LoveServers started in October 2015. They have fully owned hardware. Their network blend at UKFast is Cogent, Level3 and peering at London Internet exchange. They have been featured on LEB once before, and they have some new offers to share!
The Offers:
– 512MB RAM
– 1x vCPU
– 20GB SSD Cached HDD space
– 500GB Transfer
– 1Gbps Uplink
– 1x IPv4
– /64 IPv6
– OpenVZ/SolusVM
– $15/semi-annual
– $25/year
– Order link
– 1 x vCPU
– 20GB SSD Disk space
– 1TB Transfer
– 1Gbps Uplink
– 1 x IPv4
– /64 IPv6
– OpenVZ/SolusVM
– $6/mo
– $18/quarter
– Order link
KVM Offer
– 512MB RAM
– 1 x vCPU
– 10GB SSD Cached Disk space
– 250GB Transfer
– 1Gbps Uplink
– 1 x IPv4
– /64 IPv6
– KVM/SolusVM
– $15/semi-annual
– $25/year
– Order link
KVM Offer 2
– 1 x vCPU
– 30GB SSD Cached Disk space
– 500GB Transfer
– 1Gbps Uplink
– 1 x IPv4
– /64 IPv6
– KVM/SolusVM
– $6/mo
– $18/quarter
– Order link
The Network:
Datacenter Name – UKFast (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2a06:8ec0:1:4::dead:beef
Test file:
Looking glass:
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Thanks for posting Jarland!
Any questions let us know :)
Hi. Are you(were)in any way related to weloveservers?
We’re not related to weloveservers in any way.
Looks like a great offer. I’m certainly interested (the 512 MB KVM offer, in special), yet I have a few questions.
In your TOS you refer to it that “top sites” are disallowed. I suppose you mean with this that you suspend accounts hosting websites that become popular, and therefore have a big inpact on the server. Personally I will not regard the site I would like to host on it as a “top site”. However, this is relatively measured, so I’d like to know what your definition of a “top site” is.
Also, I looked up your domains’ registrar information. Seems like you registered at But if that’s true, then what is your relationship with Namesco Limited? Are you a branch of this company, or is it only the registrar of your domain?
Thanks in advance :)
Hi Jasper,
Topsites refers to a type of “warez” server – see for details.
We won’t suspend someone for having a popular website :)
We’re not affiliated with Namesco, we simply registered the domain there.
Oh I didn’t know that term :P Thanks for clearing things up!
Will this be a limited time offer, or can I register it as of April 15th (final date of my current VPS) as well?
The offer will still be available in April :)
>> The offer will still be available in April :)
We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For further information, please contact us.
Scratch that – they’re back in stock, and I’ve managed to order one!
Hello, I’m looking at your offer (OVZ 3GB) Is this also in the UK? and when trying to order it comes up with £10 a month, is there a coupon or something i’m missing as it states here 6$ a month.
Hi Adam,
At the moment we’re hosting solely out of the UK.
It looks like the link to the LEB OVZ product is wrong, I’ll ask Jarland to edit the post.
The correct link is:
Are personal VPN allowed?
According to the TOS, Public VPN is not allowed, so I imagine personal VPN is allowed.
As Adam correctly stated, public VPNs are not allowed.
Personal VPNs are fine.
Hi Loveservers, I bought a KVM box and so far I’m happy with it. I’m wondering about the price though, are these recurring rates, or will the price be revised next year?
I know it’s a bit late to ask, but it couldn’t hurt to know.
Hi Loveservers. I picked up a KVM box, and so far I’m happy with it. Wondering if this price is recurring (i.e., will the price be the same for every renewal?).
I know I’m a bit late to ask, but whatever, good to know anyway.
Hi Mudeth,
Price is going to be staying the same recurring.
Only getting 3MB/sec from your test file on a 200Mb Virgin Media connection.
Hi Mike,
That’s unusual, even with the traffic being backhauled to London you should be seeing speeds much higher than that.
