Michael from Forever Hosting emailed me their new specials for November — 20% off recurring discount when you use promo code 20OFFVPS, and that applies to all their VPS products — Managed, Unmanaged or Budget range. Their “VZBronze” unmanaged VPS is actually the cheapest amongst all their VPS plans. $4.80/month after the discount (order here):
- 512MB guaranteed/1024MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 175GB/month data transfer
- 2 IP addresses
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Currently only Scranton and Manchester UK are available for ordering. I don’t think DirectAdmin is available this time (unlike last time).
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Another Burst reseller. I hope calling themselves Forever Hosting doesn’t turn out to be tempting fate. :)
I guess BurstNET isn’t selling it’s VPS with SolusVM, right?
Hi Gary,
I see no issues with Burstnet I have worked with them for a few years now and Never had these big issues like other host have with them.
@ Klikli,
We use SolusVM as our vps control panel, and also offer all the other control panels out. If you have any questions do email us at sales@fehosting.com
Thanks LEB for posting our ad! We will keep them coming!
I didn’t say there was anything wrong with burstnet, it was just an observation. There are a ton of people reselling their products, so they must be doing something right. :)
Hello Gary,
They are a good budget host i can give them that. And the support is nice and works with you about issues you may have.
Have a good one!
Ordered one, not instant setup.
Setup after about 20 mins
We never say we have instant setup, We do setup servers within 1 to 15 minute’s after order. We like to check each order and work with the client if they need anything custom changed. Or a control panel installed we don’t load a premade OS with a control panel on it. This is why you would not get the vps right after payment. But you would after 15 minute’s :-)
Have a great Day!
It says: “Instant Activation” on both Managed/Unmanaged VPSes?
Hello Adam,
That should not be there and I will take care of it. Setup is 1 to 15 minute’s with a Control panel it can take up to 1 hour.
I’am still satisfied with them. Their prices are great, servers are fast and stable. And their support is just amazing, they answer and solve your problems in minutes.
ipv6 addresses available in Manchester?
Yes we offer IPv6 on both our UK and US PA Servers. If you have anymore questions do email us at sales@fehosting.com
Thank you.
i think 175GB/month data transfer is too low
Thanks for sharing.
Is this a joke? :) 20GB/month at this price would be relatively low, but 175GB? :) People at LEB slowly losing perspective…
175GB/month data transfer is definitely a lot more than you could expect for 5 bucks. :)
People think 175GB/month is low because a lot of people buy cheap VPS for image hosting sites, torrent sites, rapidleech boxes, proxy sites or splog sites that harvest content from all over the place.
A typical small’ish blog with mostly text content (such as LowEndBox.com) would hardly use ~20GB/month…
LEB is hardly a “typical small’ish blog”; most blog owners would LOVE to get posts with 300+ comments. :)
My educated guess is that most blogs use less than 2GB of transfer a month, and that the vast majority are under 4GB. There are obvious exceptions, like photobloggers and foodbloggers and anyone else who posts a large number of pictures, but they’re the exception.
My experience is actually that average blog bandwidth is going down year-to-year, as mobile browsers and RSS aggregator sites become more ubiquitous.
(And my view is that it’s the idiots that are crippling the shared-hosting industry by offering 50GB of grossly oversold space and 5TB transfer per month for $5/year that are doing more than anyone else to cause the public to be clueless about both what amount of resources they actually need, and what those resources should realistically cost.)
Okay. Maybe my aim is high, as biggish blogs are TechCrunch and alike :)
As of your view on shared-hosting industry, unfortunately the same group of idiots have migrated to VPS hosting. I don’t doubt that it is not doable, as long as you have the economy of scale. But a single quad-core server at Hetzner is not “economy of scale”…
LEA: It’s doable on paper at larger scales, sure, but the margins have got to be depressingly thin, even then. And I can’t help but feel it’s all just a race to the bottom, anyway. “8% profit margin? We can go lower! 2%? Lower!” People complain about the (not actually) “low” resources on some hosts’ entry-level plans, but when you give people the Sun, the Moon, and half the stars in the sky for a couple bucks a year, what are the odds they’re going to upgrade down the line to something more profitable?
(What’s really horribly depressing is the circular nature of the beast – the clueless idiots that infest the shared-hosting world have migrated to VPSes, as you say, and now they’re selling cheap (in every sense of the word) VPSes to the next round of clueless idiots, who are using them to start yet another wave of here-today, gone-tomorrow shared hosting businesses. It’s amazing how many one-month-old hosting “companies” posting on WHT have IPs that trace back to a Burst vserver or one of VPSLatch’s boxes…)
It’s even gotten to where people think three servers side-by-side constitute a “cloud”, now. And, hell, there was some guy on WHT not too long ago offering a “CDN” service with *a single POP*. Some people couldn’t buy a clue if they won the lottery twice…
I just compare it to the smaller package like 64MB or 128MB VPS. 175GB/month is relatively low for 512 package and this is not lowend package IMHO.
i expected more a lot of bw transfer for 512 package, because i could host more than 20 website (like LowEndBox) but i doubt it for bw below 500GB/month
There is very-little-few OS’s image working on their UK node, unfortunately.
But totally agreed with @Christian, I’m having a first good impression about them on the first day. Hope that everything would go long aside.
@Christian && all, could we use this as productive VPS?
They (I guest they are 2-3 guys) are totally new, but it seems they do business keenly.. bla;bla; @Micheal: is that right? ;)
Although their previous offer (on LEB) there were some guys linked to WHT threads boarding to their business’s affair, but it seems clearly explained on WHT already.
On the VPS market, buyer is obviously having more of risk than on the market of shared hosting and dedicated server. On the way of looking for some good VPS services, I unintentionally become a VPS-hunter for years. About 20% of places that I passed are good. So I think that if you give them a chance, you’ll give yourself a chance too/.
I’m using their service as a productive VPS and have a lot of customers websites on this server. So far no downtimes, servers are pretty fast. But there is always a risk that these providers could disappear, so I make daily backups and rsync them to a remote server, just for sure. I’ve got plenty of VPSs and dedicated servers among the globe and I think my fehosting VPS in the UK has got the best price/performance ratio. I hope they will keep up this great work. I agree with Hanh you should give them a chance… :)
@Christian: Thanks, neighbor!
Hello Hanh,
The thing with our UK node at this time is when we ordered it and installed the OS we put the 32Bit on. So after that we can only load 32Bit OS on the UK node as the rest of our node’s run 63Bit so you can run both 32Bit and 64Bit. I know it’s a pain to do this but we are getting more Servers online and I am doing the installs on them, So i will know what OS is loaded on. If you have any questions for me do let me know :-)
Have a great day!
Is possible a FreeBSD 32bit image for SolusVM?
Hey Hanh,
Yeah i could upload one. Can you email us at support@fehosting.com with what one you would like :-)
Have a great weekend!
I am too interested to see how you can get a FreeBSD VM to boot on your OpenVZ container…
Just ordered with them.
Lets see how long it takes to setup. :)
Well it’s fair to say they have no instant-activation :)
still dont got it.
Still not activated, probably only at workhours.
Keep it in mind while you’re ordering.
I contacted them, they’re very busy processing all the orders. Excelent and kind service, very flexible aswell.
If you have not got you’re vps by now do let me know, by emailing sales@fehosting.com I will be more then happy to check into this issue!
Again Thank you everyone for the orders and hope that you got the vps within 2 hour’s today. If you have any questions for us do email us at sales@fehosting.com or support@fehosting.com for any support issues.
Have a great day!
I’m super excited about this host, it seems really good!
Service is just awesome!
Yes, their service is amazing for that little amount.
Yes we try our best to make everyone happy and We like to see these kind of reviews!
Have a great weekend!
That is great that is what we try to do for everyone is to make the hosting the best for that user.
You have a great weekend!
