It has been a while since we last featured them and their OpenVZ packages, and now Enotch Networks is back with “Xen – Grid Hosting” and a great offer to LowEndBox readers. For $5.95/month, you can sign up to “GridHoster5” package (Sign up link) that has
- 512MB memory/512MB swap
- 20GB storage
- 10Mbps unmetered bandwidth
- 2 IP addresses
- Xen
Servers in New York. Great offer for Xen-based VPS with 512MB and unmetered pipe. I won’t go through all the details as Enotch Networks has already been featured here before, but do check previous posts & comments.
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Enotchnetworks has stable servers which work with no glitches and outages.
At the OP, what service do you want ot have from them?
They offer VPS deals, dedicated servers and colocation services.
Cheap cogent bandwidth though :( thats allways a bad thing
They respond for rDNS really slow, take few days just to set ptr
@tommy, few days to set ptr record is making me sick. I am having issue now with GigeVPS on setting up a ptr record too. Already past 1 day and the ptr haven’t setup after I submit a ticket and they recommend me to do in SolusVM. I did it and it still haven’t setup. Bad bad service.
A lot of provider with SolusVM has enabled to you can set ptr record by your own, very nice work.
No windows? Its Xen?
I’ve been using Enotch for a while now, I have two VPS with them one from the original Xen offering (which replaced a previous OpenVz with them) and one from the previous WHT offer like this one. Generally I’m happy with them, there has been some issues with Ubuntu templates which appear to be fixed (10.x works) and there was a bit it of recent downtime (about 5 hours according to Pindgom about a week or so ago). Support can be a bit slow but somethings it can be lightening fast – I guess it depends how busy they are and when you raise a ticket.
For this price and this spec I don’t really see how you can go wrong. That said I don’t host anything critical on either of my two VPS.
most of their template’s are broken.
on the ordering page, it is mentioned 10Mbps unmetered bandwidth OR 3.3TB. I told them I want 3.3TB limitation instead of 10Mbps unmetered bandwidth but had no reply. And according to my test, the outbound bandwidth is only about 5Mbps, but the inbound is 10 times faster.
I have been using their vps(openvz) since earlier this year(Jan/2010) offer 20g ,512/1024mb, with 3IPS 3.3TB for $5.95. My VPS or node was great until last month my node as well as their network went off for 43 hours due to the hardware problem. Other than that everything is good. I might switch to Xen from Openvz. :)
I’ve used their OpenVZ plan “three” times before. I was not happy with the random downtimes.
Now… is this NY location same as all their OpenVZ servers or a different location? Anyone know?
I believe they are in the Broad Financial Center (or at least I think mine are). I do remember mention of another location somewhere in the City though where they also had space.
@terri – I am not sure how long its been since you used our services but we have revamped our OpenVZ line. The DC has never had any power issues so I am not sure what you are referring to. However, our Xen platform is very robust with the actual data hosted on SAN.
@Mike – We have a Cage at Telehouse 25 Broadway. Some services are already using our ARIN assigned IP space which will have HE and Level 3 connectivity in addition to Cogent. We are still using Cogent IP for some new services. The current facility (33 Whitehall) and Telehouse 25B are connected by a layer 2 circuit.
RDNS for the VPS services is moving to SolusVM which will allow for near immediate entry of the record.
I guess you guys already purged my WHMCS account in your system. I couldn’t log in with my e-mail.
Great to hear that things (OpenVZ) has been revamped and you are offering Xen platform. I’m actually ran into few issues with other VZ providers recently… I will order your Xen VPS soon.
Tor Exit Relay Allowed ?
IRC BNC / Server Allowed ?
I am using Entoch 5 month. I just say it, Enotch Customer Service is great. But my VPS down every month 2 or 3 times. Its automatic shut down my VPS. Its really sad for me. Because, when a customer move shared host to VPS? when downtime is main things. My Enotch Lan speed per sec 2-5mb :( sometimes 167kB. I got it from LEB (with coupon $4.46) 4/month ago then i move from SpaceRich.
I hope Enotch give us best service. Wish you best of success Enotch.
I have a question, newbie in VPS here xD
When you want to sign up, they force you to get a domain with them? xD
Or what can I put in that “domain options”?
Naaah. Choose: I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain.
And put in some your domain or “something” nonexisting (depend from your vps needs and usage).
@Spirit Thank you!
The swap is apart from the RAM, right? 512 RAM, 512 Swap doest not meant 0 swap, am I right?
swap means swap disk space and that’s not counted in memory
I bought one,after 2 days, they active it for me ,but I can not login it cause wrong password. After submitting a ticket , their tech support changed ip for me , it’s ok.