Testing from my home connection (Gbit) I’m seeing ~60MB/s downloads from the looking glass.
If you’re interested on in helping us diagnose please can you send an MTR/traceroute to us via our contact form:
can we have a smaller plan say 128mb or 256mb? not all of us need some much ram!
Hi Jim,
It wouldn’t benefit you in terms of price to have 128MB/256MB vs our 512MB yearly package.
RAM/Disk space to us is the small cost, bandwidth and IPv4 is the most expense to us.
I can see that you offer 500Gb of traffic. Is it monthly allowance?
Correct, this is a monthly transit allowance.
At the start of each month the count is set back to 0.
thanks a lot! This is extremely good offer for me, I will give it a go
If I take out multiple KVM nodes, can I use private networking between them? Not looking for any fancy setup / security hardening from you (e.g. ala Lunanode), only interested in whether:
1 – The nodes can talk to each other on a private network address.
2 – The bandwidth is unlimited in that case. Usually the limit is only applied to INTERNET bandwidth.
3 – How is the 500gb limit calculated? Suppose it refers to UPLOAD only.
4 – Would I break any terms and conditions if I link multiple nodes in a cluster? Of course provided I respect all terms I see specified in the terms and conditions.
5 – Can you load CoreOS on the £4 per month offer? I can provide a link / upload whatever needed.
Looking forward to a reply /taking out a few boxes.
Hi Adrian,
You can indeed use a private network.
Simply let us know after purchasing that this is what you’d like to do and we’ll assign you the IPs.
To address each question:
1) We’ll assign you a private IP for each VM. The VMs will be able to communicate using these private IP addresses.
2) Internal communication does not count towards your bandwidth allowance.
3) The bandwidth usage is calculated from both the upload and download.
4) Clustering VMs doesn’t breach the TOS
5) If you can provide us with the required installation ISO we can mount it for you.
the £15 for the year is that 250gb for the year or a month?
the £15 for the year is that 250gb for the year or a month? how long does it take to setup from ordering???
Hi Nick,
The 250GB allowance is monthly.
Setup is instant assuming you pay straight away.
Hi, these deals look really good.
I have a windows server 2012 licence – would you allow Windows to be installed on a kvm instance if I supplied the ISO?
Hi Mark,
Sure :)
Just drop us a ticket once you’ve ordered the KVM and we’ll get the ISO mounted for you.
That’s great, sorry for the delay in replying – I’ll be signing up today
Hello Loveservers,
I’m a little concerned about the bandwidth limit. With currently 180GB/month up+down I think the 250GB of the KVM-512 may be a bit tight. What happens if you go over the bandwidth limit? Do you get throttled, blocked or additionally billed? If you get additionally billed: how much would that be?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Jasper,
We send bandwidth notifications at 75% then another at 90% then suspend at 100%.
If you open a ticket at 90% we could look at either extending it by a few GB if it is close to the end of the month or looking at charging extra for a recurring amount.
Feel free to open a sales ticket via or emailing to discuss it further :)
Are there any plans to add the latest version of Ubuntu Server to the KVM offerings?
Hi Ant,
We’re in the process of testing some newly created 16.04 templates.
Hopefully they’ll be live in the next few days.
Hi Ant,
Quick update – the 16.04 template is now live for KVM.
is there any way to get unlimited transfere data on your servers. Thanks in advance
They recently (02/07/16) migrated to a datacenter in Manchester (iomart) and they are having networking issues (the migration was purportedly to avoid them).
Yesterday the network was down for about 10 min. The same for today, but twice, as of 13:45pm CEST.
(Support ticket #734971. I’ll get back when I have an answer.)
Hi Victor,
Apologies for the delay responding on here, as per the ticket that is hopefully resolved now.
Good quality servers, little laggy for some reason, but not a big deal for my usage.
Dominic is an absolute boss ;)
Hi Ben,
I have just replied to your sales ticket about this, I’d like to get it investigated.
Is it possible to easily upgrade say the $25 server if the sites prove to need more memory and/or bandwidth?