Jacob from EaseVPS has sent an offer which his February Offer for an OpenVZ VPS for $3.99/a month with the addition of a third location choice that includes Manchester, UK.
OpenVZ VPS Starter
Recently there has been discussions about EaseVPS having repetitive DDOS attacks affect their services and nearly being booted out of their DC. However their Jacksonville IP’s are still with VolumeDrive, so we can assume that a resolution was reached. EaseVPS claims “GBit network in all locations” which is correct to all their servers, however we are interested to see what actual real world results are achieved from Jacksonville as VolumeDrive is known to be over-subscribed and they also state “you can burst 100Mbit majority of the time with low ping globally.” We are taking that as servers are on 1Gbit, whilst VPS’s are limited to 100Mbit.
EaseVPS offers IP filtering in Kansas City, however “excessive abuse of this service will not be tolerated, for example if it causes a affect on the whole network.” It’s a bit like “we offer candy, but we won’t tell you how much you can eat before we take it away.”
Paypal and Credit Card payments are processed via 2CheckOut, whilst they also accept Liberty Reserve. Alertpay presently needs to re-review their account status.
Manchester, UK Test IP: Test Files |
Jacksonville, USA Test IP: Test Files |
Kansas City, USA Test IP: Test Files |
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The file doesn’t work and the IP doesn’t ping.
How can we assume that a resolution was reached when they don’t work?
I didn’t see your post originally but see below.
Jacksonville probably will not be available for this stock, But I have plently of Kansas City and Manchester stock.
Gbit Ports are available as a Free Upgrade in Kansas City, Advantages for manchester like Chief mentioned above is Low Ping times globally.
To NL – Just 16ms
To London – Just 6ms
Paying annually rewards you with a 20% Discount, Recurring after the first year ofcourse.
If it’s “probably” unavailable then why did you submit it with your offer?
It’s actually looking like Jacksonville is returning, Since we migrated everyone from Jacksonville things are ready to be Reinstalled, New IPs, Then we are allowed back into the DC.
Not sure if it will be online and ready by tonight, But definitely most likely by tomorrow somewhen.
So if you order for JV VPS, Then Prepare for a 24 hour wait, Service starts from when the VPS is delivered.
What did you say to Josh for him to allow you back?
I’m just in need of an UK vps. I’m wondering if private VPN is supported. Can promise just for private use and no abuse.
Sure, That is allowed. And also like other people who use us for Proxies and VPN, We can offer IPs from different /24 subnets to your VPS without any extra added (ms) between each IP.
Catching up on orders and tickets now..
For anyone that is on the node UK1, You can enjoy amazing speeds of 104MB/s also equal to 832Mbps.
100%[======================================>] 129,672,769 103M/s in 1.2s
2012-10-04 16:02:32 (103 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [129672769/129672769]
This is in the Manchester, UK Location.
Well, being in Latin America, I wanted a VPS in Florida or near, but if I can’t ping, I can’t test anything. Any suggestions?
Thank you
Julio, Kansas is 49ms to Florida, and UK is 128ms.
I think Kansas would be just as good as the Jacksonville Location, If not better as Kansas has a Bigger network capacity.
No PayPal as payment option? :(
We accept PayPal via 2CheckOut, LR And We accept Payza directly to our email, And not via the API while our website is being re-reviewed.
@Jacob, thank you very very much for your incredible fast response. Semoweb is 38 ms from Dominican Republic (where I am) (Dominican, in the same island as Haiti, think of Sammy Sosa and Alex Rodriguez) Kansas is 85 ms to me and possible to South America which has many conections to FL. I would like to select the be$t offer in the best location. If Jacksonville is not available at the moment, I don’t know why it is mentioned in the post. But this offer seems also very good.
Julio, I thought I would have come to some negotation with VolumeDrive but they are refusing to reaccept our business, I am looking at other locations where we can expand to but for now KC/UK only.