But after I login my vps , I found it only 64MB memory, then I checked the vps control panel,but I can not find any vps in my control panel.
Does enotch have any policy regarding the time to provision? I read somewhere in the faq that it could take up to 12 hours, which is also a routine answer the online support pumps out. I suggest you either change the faq or update your clients if there’s some sort of accident. The usefulness of the 24×7 online support seems limited, esp. when they don’t even seem to have access to client accounts.
Just got an update email explaining the reasons of the delay.
I miss Debian soo much from their offers. Dont sure if Windows is also free.
Just ordered a server with them. (Setup time close to 24 hours but well). Best part so far: I am getting 220 ms ping from Mumbai to their servers in NY! Asia users might want to check this out.
Server looks pretty fast otherwise too so far but havent done anything serious as yet.
Interesting. Which route does it take? Across Pacific or Atlantic?
It is via UK. The best I have got for Pacific route from Mumbai is to some Los Angeles server (260 ms). Route for this one (stripping first and last node): [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
I say highly recommended for Asia users! Typing on the ssh prompt is a pleasure here after managing with > 300ms pings on an average for my work :D
Whosoever finds it useful: I couldnt select Ubuntu when ordering (so ordered CentOS). While installin some packages, encountered a bad issue that file system became read only. Browsed around in support area – and there is a link to SolusVM, where you can reinstall OS — and found lots of Ubuntu option. Initially installed 9.04, but it wund’t allow me to SSH (server unexpectedly closed connection error). Finally, installed 10.04 and everything went smoothly. Of course I would have contacted support…. but anyone who likes Ubuntu — you can just reinstall with 10.04 in the beginning to avoid such troubles.
Hi Janak,
Have you updated your system yet? I got this ubuntu 10.04 template twice and each time the system fails to come back from a reboot after installing a few packages and updates. I suggest that you back your things up…
Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep in mind. So far no probs with Ubuntu 10.04 on it but I wouldnt want to take risk, especially as this is my first XEN experience.
Argh. My Ubuntu 10.04 VPS is down and just wouldnt boot up. They have serious problems here.
Not impressed, at all…
Ordered saturday, still not provisioned. Sales keeps telling me they’ve opened tickets and it should be up in “a few hours”
Just one guy’s experience, but I can’t recommend their services based on this.
I ordered 10hrs ago. I did already opened a ticket asking for login info of my current subscription but there’s no response yet. Maybe they are too busy setting up vps’es. I’ll just wait then. Hope they will configure it soon so that I can start configuring virtualmin and do transfer some of my sites.I am not planing to just test the vps package here for I believe that they are old enough in webhosting industry. I read their ABOUT US and really convinced to get one from them.
Hello there,
I’m glad that my vps is up and running now. Enotch support is very friendly. I am happy what I got, pretty fast for $5.95. Recommended!!!
Thanks Carl S for the support.
I rarely post comments or reviews about services I used, but this time I really can’t help it. To be on the fair side, when it works, the service is quite decent especially considering the price. Having said that, you need to be really careful about your data and have an alternative service ready – because when something goes wrong, it will be way less stressful for you to just pack your stuff and leave than asking for support. I know some of you are going to laugh about the idea of wanting support on a $6/mo service. I would argue that regardless of the price point, the company SHOULD provide support for things OUTSIDE of their customers’ control. Does enotch provide support? Sure they do. Unfortunately, my experience with enotch support so far had been very stressful. It might sound rude but from my point of view their support is worse than no support. How? a company that is structured to provide as little human support as possible would spend a little more money on automated tools etc that you can use yourself. That way they wouldn’t receive much noob requests and the clients save themselves the trouble dealing with noob csr.
I am wondering how to add the extra 1 and/or 3 IP options to the VPS?
Have 2 OpenVZ VPS with enotch already looking for more.
I just canceled my account with them – 2nd time in 3 weeks my x86_64 centos 5 VPS spontaneously went down then had severe filesystem corruption when back up. Sorry guys, doesn’t matter why it happened; I don’t have time to deal with this unreliable of a service.
So far so good. Have no downtime and everything is running fine. The speed of vps with virtualmin gpl running is decent for this package. Every 3 days I login my virtualmin gpl ui to check if there’s an updates and enable my ssh because I always disabled ssh before loging out.Every updates I made did ran smoothly.I am planning to upgrade the memory of this package but cannot find memory add-on for this package.
@Y – Your comments is fair. Two thumps up for you. Your advise is very very good.
@Syncword – I experienced that before of my other vps but not here in enotch. Here in enotch I rebuild my OS 2 times and updated everytime I rebuild just to see everything is fine. Prior installing virtualmin gpl, always did that. Maybe that issue of yours could be resolved if you try another OS templates like what I did of my other vps. I use centos-5-x86_64minimal here and no probs.
so far so good.. the most annoyed me is many OS templates is broken and not up to date..
