Initially I wasn’t sure whether I was going to post this one. After all, most people pay for their low end VPS with credit card, PayPal or other methods in a currency backed by a governing body in a sovereign state on this planet earth. But Bitcoin? LeetNet lets you do that, just in case you picked up this virtual currency backed by some cryptographic algorithm that’s way beyond my comprehension. For 0.24 BTC/month (~USD$4.18 at Mt Gox at the moment with heavy fluctuation), you can get “plan 22” which has
- 128MB memory
- 15GB storage
- Unmetered on 100Mbps port
- VMware
You can pretty much install any OS you want. Servers in Scranton PA. The only way to order is to email the sales. Domain registered in August 2010 with WHOIS privacy. Very minimalistic website and very minimalistic terms of services. Only found a small one-line review on Tor Project: “ is a BitCoin-only VPS provider that is Tor friendly. Good customer service, prices that change to reflect the USD/BTC market, great bandwidth, and no-frills VPS”.
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great thing that you picked up BTC-payable vps – I was really tempted several times to ask for those explicitly here on leb.
I hope to see more of them around soon. Oh, and actually, being able to pay with BTC made my decision for this host!
“Oh, and actually, being able to pay with BTC made my decision for this host!”
Being anonymous? :)
I’m sure they will have rough ride with BurstNet, heh.
A lot of our clients prefer to remain anonymous, that could be one reason. Another could be that a lot of our clients bitcoin “mine”, and being able to rent a VPS directly off of the profits from mining is huge time-saver.
“mining”… Do you mean the activity where people can just create money from out of nothing (okay, computation cycles), and then trade it with real world items?! Oh wait, I see the Fed is already doing that. Never mind.
@LowEndAdmin – The Difference is that the FED can do it literally without any limits. For BTC however there can never be more than 21 Milions of them.
@mina, being anonymous is unfortunately quite important these days. After german Feds seized all my computer hardware 3 times last year for “writing software that could be used in a malicious way”(i.e. I wrote a framework to remote control internet gateway devices for home users), incorporating a material loss of ~ $30.000 and an unrecoverable data loss, I quite prefer having backup machines all over the internet that our police here cannot find. I have to hide my data – even if it’s just for preventing our police from destroying another of my backup harddrives for good(and yes out of 57 hard drives they seized the first time, 34 came back unrecoverably destroyed, one with a broken case, and all the others contained federal malware).
Summary: We need to protect against our governments – as this is not possible legally in germany(watch google’s transparency report, we’re a ‘free country’ where google gets forced to remove videos from youtube for being ‘government criticism’) to defend ourselves, there have to be other ways. getting a bit stealtier using BitCoins is a start, imho a good one!
Just FYI, our plans for the near future include a payment gateway using
Also, feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our services. We recently opened a VPN service too.
Do you allow torrents?
If yes, is it possible to get a custom plan with more disk space for torrents?
Yes, and yes. Send us an email and we will do a custom bid.
I wonder how they’re considering to scale, given that selling roughly 250 ‘plan 22’ VPS would already warrant a run at the currency. And I somewhat doubt that BurstNET would accept BitCoins.
One of Leetnet’s goals is to start providing more items you can purchase with bitcoins, so bitcoins are seen as less of an asset and more of a currency. That said, if the bitcoin market were to crash completely we would allow everyone to continue using their service through the end of what they had paid and close up shop.
Consider for a moment though, how quickly the market recovered from a complete “crash” and how long it takes for fiat currencies to recover. If I remember correctly the Great Depression in the US recovery was measured in years not mere days like the bitcoin one.
Bitcoin supporters keep pointing out the fast recovery. What they fail to mention is that the crash actually happened in a side market run by MtGox, which uses its own MtGoxBTC currency, where transactions can be reversed (unlike with bitcoins proper). And in fact all those transactions during the crash were reversed.
I’m sure the American economy could have recovered faster too if they could have snapped their fingers and reversed all the irrational trading of the late 1920s.
@LeetNet, did you consider to make payment processing with MtGox? I mean, almost every bitcoin user will have a Gox account, and their prices for processing payments are actually quite ok. Also you could do direct BTC transfers, bitcoind isn’t actually too hard to setup…
Thanks, we will look into those too. We were impressed with the mybitcoin people, but MtGox and bitcoind are still options.