One advantage we have over semoweb Julio, Is a amazing network in Kansas city if I upgraded you to a Gbit port you would be able to reach 50MB/s + Which is around 400Mbps+ Burstable and We can match any offer they propose.
Just drop me a email, or a ticket if you want to order. Thankyou.
I would stick with SemoWeb if I was you or would select the offer from FlipperHost, DataShack has a decent network but its not what I would call “amazing”.
I would stick with Semoweb, jacob is a good man, just the node goes down so often.
Since it’s one man operation, if he’s away, it’s down so many days.
I think he’d admit this.
Josh, That is very true. But from the attacks and now, We have Improved some features. Like IP Filtering in Kansas(We had a 8Gbit attack in Kansas City a couple weeks back).
UK, You can see from the speedtest above has plenty of growth, and space behind it now.
2012-10-04 16:02:32 (103 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [129672769/129672769]
Matthew, Semoweb has a more “Lower End” clientele, The owner has the flexiblity of also working at the Datacenter, But we have advantages of Gbit Ports, Multiple Locations and More features then Semoweb in All Locations.
I’d like to know what your network consist of in Kansas ;)
NVM, this is DataShack and it’s better than HostDimes network ??? Explain please… *rolls eyes*
Also FYI we don’t have the advantage of working at a data center since we do not offer services out of them ATM (the one I work at) — reason being is we have been dealing with HostDime for many years… aside from that our advantage is our age and commitment, amount of services we have with HostDime and the rapid growth we witness, as such we’re able to receive really aggressive pricing and pass the savings to our customers….
Not sure why you’re trying to toss dirt all over us like if you have any advantage.. AFAIK your like 18 or something? Is that accurate? And a one man show, don’t get me wrong we ALL started there… but if you can match any offer we propose sure start doing those $12/Year VPS.. you have A LOT of advantages over us anyway so you can easily do it ;)
You seem like a bit of a dick…
He is under 18 I think,
DataShack have an okay network but what happens if something goes wrong while you are on holiday again Jacob?
Also what about the Random downtimes before the DDoS which you never explained?
You by far where the worst experience I have had, and I have used a lot of VPS providers including BuyVM, UrPad, HostDime (HD, VPSLatch, HDVPS), DediServe, BurstNet, Virpus, JagaurPC, WiredTree.
Majority of them providers are quite big, Well, All of them.
So that comparison is not good at all, And I don’t go on holiday everyday so you should be safe on that side of things. :)
Random Downtimes, Was before we had our own switch setup, Obviously a fault on BurstNETs Hardware so now that we have all our own gear the only thing that affects us is attacks.
@Dustin You took my comment the wrong way, and by the looks of it you and matthew are just here to bash so I would appreciate it if you would be civil about the way you post, and what you post.
BuyVM, UrPad, HostDime (HD, VPSLatch, HDVPS), DediServe, BurstNet, Virpus, JagaurPC, WiredTree.
BuyVM own network , switch and hardware and autonull so DDoS doesn’t affect them.
Urpad Have a team of 4?
Hostdime have the network and have access to nullroute.
Dediserv are on leaseweb’s network and probably don’t have any issue with attacks as Leaseweb is pretty amazing.
BurstNET has had these issues of a whole POP going down due to attacks.
Virpus run there own network and can null IPs i think
No Debian 6? Are you kidding? That’s f**king bullshit!
The order form does not contain the most up-to-date OS Template list, We have a wide selection in SolusVM.
You will give free SolusVM with vps? or I have to pay something for it?
You pay in some other places for solusvm ?
Where ?
Just curious…
hmm? maybe I am mistaken somewhere.
Here it gives license so I thought that maybe it’s …..
SolusVM is free to the client. :-)
How can you have filtered IPs while DataShack has no network ddos protection at all?
Rebecca mentioned that they have Filtering available to Clients that require it in the New Facility, Which is why we moved all nodes to the new facility. They will not be handing out the service willynilly but only to the people that request it with a solid account standing (which probably will not be high demand) .