Almost 24 hours. Still waiting for the setup to complete. :(
If possible can you check into this? I sent in a ticket but am getting a template reply. I just do not want it to be delayed like the last order.
It was setup last night. It was about the same setup time as my last one. Expect to wait two full business days.
To be fair, it’s a excellent price for what you get.
just a fair warning. There appears to be a bug with their Xen containers and Debian installs. When installing mysql-server the root login seems to be borked. You can’t login with it and you cant change the password. You can manually add it, but it doesn’t seem to be working right.
They confirmed the issue with my container but their solution was to ask me to use another Unix OS….
I asked for a new Xen container. I will update with the answer.
Buyer Beware!
After more than a month of downtime my nightmare is over. Originally complained on 12/6/2010 that my server had been down for more than a week and received updates that day and the next that they were “working on it” and “forwarding to a senior tech”. Requested status on 12/9/2010 but never received follow up. Tried their “chat” tech support on 12/11/2010 – they stated that they couldn’t fix any problems, but they would forward to a “senior tech”. Last response from them came 12/12/2010 stating that they were working on the issue and would notify when resolved.
Finally resolved the issue myself by cancelling PayPal subscription a few moments ago (12/19/2010).
Inept and unresponsive support, non-functioning product…wouldn’t trust them to host an open mic, let alone a server. Roll the dice if you dare – but Buyer Beware!
I ordered from enotch over 2 weeks ago and didn’t receive a vps. No one picks up on their phone number or responds to tickets.
I filled a paypal claim and it was decided in my favor today. Don’t order from enotch unless you want to see your money disappear for 2+ weeks.
I ordered almost a week ago but still haven’t had my VPS activated.
I submitted a support ticked but still haven’t heard from them.
I wouldn’t recommend this service.
My VPS has been offline for almost 2 month and they still send me bills without answering my support ticket.
Same with me, don’t know what’ the deal, no support responses either =/
I canceled my VPS but they keep sending me notices.
There horrible. They turned off my account after using 2gb/mo of bandwidth. Its not unlimited. I think they just get tons of customers with these low rates and just purge the ones that use any resources.
Next month Deal Pool candidate?
Anymore report on they taking servers offline?
My VPS has been offline for almost 3 month and they promised to replace it and compensate for it. But it never happens and they just ignore my support tickets and continue sending invoice.
3 months? Gotta admit I wouldn;t have been with them anymore after 3 days. At the most.
That is crap, they must go to the JAIL lol
Of cource, I stopped paying the invoice3 months ago.
OK, they provided replacement VPS a few days ago. So far so good.
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Mirror of this company? Really nice, a? :-)
Wow, that site is like a desert.
OMG! Every post in that forum is SPAM. Someone can find a real thread? :S
Yup, the very first one:
About a month ago. Maybe they forgot that they had forums?
Looks like they remembered. Gone now.
The main page still works. The forum is in the same server as the main site. Then somebody went and deleted the forum. Someone is alive o_O
Well, I have an account with them for 14 months. I have only one downtime due to hardware failure and not bad for the price.
Your VPS still up?
Unable to reach their homepage ..
Their home page is now back.
Please don’t raise false alarm because their home page goes offline for a short duration of time :)
The owner addressed it on WHT. One of their backbones jumped the gun on an abuse complaint taking them offline at one of their locations.
Silly cogent.
i’m with enotch because this offer. but after a couple month the random downtime is unacceptable. now the entire enotch is down?!
Enotch seems to have provided an excellent level of service (relatively speaking) for a while, up until this year. I’m not sure what has happened but there seems to be lots of problems with their systems, support, and billing from comments on many sites.
I really hope they get their act together… I know many people who don’t expect premium service, but when things don’t get resolved for weeks (or months) there is a very serious problem.
Record last updated on 20-Jul-2009.
Record expires on 16-Jul-2011.
Record created on 16-Jul-2006.
Not sure if I would call it dead because their domain is due to expire in a couple of weeks.
Their server is responding but their website isn’t coming up. I’m getting a timeout error, not an unresponsive one. Maybe a DDoS?
I was never provided with the promised 3 months credit.
Pretty much sums it up for me:
Enotch is down, their whole site… lots of chatter on WHT about this. With the size of their company it’s unlikely they’re truly dead, but their excessive downtime with lack of communication and transparency demonstrates just how solid (or lack of) company they are.
There are comparable cheap hosts out there that seem to working hard for your business despite the “budget” price category they’re still in. Buyer Beware!
Looks like they’re going down again: