Via this WHT offer. IT Experts Ltd is a company founded in 2007 and is currently based in Republic of Mauritius. Their unmetered French VPS starts from €3.50/month (~USD$4.89) with the following spec:
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 30GB storage
- 1Gbps shared unmetered bandwidth
- OpenVZ/vePortal
Servers in France with Kimsufi/OVH. The bandwidth issue resulve — it is unmetered. As stated in their ToS page, “Contents on our Dedicated or VPS servers are not monitored but you must respect our policy and those of OVH (in related services) and make sure it is by your clients”.. Domain was registered in March 2009, hosting both NS on the same server.
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Order process was smooth, but they only gave me a 5GB drive! :)
We’ll see how fast the ticket process goes… :)
Fast reply to say they’d sort it. They rebooted the node, and we’re up to 5.6GB now. Getting there.
What I can say so far: Node feels nice and fast. I have access to one core of a hex-core San Marino.
Ok, drivespace problem fixed, and the 300GB is just for the sake of needing a value in that box. It’s unmetered and they won’t suspend you for going over it.
strange unmetered stated but metered in offer. can explain please.
I’ve asked about that too.
The metered part is just an error from our part. It is unmetered.
Good Luck !
Do they offer ipv6 addresses?
Anyone know if the rDNS can be set?
Seems like I ever saw the web template. It’s like
Just noticed some odd stuff with iptables on this VPS.
It’s missing the state module (eg. -m state –state NEW,ESTABLISHED) and whatever module deals with logging (eg. -A INPUT -j LOG –log-prefix “Dropped by default:”)
I’ve never seen a VPS where I couldn’t use these before. It’s not a big problem, I can still use iptables to lock the box down, it’s just odd. Anyone ever seen a VPS with those modules missing?
On a positive note, the box performs well, and seems stable.
Spoke too soon. Not having the state module is causing problems. :(
All up and running now, support were nice and courteous throughout, and kept me informed. I like IT Experts so far!
Apart from 2+ reboots of the node without notice, and so far without explanation.
Teething problems, hopefully.
Beginning to get annoying now.
My whole node appears to be down, VEPortal is just timing out. Ticket opened. :(
Sine I had to go look it up:
The former home of the dodo. :)
Hopefully we won’t see them in dead pool like the dodos did!
This is a real concern of mine. I have seen many small, modest, cheap VPS hosts like this, only to dissappear a month after I become a customer.
Ah, you are talking about Whynotavps
We have been in Business for the last 3 Years, why would be go out of Business Now!
MMMMh, very strange.
The only information I found on the french service of IT Expert is …
RCS Creteil B 490 125 101
Nom commercial : ITEXPERTS
It’s a name of a compagny registred as providing software for companies since 2006, but nothing more. The online service wasn’t very talkative about the legals informations.
I think they are renting the service of VPS of, because not so much informations…
Vimal, can you give us some more informations ?
– Entreprise Française? Si oui, RCS ou Siren ?
– Basée sur le réseau OVH ? Leurs offres cloud ou VPS ?
Company based in Mauritius and incorporated there.
We use the network of OVH but we do no rent their VPS, we resell OVH servers and have a few co-located servers also.
Nous sommes sur le reseau OVH mais on n’offres pas leurs offres cloud ou VPS. Nous nous enservons de vePortal.
Excusez le Francais.
Their website similiar with
Only website as it is a template. Not services.
Hi Vimal, whats your stance on installing a torrent client on your unmetered .fr VPS. It will be used for sharing Linux Distros and the likes.
No torrents allowed at all. It’s in our TOS.
I got one of your VPS, very quick setup, good point!
I don’t understand why you would promote unlimited bandwidth and GBs, when tcpsnfbuf is so small, causing problems when sending data over http for ex. The value is like 100x times smaller than what I have elsewhere!
Do you provide tun/tap support?
In their vePortal, you can activate tun/tap
Can you post cat /proc/user_beancounters for this vps?
This must be true for all VZ vpses, there is a scam going on with these hidden vz limits. They can limit per process memory, sockets and many other things from there, so if you have a big vz vps, it may be less useful than a very smaller xen or vmware vps due to these limits.
Oh, for the ability to edit our posts… Or a preview at least. :(
So your max process memory is 128MB and shared max mem 21M, any process going above these limits will be killed silently (beauty of vz), even there may be 400+MB free memory.
Process limit is 240 and also tcp socket limit is 360 which is not enough for a real server.
What’s the point in offering 256MB but only allowing us 128MB max per process? It kinda defeats the purpose, or am I missing something?
That said, I haven’t noticed any untoward effects of the settings, and it’s been a relatively decent performer for what I’m using it for so far. I haven’t used more than 128MB so far, usually around 60-70MB max, I think.
These are annoying issues with openvz, which is not a real virtualization. If you don’t hit them, they won’t bother you but if you do, it may take a while to figure out if you are not aware of these vz-specific limits.
I usually avoid openvz or ask for cat /proc/user_beancounters before buying.