I had been with fehosting for about 1 or 2 weeks and so far so good with no downtime. Their services are really really great. That’s what i mean when i send an email or start a ticket for them about my vps problem. Their response were fast and support were great too. I am new to VPS, you know, a newbie always cause a lot of trouble and i like to install and play around with the new vps i got. :D Sometime problem do occur and thats the time when i will start writing an e-mail for “sos” from them. Them, of cause, solved for me. It’s really a reasonable price with this service and with my VPS. I am glad and happy with it so far.
Keep it up FeHosting… :D
Hi Patrick,
That is great, I am happy to help! Post like this make us know we are doing our Job’s as a team and doing our best to make everyone happy! We will keep it up for ever and ever!
Have a great day!
I signed up the other day; actually spoke to Michael on live help first who was incredibly helpful. My VPS was activated within 30 minutes and I’m so far yet to have any problems with their service, support or server.
Hey Matthew,
That is great that we could help you out and give you a good price for it. We do our best to help everyone!
You have a great day!
I am currently looking for a good VPS solution and their offer looks a little bit too good to me :)
As part of the hosting business it is quite difficult to accept that they can actually offer these resources for such a low amount. I also can’t help to notice that Michael said on the 5th of November that the “Instant Activation” feature will be fixed on their page and today it is still there … how hard can it be to remove/modify a table column?
Is there anyone in here who actually knows how to manage a server and can check the resources stated as provided so an eventual client can be assured that he/she gets whats promised?
The issue with “Instant Activation” has been fixed and it should of got done the same day. We are more busy with Support issues and sales. I have took the time away to fix the issue that it says. and most of the time we setup servers in 1 to 15 minutes and never had anyone have a issue with this. As we check every order that we get to make sure they are real and not a fake or a spammer. We don’t need all the fee’s that come with it.
I am not going to be rude but for real All the issue is with you is that we had the “Instant Activation” on our page and we did not do it RIGHT after payment? I also say i would of fixed it Yes my error when i did not. I have done so now and would of done it by this month anyways. Also you can see we have happy clients and have no issue with our servers or space that we offer. everyone gets what we offer and say!
If you have anymore issues with us you can email me at michael@fehosting.com or send them to our Sales sales@fehosting.com
And as of today I don’t think you are even a client of our’s? So i am not sure how you can even say we don’t know how to manage a server?
You have a great day!
Interestingly enough, even though you have stated and explained that the “Instant Activation” feature is “fixed” … I would like to ask you how exactly did you “fix” it? The feature is still listed as ‘instant’ on your page and as far as your explanation goes, the activation still requires up to 15 minutes … which actually does not include control panel installation, which can take up to 2 hours.
I suggest to consider changing that feature to “up to 15 minutes”. Technically speaking, at the moment this is a false advertising at your part. In similar terms, high pathetically speaking, you can also assign only 1 IP address at the beginning and then provide the second one in three-four months. Both cases are false advertising.
“Also you can see we have happy clients and have no issue with our servers or space that we offer.” – Dude, get real. You are in this business for less than 6 months, you are still in the “honeymoon” phase. Just wait ’till you get a couple of thousand customers. To prove my words:
Domain name: FEHOSTING.COM
Registrant Contact:
colin Weinkauf ()
23 Merganser Drive
Chestermere, AB T9V 1L6
Administrative Contact:
colin Weinkauf (admin@fehosting.com)
23 Merganser Drive
Chestermere, AB T9V 1L6
Technical Contact:
colin Weinkauf (support@fehosting.com)
23 Merganser Drive
Chestermere, AB T9V 1L6
Creation date: 11 Aug 2010 22:38:00
Expiration date: 11 Aug 2011 17:38:00
No offense lad, but no self-respecting company buys its domain for 1 year only.
“And as of today I don’t think you are even a client of our’s? So i am not sure how you can even say we don’t know how to manage a server?”
Could you please calm down and read my comment again? As you can see I have clearly stated that I was asking if there is anyone ‘in here’, which means that I was/am talking to the LED users, not to you or your engineers. I am not looking forward to your reply on this, you are part of that company, of course your answer with any technical details will not suffice.