It’s just basic ACL’s.
It’ll help with some UDP floods to a point but it won’t do jack for TCP floods alas.
As Chief mentioned, though, no one seems to know at what point datashack will simply null
the IP and possibly punish the host.
Of course you the the ONLY one who could block DDOS.
Everybody knows that.
This isn’t about us, I’m just making sure people know what to expect with ACL’s. :)
I don’t think Jacob wants someone dragging in a 500k pps spoofed syn at his nodes, do you?
..about giving ideas to abusers Fran… :S
I’m not comparing what the Filter in Kansas can do, Compared to awknet. It is provided as a free service so no big deal.
And if the protocol, ports are filtered then it should not be a problem I think DataShack has 10Gbit atleast. The ACLs are added at upstream, or the first entry point into the network, So it wouldn’t even hit the switches.
Ordered a VPS from their Florida DC, control panel lists it as “active” (though the server is offline, and can’t be booted)
Server is also in Kansas City (on Datashack’s network) rather than in Florida where I requested
Also asked for Gentoo, offering to give them a VZDump for a template server, haven’t heard anything back from them on that ticket though
Might be swamped with orders from LEB
Jacob would be sleeping its only just gone 7:28AM.
He was last active on LET at about 1AM so I’d give him till 8AM atleast ;)
You guys need to Live in the oridinary hours, And catch up on your sleep. It’s not healthy starting the day tired, or sleeping in the wrong timezone. :-)
New Test IPs / Speedtest Files, Due to some Unfair abuse on the existing IPs.
Manchester, UK
Test IP:
Speedtest File:
Kansas City, USA
Test IP: DataShack.net
Speedtest File: http://wholesaleinternet.com/100mbit.bin
Jacksonville, USA
Test IP: VolumeDrive.com
Speedtest File: Contact “Jacob” via email, or PM to get the Speedtest file.
Going to get working on the tickets.
Some of us live in Australia :p
That said, if you guys are hiring, I’d not be adverse to emailing in my resume
I am getting packetloss on both Kanas and UK test IP and the file isn’t downloading on Kanas…
Datashack’s network is pretty alright, for the price. Can be very fast at times. Nice US central location for low and balanced latency for most folks in the US.
What folks need to know (and this is subject to change) is that this is an offnet type facility (the new colo location). Traffic at last check was still being backhauled to Wholesale Internet facility miles away in Oak Tower.
Wholesale provides the tech and ticket support for Datashack clients.
Both Wholesale and Datashack had a number of power related outages in the past six months. Be aware and redundant.
I colocate with Datashack so I watch their network more than others. It’s seemingly only Cogent and HE connectivity. Nothing wrong with that, but I do see congestion often on Cogent utilized traffic.
The HE connection, well, it flies. Speedtest:
wget -O /dev/null http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
–2012-10-05 03:18:11– http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net…
Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `/dev/null’
100%[===================================================================================================================>] 104,857,600 62.6M/s in 1.6s
If you are wondering about null routing and DDoS issues, I’d inquire with Wholesale Internet directly.
Wholesale’s recently updated website says this about their bandwidth mix:
Hurricane Electric, Cogent Communications, and the Kansas City Internet Exchange (KCIX)
Hrm what happened to the L3 for failover?
Not seeing L3 anywhere in their mix at either facility.
Anyone considering Wholesale or Datashack should look at the bandwidth mix and slight differences at either facility. They are both very good for the price (that’s why they are so popular with VPS companies).
Main point, Datashack is very Cogent-centric and Cogent has ups and downsides depending on your needs.
Routes where you’d expect to see L3 in the mix, like the 4.2.2.x nameservers go different routes at the facilities.