@LeetNet, did you consider to make payment processing with MtGox? I mean, almost every bitcoin user will have a Gox account, and their prices for processing payments are actually quite ok. Also you could do direct BTC transfers, bitcoind isn’t actually too hard to setup…
However I think the only reason not to go for mtgox exchange could be the fear of getting goxed again.
@fefaya – despite me having the luck to live in a european country, there’s lots of people that can’t get hold of a paypal account legally, or even a credit card, so for those people 95% of LEBs posts are pretty much dreams, not because they cannot afford it, but because for some political reasons they cannot pay for it. So BTC is a real alternative here!
east europe?
Everyone not listed here:
Let me start by saying – I’m not a host, I’m just a person.
I am not sure why people need this level of anonymity. If you are doing something illegal, then that would make sense, and it seems like this would attract those sorts of customers. On the other hand, it is good that it is not exclusively Paypal that is getting all the Low End Box business, other forms of payment are good to see.
This is Burst NET you are dealing with here, let’s just say, I’m not thinking this is going to end well. Burst NET are known to be a pretty strict company already, and with the types of customers it looks like you might attract.. Well good luck. We shall see.
Wonder what kind of neighbours you would have on the node ;)
If only they weren’t anonymous… then we would know.
actually bitcoin isn’t that anonymous. unless you mine them yourself. In fact you can follow transaction using one of the common Bitcoin Block explorers, for example at As most BTC wandered through MtGox in their history, you can follow them to at least their site. And that’s where anonymous ends…
Consider that we use a different payment address for each transaction. How would they trace it in that case?
Do you have offer price for 80gb space, 1024mb RAM, 2048mb Burst RAM OpenVZ, 2048mb Swap Xen, 2000gb data transfer ?
If you don’t see the plan you are looking for on the website, please feel free to contact sales for a custom bid.
What happened to plans 1-20?
Plans 1-20 were BurstNET resale. We decided that was a terrible idea.
This is the most weird thing that I have seen in this year :|
I can buy this VPS after burning my GPU? or wtH is this :S
I don’t get it, accordint to this
The Nvidia cards are freaking slow? o_O I can get more of a low end ATi than a mid-high Nvidia? o_O
well, nvidia cards are slower than ATIs because they have a couple limitations when it comes to integer operations. after all, GPUs were initially designed to do float ops, not ints. However bitcoin relies on SHA-Hashing algorithm, which only needs integers. The lack of nvidia cards to do hardware shifts slows them down here. Also, AMD’s cards have more shader processing units, giving them more hashes/sec.
Still, the driver developers of AMD should be stoned. They are advertising products “for professional computing”, yet their drivers are nearly uninstallable unless you run ubuntu, and their graphics accelleration(including OpenCL) does only work when started from within X11 and ceases to work if you go to your root console. I want to see someone buying a GPGPU cluster who is willing to have X11 on all of his nodes and nearly no possibility to monitor them using ssh.
So if you’re up to mining BTC, going with windows or ubuntu and an AMD card will be best for you.
If you dont really intend to do real computing, or if you just want an easy life, or your computation is based on floats you should go for nvidia. It’s also worth mentioning that their drivers and the CUDA sdk are really easy to install, and despite the performance issues their current cards are having, I’d really favour it against that AMD crap.
Closing words: Stone and burn all AMD Linux Driver Developers! They should really make it open source if they are too stupid to provide a working generic driver for their products.
This is not a good sign… I just tried to send an e-mail to the sales team and got the email rejected:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using (state 14).
It seems like the mailserver you sent the email from was blacklisted. We whitelisted your email address and your email should be fine now.
Thanks. That’s strange. I was sending the e-mail through GMail, so it should have been Google’s servers. In fact: domain name pointer does have it currently listed as being used for spam. Google’ing for that IP address shows a history of problems and RBL listings.
Having said that, filtering a support inbox is an issue. I know we don’t do it. Even the idea of false positives would make that not a good idea. Of course calling a client or a possible client a spammer….
