Hamonangan from Carstensz Pyramid Server, aka Mon5t3r on LowEndTalk, sent me their special offer for the LowEndBox readers a few days ago. No coupon code needed, and 2 different KVM plans available in 3 different locations.
- 256MB memory/512MB swap
- 15GB storage
- 150GB/month data transfer
- Linux KVM
- $4.20/month, Order in Asheville NC, France or the Netherlands
- 512MB memory/1024MB swap
- 30GB storage
- 300GB/month data transfer
- Linux KVM
- $7.00/month, Order in Asheville NC, France or the Netherlands
They are with Netriplex in Asheville NC (test IP:, OVH in Roubaix, France (test IP: and Denkers-ICT in Dronten, Netherlands (test IP: IPv6 is currently available in Asheville and France. Payment in PayPal or AlertPay.
Carstensz Pyramid Server is based in Indonesia and has been in business since 2007.
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review: http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/496/pyramidserver.com-review
I think I mentioned it in that thread but I’ve been testing a 128k that’s been provided to me free of charge. I’ve been finding it very snappy and quick at least with apt-get’s, compiling, file transfers and the like.
The only major issue is that older versions of OSes are provided, in my case Debian 5.0. ISOs for newer versions (ie Debian 6.0.3) are provided but there are no instructions as to how to use them. I asked twice to be pointed to a tutorial but never got that question answered and I couldn’t find anything on the net as to how to do it either. I finally just installed Debian 5.0 from the control panel and did the upgrade from the prompt.
If anyone wants me to run a test, please feel free to ask. The actual command would be a plus just so we all know what’s being run.
thanks. I thought I have seen a recent review somewhere just can’t seem to be able to remember it…
Mon5t3r, can you run dd test for me on fully loaded Netherlands node. Thanks :)
Not pretty good while we are still using raid1 in this node :
I’m pretty surprised actually, I have our NL node which I think is probably under more load VM wise & my results are pretty standard. 20mb/s has to be some of the slowest i’ve seen on leb.
[root@site /]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 16.2728 seconds, 66.0 MB/s
Not meaning to advertise, just my input.. very surprised.
It seems like advertising…
And is RAID1
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=2K oflag=dsync oflag=dsync;rm -f test.file
but yeah it’s still slow. especially it’s on 2TB raid1. thanks for your input. and please pray for thailand, we run out of stock in HDD.
How many customer on RAID 1 to get 20MB/s?
It’s not too bad IMHO!
I’m in the Netherlands as well it appears:
Did anyone want me to run the other tests? May be the same box as above.
Seems snappy though.
@Yomero – We’re all out of stock so I wouldn’t class it as advertising, and I didn’t mean to in any way. Just interested to see what he was running.
Do you have a speed test you could give me? I just want to test throughput on the port see if they’re limiting. We’ve had issues since OpenVZ/SolusVM disabled limiting & we had them re-enable it in the latest beta but it seems to work half the time and not the others.
RAID 1 too?
Have gbit port? And can we see speedtest(cachefly). Thank you.
Hi, sure :
France :
Netherlands :
Asheville :
Thanks LEA for posting our special packages.. :D
answering couple question :
domain expired : we are transferring our domain name from UK2 to internetbs yesterday. perhaps will be renewed in next 5 days.
france network : please follow this link
all test IP is from our VPS IP, so you’ll get exactly the same result.
Are these prices recurring for the account’s life or just for the first 6 months?
you’ll get recurring discount for this offer. (last time i know, LEA wont post offer if the price is not fix) :D
and you’ll get +5GB disk space for 256 plan or +15GB for 512 plan.
You must include “¤cy=2” in that links to pay in USD using PayPal.
Default currency is IDR because he’s in Jawa Tengah :D
@LEB admin, you said, “Carstensz Pyramid Server is based in Indonesia and has been in business since 2007. ”
I live in Indonesia and use many webhosting here since 2007, but never heard about Carstensz Pyramid Server, except at LEB. There’s plenty famous web hoster in Indonesia, but Carstensz Pyramid Server is not in the list.
Most “famous” hosts in my country are cashed up marketing machines…
Hello Dingin S. yes you will never heard us because i don’t have any online website from time to time. but we (especially me) have an experience in computer base business including web host/design/development, system administrator, etc. and also, as you can see in our about page (still in Bahasa) we change our name a couple time.
Hmmm, strange. Just has to reboot my container because it was unreachable via either ssh or vnc. Came back with a crashed mysql.
That’s weird.
strange. i didn’t find any error from your VPS. :( but i’ll checking on it.
Thinking of getting a NC one seen as its pretty close to me.