Bottom line, from my point of view … these resources can be provided only when the server load is low. As soon as that company grows and they start hosting at least 30 customers per server on a VPS solution – the problems will start as well. I am sorry but even if you sell these solutions for $5 a year, I prefer to go with a company who actually have seen a lot in this business … not anyone can provide hosting.
I wish you all the best and I hope you get a kick out of that small project of yours.
NEW Customers, BE ADVISED!
As part of the hosting business for years, I have seen all the catches in that field. FEHosting is actually using the most common one – renewals. If you decide to go and purchase their services now for an year and pay $50…something, according to their Terms Of Service (http://www.fehosting.com/tos.html), FEHosting can increase the price of the service effective on the first day after the renewal term:
(b) Fee Increases. Forever Hosting may increase its fees for services effective the first day of a Renewal Term by giving notice to Customer of the new fees at least forty five (45) days prior to the beginning of the Renewal Term, and if Customer does not give a notice of non-renewal as provided in Section 2 above, the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the new fee for that Renewal Term and any subsequent Renewal Terms (unless the fees are increased in the same manner for a subsequent Renewal Term).
In simple terms, pay $50…some now, 45 days before the expiration of the service you will receive a notice for the REAL price of the service, which believe me won’t be less than $200, and if you don’t clearly state that you want cancel your account – you will be automatically billed. And if you try to dispute the renewal and ask for a refund – oops, it is stated in ToS, you are not eligible to a refund.
Wow Just Wow!
I am just going to give my 2 cents on this one!
I suggest to consider changing that feature to “up to 15 minutes”. Technically speaking, at the moment this is a false advertising at your part. In similar terms, high pathetically speaking, you can also assign only 1 IP address at the beginning and then provide the second one in three-four months. Both cases are false advertising.
>>> Well i don’t need to change anything as In our ad’s we post the setup time and if you are unhappy about it SEND a ticket in about it. We work as fast as we can. We don’t allow the system to setup accounts without US looking at them We don’t want alot of fee’s with banks for someone wanted to use our servers for spam. We don’t need these type of clients! I did change it to what fit’s Also if you read our KB you can see the FULL setup time’s Also when you order our Order Email says the full setup time for control panels and etc… But you would not know that!
“Also you can see we have happy clients and have no issue with our servers or space that we offer.” – Dude, get real. You are in this business for less than 6 months, you are still in the “honeymoon” phase. Just wait ’till you get a couple of thousand customers. To prove my words:
>>> What have you prove to us? Oh well we didn’t get a domain name for 10+ years. that don’t mean we are for real! It means that what we picked at that time and who knows we could add more year’s next month? You don’t know that is up to our admin’s!
No offense lad, but no self-respecting company buys its domain for 1 year only.
>>> I am not sure why you care? Just to make you happy I will TELL our admin to add more years to it.
Could you please calm down and read my comment again? As you can see I have clearly stated that I was asking if there is anyone ‘in here’, which means that I was/am talking to the LED users, not to you or your engineers. I am not looking forward to your reply on this, you are part of that company, of course your answer with any technical details will not suffice.
>>> Yes i am going to reply to this as you are BASHING our company for what? Nothing you have Nothing to do with us you are not a client so you can’t talk about how we run things if you are not part of it. You have no poof on how we run our company or anything about it!
Bottom line, from my point of view … these resources can be provided only when the server load is low. As soon as that company grows and they start hosting at least 30 customers per server on a VPS solution – the problems will start as well. I am sorry but even if you sell these solutions for $5 a year, I prefer to go with a company who actually have seen a lot in this business … not anyone can provide hosting.
I wish you all the best and I hope you get a kick out of that small project of yours.
>>> And who says we can’t just put more servers online when we hit our limit on our node’s? Can’t be that hard to just ADD more node’s for clients? Nope it’s not as we have our limit’s set and we make sure we stay with this limit.
NEW Customers, BE ADVISED!
>>> Yes be Advised you will get what we ask and offer everytime! And go look at everyone else TOS aswell and tell me they don’t have anything in there to keep the company safe? yes we ask that you send in a cancel so our system knows not to bill you. Tell me one company that don’t do this?