Yeah, to be honest, we didn’t realize we were filtering it. Too much copy-pasta there. We fixed the issue. All spam, and legitimate emails should be passed :)
Thanks and thanks for the response.
Not the first time I’ve seen a provider doing this. At least you recognized that it was an issue.
So I got a gaming rig with a ATI Radeon 5870? Does that mean I now get free money if I keep it on 24/7?
I dont get bitcoin.
Not really free when you count in the cost of electricity required to produce a single bitcoin.
My friend said a guys came to his store to buy 18 (yes, eighteen!) AMD 6990 VGA cards just for mining bitcoin @_@
@Leetnet: What is your server spec?
What do you want to know about our servers?
I have some friends with racks upon racks of bitcoin mining systems using specially-designed hardware (not GPUs, rather, some PCI cards based on some crypto-accelerators, but home-brew using hardware from Soekris and others.)
I keep all of my computers on anyways.
Yes, but there is a large difference in power usage between a computer running idle and a computer running at full CPU+GPU load. I remember hearing something a while back about the cost of power to produce a single BTC being near equal to the value of a single BTC.
5870 gives you about 300 MH/s according to
At the current exchange rate of 17, says you’ll get 3$/day.
I’ve been doing this since feburary with 2 5770s, I’ll upgrade in college where I don’t pay for electricity.
@Kuro Unless you’re running kernel 2.6.38 :)
Hmm. I don’t think the university will miss too much power… time to salvage some GPUs.
Ordered the 64MB box and waiting for payment to process and the VPS to be provisioned. I’ll report my experience here.
Got the VPS (64MB 100 MHz plan). Sales team seems nice and responsive. Some stats:
Memory usage with bare VPS:
Disk usage:
wget reports download speed at about 750-800K/s. So far, not bad at all for the equivalent of about $2/mo. It feels a bit sluggish, but I am not going to use it for anything intensive so I guess it works for my purposes.
Forgot to add that there is no control panel that I could see. Looks like I’ll have to write to the support line for every reboot.
In the email with your VPS details in it, you will notice the line that said:
“If you would like we can also set you up a VMware client username and password so you can reboot your machine and have access to the console.”
We will honor that.
Totally missed that. That’s what I get for getting too excited.
The speeds you are seeing are most likely due to the lack of memory optimization in the default debian install. We recommend running LEB’s to free up some memory.
Just to clarify, it is exactly as speedy as I would expect a VPS of these specs. So far so good. I am happy with the responsiveness of the sales/support team and the fact that they are answering questions here is a good sign. Hopefully, this will last.
I understand 64MB 100MHz(?!) plan is really low, but 800k/s is slow speed compared to other VPS offers. Try wget with some other host/url.
I’ve read alot about bitcoin. But this is the first time im got a wallet. now lets see what the exchange rate are.
to bad you don’t get the vps right after transfer but i don’t think that would be to easy to solve…
Congrats for your first wallet. Be sure to always back it up. Also I’d recommend to visit to receive your first free 0.001 Bitcoins. Oh, and if you’re going to sell/buy btc, use an email that can be deleted for each exchange site. Since MtGox got Goxed that mail I signed up with gets filled with spam. And there are more security holes in MtGox and other sites that do exchanges.
good advice thanks!
It’s worth noting that this host is violating the vmware tos, as they don’t allow the sale of virtual machines hosted on esxi hosts. Just thought people should be informed if they intend to use this service…
Actually it is legal to sell ESXi based VPS if you have a VSPP with vmware.
Like a hackers roundabout.
They hack computers and make botnets, they mine for these bit coins (which I had to read up on today to understand what this all is). They then use those bit coins to buy more servers from providers like leetnet and do more 24/7 mining off them and on it goes, making them more and more kerching.
Honestly, I refuse to support and/or condone this type of offer. Maybe if I’d have learnt of it a few months ago, but not now.
Mining on a VPS would yield infinitesimally small amounts of bitcoin a month. (ie something like 0.0001 BTC per month) Which would never pay for the VPS itself.
A bitcoin mining botnet would have to be so huge to gain any quantifiable amount of coins that it would be more useful for DDOS than it would for mining.