This host is ridiculous. I had nothing but problems at this host. I didn’t get the promised specs or port speed, the support was horrible, it took them 1 to 2 days to respond, and when I finally had enough I wanted a refund. The support agent Adrian told me to wait 30 days for a refund. So yesterday (January 15) I checked my account and there was no refund, so I sent in a ticket that night and guess what. THEY CLOSED THE TICKET. Didn’t respond at all.
I suggest you all stay away from this host.
Yeah, the idiots managed to invoice me twice for the same period. I asked them to fix it weeks ago. I got no reply. After a few days I just told them to cancel the service. I got no reply. I’ve just today received this month’s invoice from them.
These guys are useless. For god’s sake don’t setup a paypal subscription with them. Speeds were decent, the VPS performed well, and uptime was good for me. The staff were just useless.
Totally unskilled. In november the deleted an entire node (and, ts backup since it was on the same machine(…).
Yesterday they destroyed something else and the tun/tap module in not working anymore. They are cheap but still not worth.
In Nov they blamed OVH for wiping the node, iirc. They gave us all a free month for it, so I wasn’t too bothered.
They’re cheap and it’s unlimited BW, they just can’t get anything right it seems. :/
Just received this from IT Experts …
We are updating our Terms of Services with the following for effect as from February 1st 2011.
1. Update to Payment and Services.
a). Clients having more than 1 services.
If your account is not in good standing i.e – Overdue Invoices – Suspended Services or improper Cancelled Services, the whole account will be suspended..
To make it clearer, we are giving an example below.
Client A Has Shared Hosting and VPS with us. But his VPS is suspended for non-payment, this means his hosting gets suspended too. The service will only be restored when the the VPS is paid for and if Cancellation is required, it must be done after the VPS has been paid.
b). A cancellation notice 7 days prior to due is compulsory. If this rule is not followed, a penalty of $100 is applied to the account and the invoices will continue to generate and may be refered to a collection agency for any outstanding amount.
2. Update to OVH Server Payment
a). The above will also apply to OVH Payment as from February 1st 2011.
b). Payment for OVH Servers must reach us 3 Days before your billing Due Date.
c). OVH servers will be suspended on the DUE Date at 12:00 P.M GMT. (This is to prevent non-renewing clients from further utilizing services).
As required by Law, if you wish not to abide by the new terms of Services, you wil be free to cancel your account at the end of your current services and free from any contracts set by IT EXPERTS LTD. You will not be able to re-contract to IT EXPERTS LTD.
Thank You
Legal Department
Registered in the Republic of Mauritius
Under the Companies Act
“a penalty of $100 is applied to the account and the invoices will continue to generate and may be refered to a collection agency for any outstanding amount”
its a shame companies fall to this standard.
Nice how they give you 24 hours announcement. Less than the 7 days that they require their clients.
If this is the way they treat their clients, I’m glad I don’t deal with them.
@ Daniel, This clause only apples if you do not cancel properly. I guess all companies in the world require you to provide a proper cancellation notice before you end a contract.
@ drmike, We had a 15 Days Notice Policy on client cancellation before and we have brought it down to 7 days which is most standard procedure nowadays.
@everyone who has had problems, I will be happy to deal with your problems, if you email me directly and I can sort out something.
Thank You.
“A cancellation notice 7 days prior to due is compulsory. If this rule is not followed, a penalty of $100 is applied to the account and the invoices will continue to generate and may be refered to a collection agency for any outstanding amount.
2. Update to OVH Server Payment”
“@ Daniel, This clause only apples if you do not cancel properly. I guess all companies in the world require you to provide a proper cancellation notice before you end a contract. ”
If you do not cancel properly other companies only charge for one more month until they can cancel properly they don’t profit by a fine, only *%^&* like serverpronto use these tactics to harass the customers. I was considering signing up but this clause puts me off.
They miss the point about the issue that I was raising. Their ToS, even if they say it’s industry standard which I feel is not, is unequal when comparing the relationship between clients and company.
Granted most companies’ ToSes are written to the advantage of the company. Doesn’t mean it’s right though. Even with something this simple which can be modified with a simple edit to make it level. Instead of doing so, they would rather defend it. Shows a poor customer relationship.
Mine is 30 days or until the next paid renewal, which ever comes last. With the exception of emergency changes such as those involving illegal circumstances such as those which would be treated as felonies. (ie On the level of child porn and the like. I believe I’ve invoked it one time and still allowed exceptions.)
Indeed, we will defend it, this clause actually makes it good for us as it keeps Kiddies away from us. I do not know of any circumstance till now that we have had to apply this clause at all. We have very less cancellations and we do keep all our customers happy, We work to resolve all issues if they have any with clients personally.
Unless you are in the habit of leaving a company without requesting a proper cancellation, then this clause will apply.
We have a strict TOS I agree, but that helps us and we have a very good client base and that TOS does help us when it comes to keeping our business clean, from any illegal things.
I do not see how this clause will put you off if you cancel properly.