From Wholesale’s network:
2: 10gigabitethernet1-1.core1.mci3.he.net 0.382ms asymm 3
3: kanc-b1-link.telia.net 0.321ms asymm 5
4: dls-bb1-link.telia.net 12.214ms asymm 5
5: 12.602ms asymm 7
6: ae-1-60.edge3.Dallas1.Level3.net 12.529ms asymm 8
From Datashack:
2: 0.262ms
3: 0.395ms
4: te0-3-0-4.mpd22.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com 0.548ms
5: te0-0-0-5.ccr22.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com 10.888ms asymm 8
6: te0-1-0-1.ccr21.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com 10.560ms
7: no reply
8: te-3-2.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net 22.258ms asymm 11
9: ae-2-70.edge3.Dallas1.Level3.net 21.224ms asymm 12
Difference is Cogent vs.HE / Telia. 9ms difference that shows up in ping times as well. Small difference, but everything adds up.
Mind you, this could be different depending on your VPS provider/upstream at these facilities. Folks can buy both HE and Cogent directly. Unsure exactly when the KCIX internet exchange will factor in, but don’t think either is pushing tons via that – the exchange looks a tad small member wise.
Nah the L3 was never in the blend unless HE/Cogent blew out. They had it listed for the longest time though :)
It’s possible HE/Cog are solid enough in the Kansas area that they feel comfortable enough to not need the failover.
Is the UK3 node up?
There has been a DDOS on UK3 for a few hours, We have to wait for the engineering staff to get in the Office to apply the other nulls (We already woke him up once).
The attack is like 100K PPS, With 3-700Mbit, UK1 and UK2 are up and it is not affecting them.
This is the kind of thing that can’t wait for the engineering staff to return to work in the morning.
There is a difference between having a few nodes or an entire part of a network down, and an issue on a few customers VMs.
If your provider doesn’t have the staff to provide 24hr coverage on such an issue you should consider switching providers.
What happens to the customers on a substantial timezone difference and their customers?
I will speak to you in PM, Thanks.
Ugh the constant DDOSing is a pain… :( I really liked the pricepoint but not having any access is killing me.
that’s why I left…One time they had 4% uptime..
Jason, Do you have a ticket I can look into for you?
I just checked on UK2, Kernel was not booted into OpenVZ. I apologise, Our alerts don’t trigger this kind of thing and it slipped my mind.
If you’re on UK3 I will have updates for you shortly, As for UK1 clients you guys have not had any issues.
ok no worries (other than it being down again) I wasn’t trying to make this a ‘support’ thing but the support site is down.. :|
Hey Jason, I recall your ticket and can you confirm everything is resolved now?
My vps is down and their website is also down.
Their uptime lately is a joke. I’ve had up time issues in the past with them, but the past week has been horrendous. http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/682/7140563575.png has been like this for the past 8-9 hours. I use the server for personal stuff, but I think it’s time to find a new host if they can’t get this DDoS handled.
We are having the port reconnected now and all the IPs we could find have been nullrouted, Stephen who I was speaking to on the phone now has direct access to make/modify nullroutes so it should be all clear from here.
I am going to be at this screen all day to make sure everything comes back online correctly.
What is up with the KS1 node being down?
Not quite sure, I am unable to update the issue with our Provider since the support portal on there website is offline.
The port was reconnected, But switch isn’t showing as online, Someone at Telecity is going to check the cable has not been unplugged(Shouldn’t of been).
I really wanted to go back because Jacob is a good guy and trying damn hard, but this downtime is so often that I’m afraid of going back again.
My box is performing pretty well.
my vps Long-term can not be opened
And easevps User Center can not login
Website currently unavailable
The website you are trying to access is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.
If you are the site owner, here is a help resource to help resolve the issue.
My UK issues haven’t been resolved. It looks like all the UK nodes are down, and I would expect to be moved to other nodes in the meantime until it is fixed, but that it isn’t happening.
Our port was disconnected, Just being tossed back and forward with BurstNET Customer Service. So I did something about it and got a quote from melbourne for a Quarter Rack and it is being provisioned as we speak. (Ready as a plan B).
