Kishan from INIZ contacted us recently with offers in several locations. INIZ has been featured on LowEndBox several times and were established in 2012. They were later acquired by SYN LTD in 2014 and they have said their biggest focus for improvement in 2016 is to cut down ticket response times. Currently the average is less than an hour for every ticket sent in. There are a total of 11 locations in this offer. I hope you’re ready because there’s a lot of variety in this post. All the following offers are non-inclusive of VAT and prices are converted from GBP so may fluctuate slightly but all are within the current LowEndBox pricing rules at the time of posting.
As always we encourage all users to read the Terms of Service prior to signing up.
– 2 CPU Cores
– 1024MB RAM
– 20GB SSD Storage
– 2TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps
– 1 Regular IPv4* DDoS protected IPs available
– KVM/SolusVM
– $5.30/Month with code “LDN41G2P1X”
KVM Offers in Amsterdam / Ashburn / Los Angeles offers
| KVM1024
Singpore OpenVZ offers
| SG2048-LEB Special
OpenVZ IO4G in London / Amsterdam / Ashburn / Los Angeles
Open VZ IO4G
Storage OpenVZ VPS in London / Amsterdam / Dallas / Los Angeles
| Stor500
| Store1000
OpenVZ Extreme Plans in Chicago/ Seattle / Dallas / Miami / Stockholm (Sweden) / Bucharest (Romania)
OpenVZ Extreme Plans X256
| OpenVZ Extreme Plans X2048
The Network – Test files for most of the locations can be found here
Seattle, WA (US)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2a07:9944:1d::1
Los Angeles, CA (US)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2602:ffda:ccc:ee::2
Dallas, TX (US)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2604:6600:2000:6::1
Chicago, IL (US)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2602:ffda:1b::1
Miami, FL (US)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2607:ff48:0:a:b:c:d:666
Ashburn, VA (US)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2602:ffda:ee::2
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2a02:2ca0:3a::1
Bucharest (RO)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2a05:9f41:1a::1
Stockholm (SE)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2a00:1a28::2:80:67:0:52
London (UK)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2a05:9f40:1f:ee::2
Amsterdam (NL)
Test IP:
Test IPv6: 2a02:2ca0:64:ee::2
Let us know what you think… Are you a current or previous customer? Tell us about your experience with INIZ in the comments.
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Thanks for posting this, we’re glad to have our first offer posted since takeover!
In case anyone is wondering what we’ve done in the last ~2 years, you can see a brief timeline here:
– The plans in UK/US/NL (KVM & OpenVZ-IO) have unmetered incoming. All other plans (Singapore, Storage & Extreme) is in+out.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask here or email us on
Forgot to mention, free ddos protection included as follows:
– 10Gbps Amsterdam
– 20Gbps Los Angeles / Ashburn
– £2.50/mo/ip for 20Gbps in NL & 40Gbps in Los Angeles / Ashburn (Always On)
– £2/mo/ip for 100Gbps (Sensor or Always On – Powered by Voxility) in London.
More Info:
What is “1 Regular IPv4***”?
They offer DDoS Protected IP addresses as an option for a small fee. Regular would be unprotected.
Any yearly KVM offers by any chance? Looking for something small, similar to X256 plan but KVM.
We have a 256MB KVM plan but won’t be anywhere close to OpenVZ pricing.
You can use code “LEB25” to get 25% off the list price, payable quarterly, semi-annually or annually. £6.19/qtr
Trying to use that code, but no luck :(
Is emule traffic allowed, in particular for the Romania site?
is there swap RAM or vswap with these servers?
For KVM you can set your own of course, for the OpenVZ plans there is no vSwap on IO4G & Storage plans. 50% vSwap for Extreme & Singapore.
What is the network speed. 100mbit, 1gbit?
Would like to know this as well. What’s the network speed?