No debian 6 or can I install it from VNC?
Yes, you can install any ISO file from VNC. just provide us the download link. :D
Thanks Hamonangan?(hope thats correct)
Probably the most professionial host/reputation of an asian vps provider.
Hopefully buy a KVM later on when im on secure internet, not public wifi.
The iso for Debian 6.0.3 is available from the control panel but you have to install it manually through VNC.
I finally installed 5 as a reinstall and just upgraded to get to 6.0.3.
@Ginger thanks for the kind word. :)
@drmike I’m sorry about your issue. last time i already put the ISO file and mount it for you, but you already change your mind.
And i’m still having problem with the UUID (hard drive identifier), everything is ok except the hard drive space. but i’m very sure this is my first priority for updating OS template in all our node.
The KVM 512MB for $7.00 is a great deal.
I just put in an order and can’t wait to try it out.
Ordered on of the 512s and so far I’ve had some problems. Mostly self imposed I think but they’ve been great at responding to requests. I like the control panel much better than the others I’ve messed with but I’ll be thrilled when I get this thing up and don’t have to be in it so much.
what control panel do they use?
Just signed up.. that instant activation is awesome!!
Yeah, i’m still having problem with netBSD. that’s why we are not putting netbsd logo and they name in “tested and worked” line. :D
netbsd is really bitchy, If you tell it to boot/install without ACPI/SMP it works fine :)
not in 5.1 :( i don’t know why, but it keep restarting.
You sure?
I got 5.1 on our stuff without much issue, so just make sure you select it when trying to boot :)
Hmm,, interesting. let me try this again. :D thanks i’m really stuck with dragonfly :P
ps: see the very bottom comment here.. *whistling*
You seriously had to make the price $4.20/m with a green site? :D
Last time i know, the provider with green site asked me for registering to they site, they promised me i’ll be notified by them if they have a stock for storage VPS. :D
and last time i check, the provider who got listed in inc 500 and “accidently” with green site too, only reach 40MB/s for dd test. (the great li…no…you know who..)
Bisa aja :p
Bisa donk.. :P
*translation is under your screen* :D
Unfortunately I don’t think you can get the green stuff for $4.20 ;)
How can you make profit with such low prices?
Hi, CPS.
I am supprised, if any VPS Services from Indonesia. That’s cool. But, that is imposible to have cheap VPS in Indonesia with $4.20. Wish, someday you will provide the real VPS based in Indonesia. Its will be nice price.
Hi Hidayat, thanks :) not impossible for us. we’ve got free IPs in France and NL node. that’s why we can sell it cheaper. someday? i promise you next month (or year?) we will release our IIX VPS. but it’s depend on the condition in Thailand.
Did read that one of your node was RAID 1, makes me curious… how many customers can fit on a RAID-1 without too having too bad performances?
max. 30 VPS. with some tweak by me. :D
@CPS: ok, thanks :)
WOW, that’s great. Hopefully, I can participate.
LOL, nobody wants a vps in France.
yeah, i realize that too.. @_@
maybe it’s because the network configuration thing..
dd test :
speed test :
Can you share, what is the reasons? Thank you
eerr,, my comment is still waiting for moderation.. i think it’s because cachefly and ovh proof link. :P
@Hidayat : maybe it’s because in our France Node you still need to configure the network.
Packets lost (100%)
Yes, there’s some network problem
but i think it’s been resolved now.
For anyone who still interest in this offer, we will release a couple VPS. this is from fraud and not paying order. and maybe West Coast Location :P (but the price little higher than the other).
Hello CPS
I am intrested in France and NL packages. Let me know when u got stock!
Hello Cashtro,
Unfortunately we don’t have any stock available at this moment. the only one left is LEB-512-A (Asheville). Please shoot an email to our sales department, we’ll inform you if we have stock available for this plan. but something you must to know, this is a special offer for LEB/LET not the regular one, so we can’t guarantee it.
Best regards,
My container in the Netherlands and the VNC (or whatever it’s called) appears to be down.
Ticket is #673942. See? Ticket :)
It was weird last night because the control pane was showing the container as being down but it was responding fine. Didn’t think anything of it but maybe i should have.
Sorry. Couldn’t resist. :)
HUahahahahaha LOL. i answer your ticket. please check it. got some massive DDoS attack. the node is “okay”, but the entire block of VPS IP still no responds.
Got it. thanks. Running back to bellringing. Was just checking to see if a payment had gone through on a bill.
Some stock are back for order.. Enjoy your end of year..
i’ve use their service 1 years ago,friendly customer service + fast service two thumbs for cartenz