keeps it up to date.
  2. it’s practical: Travery is big on practical, what-is-in-use stuff, not ivory tower theories or hobbyist projects.
  3. it’s opinionated: But opinions are well-marked, and the opinions are mostly about where technologies fit in or how they’re doing in the market.
  4. it’s a handy friend – like if you had lunch with a web dev contractor friend who does a dozen gigs a year and loves to talk shop.

The 2023 version is now out, in one glorious 3-hour, chapterized video.  Just like last time, there’s also a premium ebook you can get.  If you do any kind of web dev carve out some time for this one…or just skip to the chapter you need.


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