If we do move to melbourne, Bandwidth changes would have to be reduced but with that we would have to either lower the price, or increase another resource for your benefit.
Just going to phone them for a update on this now, Probably more tossing about…
Sounds like you got kicked out?
Jumping to conclusions, I did not state that. Melbourne is Plan B I would rather avoid any move if possible. Not that price is different, it’s actually less but I don’t want the hassle.
Why else would your port be disconnected then:
I know BurstNet has been known to politely ask customers to leave after posting a negative review on them.
Politely isn’t the word I would use…
I have gone from Tech to Customer Service, To management(I was told this was CS).
I see, Slim chance of that getting reconsidered then.
Melbourne Rack will be ready on friday, The electrician needs to lay out the power cables. Re- IP Addressing will start on Friday – Sunday, There will be more then one person doing this so should get done faster.
And you though Volumedrive was bad Jacob ;)
“BurstNet” on WHT is there CEO, so he is the most senior person.
Unable to connect my VPS, when they could solve
Same here. UK2 node not been working since ordering last Friday morning.
Your data will be available on Friday, For now we can recreate you in Jacksonville or Kansas City for example if you run a static site, or have a backup of whatever you are running. Then we can temporary restore your service.
Here is the third email we have sent regarding your service(s) in Manchester, and due to the constant DDOS attacks we have had our Uplink disconnected from the datacenter.
ETA: First thing at 8AM Eastern Standard Time, We will be making a phone call to reconsider this decission.
Compensation will be given as this is no longer in accordance with our TOS/AUP which outlines Credits cannot be given for DDOS, However this is partly a fault on our behalf therefore we accept responsiblity.
I apologise for this and anyone who wants to get up and online quickly, We can create you a VPS in Jacksonville/Kansas City and restore your service when the data is available.
Jacob R.
This email was supposed to send out yesterday, Our SMTP Server was having authentication issues.
Site has been down for a couple days, my ticket about disk space being incorrectly provisioned seemingly hasn’t been resolved (VPS has 1GB of disk space, instead of 30GB)
If you ordered UK read up… ^
Nope, Florida
Since I can’t edit my own comment
The VPS was also “allocated” 2048MB of memory, however it crashes if I use over 128MB (spitting out errors like “ls: error while loading: Cannot allocate memory”
Maybe the node doesn’t have more than 128MB Free and that other clients are using all the RAM.
They shouldn’t advertise that you can have 1024MB/2048MB of RAM without your whole server crashing when you go past 128MB
JV1 has 16GB RAM which I highly doubt two clients are going to use that much. ;) Drop me a email and I will have a look at this.
How come your site isn’t working?
What IS your email, Jacob? I can’t send another ticket in through easevps.eu because Cloudflare says its still offline
Hey, This also is resolved a while ago, Had some problems with his Gentoo vzdump but we got there. :^)
What IS your email, Jacob? I can’t send another ticket in through easevps.eu because Cloudflare says its still offline?
Hey, You should be up and sorted now. I can remember migrating your VPS a while ago.
He is gone….
He is gone, I have been prepping earlier today. You guys will be back soon enough.
Why do not you reply to my mail, you are ready to Paolu?
He can’t, wait a while.
I will be sending a email out shortly regarding this, It’s positive news that things are going ahead, but just a short wait.
Brief Trivia Update
So BurstNET removed EaseVPS as a client, and Jacob had his parting shots on WHT ( http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1199259 ).
Now having spent less than 5 days online in the new facility Melbourne UK from what has filtered through he has been asked to leave this facility as well.
15Hrs ago on Twitter a message stating “More Information regarding UK will follow tomorrow.”
I suppose I should thank you for disclosing this, I didn’t actually know untill around 2:30PM Today but the guy I need to speak to is still in a meeting, But worst case scenario Customers who are not happy will be refunded, Customers who want to stay with us and be transfered to another location (Thankyou).
For customers who want to be transfered, We will issue another compensation, If things cannot be resolved we will be collecting the hardware tonight.