In simple terms, pay $50…some now, 45 days before the expiration of the service you will receive a notice for the REAL price of the service, which believe me won’t be less than $200, and if you don’t clearly state that you want cancel your account – you will be automatically billed. And if you try to dispute the renewal and ask for a refund – oops, it is stated in ToS, you are not eligible to a refund.
>>> Oh wow you did read it….. Oh yes we don’t offer refunds on vps/dedicated servers as you would see everyone and their mom wanting refunds after one day of max out bandwidth and asking support to do all the work. We don’t have time for that We do a good job and should get paid for it. That don’t mean we will never refund anyone. But you would not know this as YOU ARE NOT A CLIENT OF OUR COMPANY!
You have a great day!
I’ve only been with them about a week.. but so far everything is great. Michael has been extremely helpful in support, and even thought the VPS was not instantly activated setup did not that long..
SCAM BEWARE http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=985382
Who are you calling a Scam? Who have we Scamed? No one we don’t need to do that/ We have happy clients and none of them had issues with us.
Go get a life John!
Michael, for the sake of your new company, please do take a communication skills crash course … shouting, pointlessly arguing … that is not a way to attract customers friend.
My proof is that your company’s domain is registered in the early August this year. That are 3 months … for such a period if you are running a small coffee shop, your coffee might be great but your services won’t be.
Period – It was nice arguing with you so you can expose badly but I am done with that conversation. Even if you reply back, don’t expect me to comment … maybe someone else will, I won’t.
Good luck baby company FEHosting!
This guy looks jealous,
probably has one of those overpriced hostingcompanies.
Hi Matritos,
For one who is “shouting, pointlessly arguing” here? I see only you are and you are not even a Client of us That i know of. I am not going to let you bash us. If you don’t like the way we set our limit’s and TOS then don’t come to our ad and bash us. Just move on, their is nothing more to talk about here.
You have a great day!
The customer support is just too epic.
Good deal.
However, regarding the instant activation; I ordered a VPS early afternoon (Central European Time) but so far no sign of life (over 4 hours ago).
Also, I found their payment module amateuristic, as it only mentions a person as benificiary instead of the company.
Is this company still in business?
Hello Joost,
This is odd as we push out all orders we got today. Can you email me at Michael@Fehosting.com with you’re Account # or email? I will look into this as we don’t have any new open tickets about this.
Thank you.
It is active now, 8 pm CET last night, after 7 hours. I must say the speed of the server is really promising.
Only thing is that you should not say instant setup or up to 1 hour if it actually takes 7 hours.
Further, no complaints, all looks very good!
Well we changed to 2Checkout and when we did everyone that made payment did not show as they did in our billing system so it was hard to find out who did pay and who did not. I am sorry for the delay and it should of never happened.
Thank you.
Hi guys,
My vps is down for more than 20 hours and support is not responding to the tickets. Any similar experience on your side?
I wonder if they’re still in business.
Their main site is still online.
They are back online after more than 36 hours. I think there was a network connectivity issue since the uptime is 46 days and the backup scripts did their job in the meantime. No response to the support ticket yet, though.
@Tan – their site is in another network, maybe another provider.
Yes that is right, OUr site is within the HostDime datacenter and at that time they had alot of downtime. I am very sorry for all the issues you had with the downtime and I am more then happy to try and fix your account up. Do email me at michael @ fehosting.com Thank you.
I totally understand that shit happens and you depend on the infrastructure of someone else.
What I do not understand is the lack of communication.
I expect you to answer in a timely manner to the tickets, I got a response after around 1 week after the incident. Or at least put a notice on your website when you have a downtime, if you don’t have time to respond to all the tickets.
And i agree with you on any time we have downtime we should tell our clients. This downtime was not plan out we did not know about any downtime. With over 200+ tickets to reply to and only a few staff online at that time we did the best we could. Also every time a client would reply to a open ticket it would put it back to the end of the list. So that made users even have more of a delay in a reply. If you still have issues with a vps do let me know so i can check into them.
Thank you very much,