I find it a little funny that you have such a strong opinion about bitcoins “which [you] had to read up on today to understand”.
Leetnet tries to price our packages such that a gamer who wants to mine while he is not playing could feasibly pay for a VPS in a month. We are not attempting to specifically cater to “hackers”.
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, Jason.
Oh I have a very good idea what I’m talking about.
‘leet’ net – likely the infestation of a hacker or gamer by name. It just doesn’t work and has a very dodgy smell to it. It’s a hackers currency right now and has been exploited as such. Good luck but at the same time, I hope this doesnt work out.
Do you also hate TOR because it can be used to hide hackers?
Or IRC because that’s how hackers gather can?
Just because one group of people uses something doesn’t mean it is bad. Hackers can also use dollars and real money. What’s the difference?
I’m well aware of that. But somewhere that calls themselves ‘leet’ met amdmaccepts bit coins, mhm, no thanks.
I already read the bitcoin wiki but still I cannot understand how it work :)
Oh well my guess is its just bruteforcing something until it finds what it wants to find :)
It’s leaving your computer on and it uses your CPU and GPU to ‘mine’ bit coins is how I read it. So the hackers like Lulzsec with their botnet of 100,000 computers worldwide apparently generate $7,500 worth of bit coins either daily or monthly, can’t remember.
Mining on a botnet is unfeasible and downright retarded; it will be found out immediately with the massive performance usage and you will lose half your botnet when their systems run hot and become unusable.
You don’t know about this subject – stop talking about it. I’m not being mean, no offense, but really.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
And you can’t really be generating $8k daily with this.
Also, disclaimer: I don’t use or support bitcoin.
You sound like an experienced hacker my friend, typical user of a low end vps. Is exactly like that and it has been reported as such by global media organisations that the MtGox exchange collapse recently was a result of Lulzsec using their botnet to generate thousands of dollars worth of bitcoins which they tried to sell $7.8m worth of bit coins on the exchange, you need to get a life and enter the real world my friend.
I’m neither (most of my VPS are well over 2GB RAM anyways)
Jason, you’re hilarious. Keep it coming ♥
@Jason – That lulzsec new was false information. Here is what really happened:
and if you call the “typical user of lowend vps” experienced “hackers” thats fine. However connecting them to some cyberpunks(lulzsec) or some 4chan kids that do things for(IMHO) the right reason with the wrong tools, I’d really hate it. Actually LEB is a pretty neet website, one of my favourites actually, because LEA provides me with something I can get nowhere else: Offers for machines that I can use for smaller projects!
lolwut… this guy is obviously just trolling by claiming that you’re trolls and it’s working.
bitcoins ?
you mean this thing?
sorry, i’m not l33t enough to afford such vps.
Precisely that. It’s astonishing and LEA, don’t post more of these ? :p
I did say that I wasn’t sure whether I should post it. Obviously I *did* — for my own amusement rather than for the benefit of the lowendbox community (although some are happy that it has been posted).
Thank you for considering us. We appreciate that you at least find us amusing.
No problem. I am still holding a reserved view on BitCoin :) Maybe I’ll change my mind when I can shop at supermarket buying a can of drink with bitcoin :)
LEB is great and LEA is a great person. But at the same time, I think even LEA knows that many users of low end boxes are illegitimate users.
The fact is, hacking groups still make use of Bitcoin for their own financial gains.
I’m sure he does. We’ve had a few providers complain about how many abusers a listing here gets them.
Thus far we have had pretty good customers from the post. No heavy CPU or network users. “Would buy again”
Thanks LEA
Well. It is up to the provider to uphold their ToS to prevent their servers being misused. There are scums in every corner of the earth, and I am sure it’s not limited to just low end box users.
Im sorry…
But i’ve heard about this thing called laundering money… something about drugsmoney and stuff like that.