All locations are on 1Gbps.
update system stabil @349 kB/s
Are there any variants on the “Open VZ IO4G” with more bandwidth? I am considering moving one of my machines over to this. The specs are quite nice however I regularly use over 2.0TB/Month per VPS.
There are more IO plans available on however again bandwidth isn’t more than what you’re looking for. Remember on these IO plans the bandwidth is only outbound, incoming is unmetered. Additional is £2.50/mo per TB outbound
I was also wondering if there were any options with a higher number of cores? All of the services I run are multithreaded+distributed and at peak times tend to use a fair bit of CPU.
Idiots…. I mistyped one field in the ordering form on their (iniz) homepage, and pressed the back button to fill out the form properly, and suddenly:
“Your IP 185.X.XX.XX has been banned
Ban Reason: Banned due to Orders
Ban Expires: 31st Dec 2020 (23:59)”
I mean WTF? I just mistyped! …. WTF.
INIZ must be awesomely st00pid or extremely paranoid.
Network was DOA on my openvz storage plan in LA. I wouldn’t bother.
To be fair I opened a support ticket and this issue was resolved in 55 minutes. Not a big deal.
My account was immediately suspended by INIZ after I refused to provide a photo of my credit card.
similar experience here. Lame
You refused to provide verification and your order was cancelled. Just like anywhere else where you may fail the verification process the order would be cancelled.
You also contacted our credit card merchant stating what we asked for is against “PCI compliance” and was told what we requested is perfectly fine.
No other hosting company has ever asked me to provide a photo of my credit card. Your process is unusual, and you burn any customers who question it.
The bottom line is that – rather than allowing me to pay via another method – you just terminated my server. I cannot trust you with my data.
You trusted us with authorization of your card where we could charge any amount and signed up with us in the first place so there was clearly trust there up till point we asked to verify the card is owned by you.
We asked for photo of the card with the details we can see on our end which is last 4 digits and your name. Nothing extremely confidential or vulnerable, so to us there is no reason to accept alternate form of payment when a simple request was not met.
You even went to the extent of emailing our merchant (a first) accusing us of not being “PCI compliant”, most people will a) provide what was requested or b) ask for a refund and be done with it.
My order was cancelled with no warning. I ordered a VPS for legitimate use.
Avoid this host at all costs. Be warned. Poor service
Legitimate use but invalid details would result in cancellation with no warning. Mismatch in PayPal name, false address etc etc. all where common sense would prevail and order passing without any issues.
Of course I do not know the reason for yours, you can email if you want it reviewed or want to know the reason.
I’d reccomend Iniz, I’ve been using a OpenVZ 3G since 2013 and haven’t had any major issues/downtimes.
Every question I asked was answered within one day
Awesome, always good to hear feedback from customers!
Hi Guys,
I am an existing customer of yours with an small KVM plan which is used for one of my main NS and I just wanted to first let everyone know that you have been extreamly reliable over this almost past year. I currently have an KVM VPS in NL and theres only been one slight outage when you upgraded/moved the node or something (cant remember excatly the reason right now) but I remember you gave more then adaquate notice of the maintance window. Apart from that, uptime has been 100%, which is as perfect as any other good/expensive providor. Even factoring in the slight outage, its still 99.998% (rough guess).
In fact I just took a look to show facts… heres my uptime records shows of this machine..
Note: the 41 and 21 day records reset was due to kernel upgrades + moddifed LUKS custom initrd tweaks which sadly needed a reboot to test.
Anyway, the main reason for this quick message is that I have a few quick questions to ask with regards to your OpenVZ Stor500 offering.
I just noticed that you still have a few in stock and wanted to make sure that a few things are covered first before I place an order, so we dont waste eachothers time. I am planning to use it with TAOE-LAFS but your order forms/offer here do not state whether you supply an IPv4/IPv6 or even a NATTED address. Due to that its a storage node, I was not sure whether you only offer rsync/cifs/ftp/sftp/whatever access only and that you cant install/tweak the OS i.e. just an account not a VPS. You do mention that you use SolusVM with this but still with it so I assume its a real VPS and not a pre-configured storage account. Always safer to check if in doubt.