Ordered a couple VPS with them in the UK which was online for less than 24 hours, then was told to wait for them to fix the issues they were having, then after 1-2 weeks they email saying that all clients need to be moved out of the data centre and put on the other side of the world in USA. Asked for a refund as I purchased a year of the VPS and it was moved to a completely uselsess location for me. Then was told that I was not entitled to a refund as over 1 week had passed since I made my order.. lol really you provide me 99.99% downtime and don’t have the decency to do the right thing and refund. I guess this is why they are getting DDOS’d in the first place, also they cannot handle these kinds of issues and the servers go offline and eventually they get kicked out of the data centers.
The reason Jacob got kicked out of burst was due to the thread here: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1199259
If he didn’t make that he had a 99% chance of staying , He opened his mouth to much and they didn’t like it.
If you can let me know the associated ticket #, and the transaction IDs I will look into this further for you.
The seven day money back guarentee. Also referred to as a cooling off period, this is a requirement by EU which specifies that companies must provide this as the minimum period. Since your product was not delivered as described I can probably make a full refund on them.
My story is the same as pkr. I wanted a UK VPS which after several days of emails was not supplied because they had data centre problems. When I said I only wanted a UK VPS they told me they could not refund me and I would have to have a credit – even though they never supplied the service I paid for. There is no reason that I could not be refunded as I paid with paypal, and I refund people with paypal payments on my website all the time. Now they are charging me another invoice, and I still have not received a refund, and I have never received an VPS.
This farce continues. This organisation refuses to refund my money even thought they never supplied the service. I will be forced to do a chargeback with my credit card provider. The history:
Oct 15th order VPS – no VPS supplied
Oct 17th place support request after waiting 2 days with no response.
Oct 18th response to ticket says UK VPS will be provided the next day
Oct 19th No VPS
Oct 20th No VPS
Oct 21st No VPS
Oct 22nd I respond to the support ticket again and I am told I cannot get a UK VPS. I respond and get told I cannot have a refund and must get a credit
I asked for a refund within 7 days, never received the service I paid for and STILL I am waiting on a refund.
I’ve ordered 1 VPS yesterday. Still waiting for setup… :(
Even no reply of ticket..
Thanks and Regards
Easevps/Jacob = Soon to Be Deadpool. I currently have about 200 vps’s through about 125 providers…..(providers if you don’t see me in your client list please reply with your company info, always looking for more). I can honestly say this is the worst server stability and the worst customer service I have ever seen. To start I originally had 3 servers with Jacob, then one day one of my servers just went away??? No email, no explanation no nothing. So I have 2 now and I send a ticket in only to get Jacob claiming we don’t cancel servers? No regard to the records he can see and the previous emails with server credentials or payments that all show I should have 3 vps servers (GREAT WORK JACOB). So now I just have to accept that I have 2 servers I guess…..case closed. So one day (like 3 days later) my 2 servers are unreachable and again I send in a ticket. The response: Jacob could not see any problems….everything looks good….must be on my end I guess right. So then about a day later I get server set up details from Easevps…..like I just ordered new servers….only I didn’t. Here comes my 2 servers I complained about yesterday that looked fine according to Jacob. Both servers in the same DC and both on the same subnet (not impressed at all) about 4 tickets later instead of changing my IPs to what I needed (different subnets) I am forced to cancel the duplicate subnet server. IF YOU DON’T WANT CUSTOMERS SIMPLY TAKE DOWN YOUR SITE BECAUSE I AM GETTING VERY UPSET WITH YOUR BS AND CHILDISH TACTICS!