And with the clean money you can buy about ~99% of the VPSes here. and don’t forget hacked CreditCards… holy smoly.
hacked CCs? Dude, if you plan something illegal, then pay with a vanilla visa or some equivalent to that if you live outside US. At least then, you are not chargeable with credit card fraud. Also I guess using hacked CCs does actually cause way more trouble than vanillas
Just wanted to make a point to Jason. every currency is used for illigal things, not just BitCoin
Don’t be such a moron. Of course every currency does but there isn’t a currency whose main use is based around illegal users and no other currency can exactly collapse because of hacking either. Go back to playing your games and botnets sir.
so if crackers get into Wall Street stock systems, and decide to steal all the money or to set new prices on certain stocks, that won’t cause a crash? don’t you think someone hacking a banks deposit accounts and rerouting their money could cause a bank run?
well, I’d love to live in your world. Bitcoin is in no way either based around “illegal users”(whatever that meaans) nor is it mainly used for illegal purposes. Also being anonymous from my government is my right. The Law says I have the right to control who has my data. But then those in the parliament release law after law to steal my data, then handle it like shit and blame hackers that make them public because the Govt didnt care a crap on security.
That isn’t it’s main use, so Jason stfu and stop trolling.
Rich talking about this topic coming from someone called ‘Anon’
rich talking from someone that doesn’t have a clue
Jason, you stereotype so much that you are the moron here. Anonymous.. think about what it means, it doesn’t mean OMG H4X0R 1337, It means I don’t want to disclose my information on the internet. I don’t want anyone knowing anything about me. I have a real life, I don’t want people being able to look me up whenever they please. So go run another fail business.
@Anon: i agree. im not ashamed of what i do. but i don’t want everyone to know everything about me!
@Jason: how mutch do you want to show online, even if you have “nothing” to hide.
I don’t think having customers who want to hide their identities it a good thing for any business. period.
And you can’t even run a successful business, so what would you know. period.
That’s quite far off the mark. period.
Where did my vps go? I bought from you and within less than a month, its been down multiple times. Not to mentioned that now its gone for more than 24 hours. I was patient but losing the grip now with this.
Please contact Sales via our email. We don’t know which customer you are, but we did recently have a host node go down and we are in the progress of moving the VPSs over to a new one. We sent out three emails notifying you of this, and we also gave you two weeks free service for the inconvience.
Service is very flaky, server has been down for the last 48 hours and five out of the last 7 days.
7 July
8 July
VPS still down
13 July
All true.
The host node his was VPS on died, we were able to recover all of the VPSs, and move them to a different server. We gave the customers two weeks free service, and apologized profusely.
Your server should be up now, if it isn’t contact us .
Would like to update everyone that i got my VPS back with a new IP / New box. Apparently my email spam filters are blocking his emails and none of it is going through.
My bad and i believe even the downtimes, Leetnet have been responsive via email, which is good.
Excerpt from our email that we sent to all customers today.
Go ahead and add us to the “Dead Pool” for the time being.
Our upstream provider triple billed us today, and forced us to cancel
our payment method. As such they are threatening to remove our servers from their datacenter. We are not sure what day they will kill your servers but, we wouldn’t expect it to take more than a week.
We have decided to search for another upstream provider, but since that may take a while (or may not be possible at all), we are offering to refund you any payments you have paid for this month’s (and future month’s) service.
To get started on this process, please send an email to with the following details:
* When you paid (and what billing cycle it was for)
* How much you paid
* What address you paid to
* How much we owe you
* What bitcoin address you would like payment sent to
If you don’t have all of the above details, send as much as you can and we will still try to issue you a refund.
We are sorry for the inconvenience,
~Leetnet Sales
Sorry to hear about the issues, mind explaining what went up in price? Did Burst/volumedrive ramp up IP costs?
I always found the bitcoin market to be an interesting one :)
IP costs were always a little high, but this time they actually just simply billed us three times. No joke. They charged the card, then told me they hadn’t, then they did it again, and then we logged in to view the bill and it charged us a third time.
Naturally we had to cancel the card, and that means we are overdue on payment.
Well that’s a damn shame :(
You could try try taking it up on WHT and seeing what reaction you get. Any sort of ‘Burstnet shafted me’ threads usually get at least 2 of their reps to reply with proof, etc.
Maybe I’m missing something here but this sounds like a billing issues.
Why haven’t you raised hell about it with your upstream provider/ datacenter?
If it’s an error, it should be looked into.
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