Second question, assuming you do give IPv4 with it (I expect you do but I best check as you dont mention it in the offer or website), do you support TUN/TAP on these OpenVZ nodes? I sadly will require this so I can hook this up to the VPN so it can access the other nodes securely.
Thirdly, how many INODES (max) you can use on the filesystem. I know this is a strange question to ask but ive found a lot of VZ providors in the past offering very few (few thousdnad usualy if that which is no where near enough) which will just break things as im sure you know the way TAOE works is that 1000’s if not millions of files/chunks are used to create a single file which means I need adquate INODES support and I can’t tweak it as its not real virtulization, only you can, hence why I am asking.
Right, I think thats about it, I look forward to hearning from you and again and to everyone else… I highly recomend this providor. A++
Kind Regards,
Hi Simon
Glad to hear you’re happy with us, the NL KVM downtime was due to hardware upgrades.
Stor500 includes 1 IPv4 & IPv6 (dedicated), the storage plans are essentially just OpenVZ VPSs so you have full root access. TUN/TAP/PPP can be enabled from the control panel, we can enable quotas/FUSE if required for remote mount via ticket.
If you also order Stor500 or higher you now get 1GB RAM instead of the 512MB advertised here (all existing customers were already upgraded!).
If you can open ticket to I can double check the inode limits on the plan and get back to you.
Hi Kishan,
Thanks very much for the reply.
Great news ref more RAM, as they say more is always better hehe.
I will pop you a quick mail ref inodes in a few minutes.
Thanks again for the information.
Kind Regards,
Hi Guys,
About five hours ago, I sent you a mail as requested a few minutes afer you replied to my post, however it seems that I still haven’t recieved a reply yet. Iv’e checked mail server logs and your server (google) recieved the mail fine (see below for log extract).
Im guessing your ticket system didnt pick it up as ive logged in to the control pannel and noticed no new tickets have been added.
Would you like me to send via your portel while you investigate why you haven’t receievd it. Unless your just over busy which I can understand, we all are.
Kind Regards,
Yes please submit ticket manually and i’ll check this for you.
I want to give a shout out to these guys. I have the OpenVZ Extreme Plans X256 plan and very happy with their service out of Dallas. There was no ipv6 installed but a note to the helpdesk and it was quickly added. They have CentOS 7 however you’re still limited by the older OpenVZ kernel. If that doesn’t bother you then you’re good. yum update of the system once installed was real quick. The IP address I was given was clean on all but one obscure RBL that I checked.
Judging by some of the comments, it looks like they try and to keep a clean service free from spammer, scammers, and general asshats which is nice.
If you have a legitimate reason to have a server. I’d highly recommend these guys.
Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!
Storage server look realible and fast.
Just letting you know, dear INIZ: There are other vserver offering companies in the world that aren’t nit-picking about “details” and who allows the customers to pay anonymously with PaySafeCard, Bitcoin, etc.
Maybe you should consider this too.
Thanks for the suggestion but we will never accept anonymous signups. If there is a host that allows that then that’s up to them and if that is better for you then you should go with them.
Instant activation process. I recommended this provider, thank you Kishan for completed my order faster.
I purchased Str500 which comes with 1GB ram, but i think i’ll need more ram.
I was thinking of using upgrade option in client services but it mentions 1TB storage along with 1GB ram.
So my question is, if i upgrade to that plan, will the ram stay 1Gb or increase?
There is no additional upgrades available on storage plans except bandwidth or plan upgrade/downgrade. 1GB RAM is the maximum on even the highest storage plan. You can see more here:
Is possible to install custom os on SG256?
As it is OpenVZ based, no.
Just got a VPS in Sweden (OpenVZ Extreme Plans X2048), and it’s working great and fast!
