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Has Matt Mullenweg of WordPress Actually Lost His Mind?

Wordpress LogoFor a mediocre CMS system, WordPress sure punches above its weight…when it comes to drama, that is.

You’ve been following the story here and elsewhere:

The standout moment in still Mullenweg reading an anti-WP-Engine screed to a jazz accompaniment.

He followed up by creating a site allegedly tracking how many sites have “left WP Engine and found a new home since Sep 21, 2024”.  Hilariously, Attomatic crows about 35,510 defctors (as of this writing) people who’ve left WP-Engine…as if that’s some kind of big number.

He also cut WP-Engine off from some Attomatic services, but a court slapped him across the face and told him to knock it off.  He quit the community Slack in a huff as a way of…something.

I mean, there’s jumping the shark…and then there’s jumping sharks with freakin’ lasers on their heads.

The Latest

So after all these screeching, a couple community members started talking about maybe forking WordPress.  They’re not the first – people have been forking the hell out of it for a decade or more.  But now there’s fresh community impetus.  You have a madman at the wheel, so people are putting some serious thought behind finding new leadership.

In response, Mullenweg yesterday wrote the most passive-aggressive, sarcasm-laden, manboy-screaming-for-attention post you’ve ever read.

Just to align reality for a sec: Mullenweg is a multi, multi, multi-millionaire.  He also used to own part of WP-Engine before selling it for millions.

In the post, he calls out a couple contributors, Joost de Valk and Karim (last name? not stated) in the most tacky way possible.  Joost worked for Automattic, and Mullenweg says

I think we would both agree in those 5 months he was not effective at leading the marketing team or doing the work.

Well that’s certainly catty.  Karim is dismissed as someone who “leads a small WordPress agency…and employs ~50 people” while contrasted with the army of thousands Mullenweg commands…though they’re jumping ship as fast as they can.  8% of them resigned after his jazz screed.

Now read some of these teenage comments:

However in Joost and Karim’s new project, they don’t need to follow our process or put in the hours to prove their worth within the WordPress.org ecosystem, they can just lead by example by shipping code and product to people that they can use, evaluate, and test out for themselves. If they need financial or hosting support is sounds like WP Engine wants to support their fork…

He also threatens to stop working on the WP core to match what he perceives as WP-Engine’s lack of contributions:

In the meantime, on top of my day job running a 1,700+ person company with 25+ products, which I typically work 60-80 hours a week on, I’ll find time on nights and weekends to work on WordPress 6.8 and beyond. Myself and other “non-sponsored” contributors have been doing this a long time and while we may need to reduce scope a bit I think we can put out a solid release in March.

What We All Hope Will Happen

Here is what should happen with WordPress:

  • A new fork is created and it gains traction.
  • The services that Automattic provides are replicated onto free platforms.  Really, it’s downloading the plugins…and the world is lousy with downloading platforms.  You don’t need Automattic to download npm packages or Debian updates.
  • Mullenweg loses his fortune in a crypto scam, gets a job flipping hamburgers, and learns some humility.

We’ll see.




  1. The idea of forking WordPress is interesting, but how feasible would it be to replicate the scale and ecosystem Automattic has built over the years?

    January 13, 2025 @ 2:28 am | Reply
  2. Gentle nudge to do some copy-editing — the ‘Automattic’ company name is misspelled numerous times, along with Mullenweg’s last name.

    January 13, 2025 @ 9:52 am | Reply
  3. Elshara Silverheart:

    Actually I think this is a good move.
    I have never liked WP for its shark like attitude when it comes to every single plugin charging money for a self hosted alternative.
    I especially hated WPEngine for making things twice as expensive as regular hosting plans.
    All the best things that word press was once known for, like xml rpc pings and a decent web interface and blog platform and email to post, has been replaced with a god awful editor, and a not so friendly bloated site builder.
    And come on guys, it’s 2025 at least support smtp emails and a good social sharing plugin out of the box.
    Word Press 4.x was the best version ever made in my opinion.
    If Matt wants to save Automatic by going after forks of his platform, he should absolutely be encouraged to do so.
    But don’t stoop to their level of craziness for attention. That’s silly.

    January 26, 2025 @ 1:00 am | Reply

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