Got tired and sick of the fat penguin that pretends to be Unix? How about some real Unix like, hmm, FreeBSD? BSDshellz has some cheap FreeBSD VPSs starting from $5/month. You’ll get:
- 64MB memory
- 5GB storage
- 50GB monthly data transfer
You can choose between 32 or 64 bit FreeBSD 7. Of course for the rest of us, GNU/Linux is still an option (CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/Gentoo). And get this — 10 IP addresses! DC seems to be with SoftLayer in Dallas.
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Advertises 10 IP addresses but only offers 5 when you get to order page. What’s up with that? :-)
The plan page has now changed to 3 IP addresses and FreeBSD 4.11?! WTF? That was released more than 3 years ago…
And they’re gooooooooooone!
I have been following this hosting company for awhile.
they are out of business and the VPS node will be shut off any day now.
EFnet irc kid stopped with vps business. Good idea.