P.S. FYI the reason you have soooo many DDOS attacks is because you piss off soooo many customers, providers and competition……they get a vps so they can find your newest IP range and they blast the hell out of it…….treat people right and the attacks will go away. Currently I want a refund for the last month of no service but Jacob claims no. I suggest to all that if you are having issues and he is unwilling to fix it or refund please send your complaints to his payment processing company (2co)….they do not like chargebacks and they should know how Jacob operates (chargebacks come with a $25 fee to the merchant so even if for some reason you loose Jacob does too……I am going to charge back my payment now and send a full report and copies of all correspondences now. Cheers Jacob! :-)
Just to clear this up, and I am not going to turn this into some huge disagreement, so this may be my final reply.
In regards to your service, I will happily credit you for the downtime, and possibly a refund for the recent payments. The only thing that has changed my mind is these threats, and the childish behaviour(what a coincidence, apparently my behaviour was childish), but on the first few of your replies to the ticket, you threatened to chargeback multiple times, you have saved logs, and all copies of our conversations incase I deleted them (seriously. I have better things to do, and other clients to respond to).
Heres your actions so far:
When first approached to me, threatens to chargeback, after giving orders in the ticket if I was not going to refund or not, and then you create 5 comments c&p the exact same thing.
What did you think this would achieve. Really?
More on regarding 2checkout which considering we have processed over $15K within the time we have used it, and racked up $1.5K in Fees. To risk a merchant or a hundred bucks a month…
Chargebacks cause a Inconvenience to 2CO and the merchant, when 2checkout is suspicious that a order may possibly be chargebacked, they start refusing payments from that consumer. I have seen this happen before.
By all means we can part ways if that is what you wish, but all this drama was unneccessary.
Hi, are you still offering this deal for 3.99?
The “february” promotional code is still available.
I got VPS after 10 days of payment. I’ve asked for refund but no single reply from this guy. Not recommended.
Where did you request a refund, to recieve a refund it must be within the seven day cooling off period from initial purchase. Further more this needs to be requested in a ticket.
EaseVPS is terribly unreliable. I had two VPS with them and both of were abruptly wiped out without warning. Another guy I work with went EaseVPS on my recommendation and he had the same thing happen to him. And Worse his IP address got re-assigned to someone else and all his websites went down. He has support ticket opened but no response for more than 6 hours now. I am giving up… Shitty provider. Will stay away…
Do you have a ticket #? Also please see the RFO regardig KS2 on our announcement page.
We will try and work with you to resolve your issues, and compensate you for the inconvenience.
I don’t have a ticket.. I am not going to bother with you anymore.. not worth my time.. But I checked with my colleague who has a ticket and he hasn’t seen a response to his ticket after more than 18 hours. Why should LEB be the support forum for tickets.. why can’t you use monitor your own ticket queue as promptly as you monitor LEB. Seems to me you are only interested in selling and not helping your paying customers.
We’ve been on a 200 Mile trip to our new UK Datacenter, and have had a busy day getting everything prepped.
When we left all tickets was answered, but it appears some was not. I have gone through all these and apologise for the delay.
If you have any major concerns, or troubles any time then go ahead and shoot a email off to easevpsmonitoring[at]email2phone.net or phone us on 0843 2894 022.
We now have a new feature, see http://customers.easestatus.com/ (Ask your friend to login with his WHMCS Login Information).
It’s designed for the convenience of the customer, and Ideal over any other external monitoring system. This system is automatic and sends emails upon downtime. We are looking into it filling a ticket as soon as you are alerted of any downtime.
Period Checks are per 5 Minutes, due to the size of the database. We’re going to add per minute checks shortly, as we have a script to seperate the load out but for now it is 5 Mins.
Ordered one of the UK ones but is still pending.
Cant raise a ticket because I keep getting an “invalid token” error.
This has been setup.
Thanks Jacob.
Cant seem to ping or connect to the IP though.
Any info on what the issue is with creating support tickets?
I’ll look into this for you now, and not sure on the ticket issue. I thought it was quiet lately.
This must be related to the WHMCS patch we applied, “Invalid Token” is also what I can see.
I ordered a VPS yesterday from them and still it is not set up. Lets see how this goes
If your order still isn’t setup just drop a ticket.