Surprised to see ipsec modules have been compiled in the CentOS kernel and OpenVZ has been configured accordingly, this is so much faster then using Strongswan emulated stacks.
I’m very happy with this great offer!
Been using Iniz for a couple of years now and I’m very happy with the service. Considering a Stor150 or Stor500 instance for my ownCloud storage. Is traffic between VPSes in the same datacenter free/unlimited or would that count against the 2TB outgoing for each one?
Great to hear, at the moment all traffic is counted on the storage plans in+out.
That’s what I was afraid you would say. Any chance this might be updated in the future?
I’m still very happy with Iniz, rolling with them for a couple of years now. Service is very good.
Same problem as already reported. Upon payment completion a photo of my credit card was required. Guess if I would have sent them, upon the next payment a photo of my driving license, then passport and finally I would have to come over and pay personally.
Oh – one comment for the above “screenshots” about system uptime. Except there’s some technology like Ksplice or live kernel patching, uptimes of more then 300 days are likely impossible for one server, except there’re no security updates at all.
Not to forget a bad network – e.g. packet drops – aren’t that unimportant. A purely running machine needs to be accessible, perform well, guarantee promised resources for the running VM’s – guess the last part should be no problem remembering their payment acceptance methods
Hi Tom (If that is your real name – I don’t see any orders in recent weeks from such name)
We have never asked for further documents upon providing photo of the card. If you are unable to provide this because you’ve used a different name/want to hide your identity/aren’t the owner of the card (fraud) then it’s expected your order will be cancelled. As stated in all verification emails, if you don’t want to provide it then you’ll receive a refund and you move on with your day but that seems to be too hard for some.
300+ uptime is easily possible, we’ve had multiple KVM nodes with over 400-500 before. OpenVZ nodes are more likely to be rebooted more often due to random kernel panics et all great things about OVZ but still are capable of well over 200+. We use KernelCare and I know a lot of hosts here do, you can read more here: and yes it has security updates.
It’s the first time we’ve had someone complaining stating we have a “bad” network, please feel free to back your claims. Frequent packet loss is not normal and quite rare.
I am a very happy customer of INIZ for over 3 years. I currently have a VPS in London. Support has always been fast and the servers are very reliable. I get good speeds and our business has expanded using these services from INIZ having been let down badly by previous big name suppliers.
I’ve used a number of VPS providers over the years. I’ve been with Iniz since 2014. From my personal experience Iniz have been very good especially compared with a number of other service providers. I’ve never felt that I’m getting anything less than I signed up for. I’ve found support to be first rate.
Iniz is always the first place I check when I’m after a new VPS.
I recommended INIZ, I have been use them before for long period time, when I still run VPN service, never had DMCA with them, great service,.
I just order sweden $5 and very fast provisioned, its long time I dont use iniz, and still great
Nice iniz.
This site A SCAM PAGE .. My Order was cancel and no one notices .. my account wqas deleted from iniz :'(
The support is very arrogant and unhelpful, I have offered them for identity verification documents as I live in two different countries but they blocked my IP without effort to solve the problem.
Imagine if we have data hosted already and they blocked us, we will lose everything.
Meanwhile I am very happy about INIZ. Just another question: In your test area, you have an IPV6 adress for the Stockholm area. I have a vserver in Stockholm, and I wonder if it also has an IPV6 adress?
Just to update this tread – INIZ is a great service for MANY YEARS. Servers are powerful and stable at low price. Thanks INIZ.
I try to connect to my old account (2014-2015) -> Account does not exist
I try to register again -> MaxMind Fraud
I try to create a ticket for manual verification -> We are unable to accept any first time orders via VPN/proxy, please re-order from residential IP.
I do not have an IP resident, and when I travel I always use a VPN.
On all panels of this type they try to defend themselves and I always get maxmind fraud.
I would like to recommend iniz to anyone. Been using their vps for about 3 years without any single issue. Support is very kind and fast