LowEndTalk’s 2021 Best Providers poll has been taken, the votes have been counted, the people have spoken, and the awards have been given!
#1 Best Provider Award: RackNerd
#1 Most Professional Provider Award: RackNerd
Here are the complete results (top 3):
Congrats to RackNerd, BuyVM, and VirMach for making it to the top 3 providers!
And a huge round of applause to RackNerd for winning first place by an overwhelming margin – 69 votes ahead of second place! RackNerd certainly appears to be a fan favorite within the LowEndBox & LowEndTalk community, and we’d say that is quite deserved. They are actively engaged with the community, and have a great reputation for taking care of their customers and for providing excellent customer support. RackNerd takes advantage of every opportunity to engage with the community, not only that – they have a wide variety of different hosting offerings available across multiple datacenter locations. We recently interviewed Dustin B. Cisneros, CEO of RackNerd here on LowEndBox – which is worth a read (up and coming providers can take away valuable insights from this interview). You can read the interview here.
Other providers that came in 4th to 10th place on the best provider award are as follows:
4 | HostHatch | 56 |
5 | GreenCloudVPS | 50 |
6 | Hetzner | 48 |
7 | OVH / SoYouStart / Kimsufi | 45 |
8 | WebHorizon | 40 |
9 | MXRoute | 36 |
10 | Terrahost | 35 |
NexusBytes | 35 |
For this voting, LowEndTalk Admin @FAT32 decided to twist things up a bit, and allowed for community members to also have a separate vote to vote for the “Most Professional” provider. The Most Professional provider is a separate award.
Here are the results (top 3) for Most Professional providers:
Congratulations to RackNerd, Hetzner, and BuyVM for making it into the top 3 of the Most Professional provider award! RackNerd also won the most professional provider award by a landslide – 39 votes ahead of second place!
See the results thread for full details.
How Does a Provider Become a Best Provider?
A provider wins the best provider award by votes from established community members of LowEndTalk (LowEndBox’s community forum). The full requirements for this round’s vote can be found here. From what I’ve seen, LEB/LET readers value:
Price: Go figure with a name like LowEndTalk/LowEndBox! LEB/LET readers are always looking for great value for the price. Paradoxically, though, the community usually reacts poorly to obviously unsustainable offers. So it’s not the craziest offer that always wins the community’s support but it’s a key factor in the overall decision.
Reliability: High uptime, few problems, lack of network hiccups, and solid performance all go into this category. No one is expecting five nines but flakey hardware, iffy networks, and slothful servers mean migrating users.
Transparency and Comunity Engagement: A lot of problems can be overcome by communicating frequently and often with the community you serve.
Again, congratulations to the top providers, and we hope to see all of them (and others!) back on the 2022 board.
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Congratulations to all the providers who were voted for, to those who earned the top votes, and all the other companies working towards being a top provider.
We’d like to especially thank the community for putting their trust in RackNerd and selecting RackNerd as their #1 TOP LET PROVIDER + #1 MOST PROFESSIONAL — this is huge, exciting! We’re grateful for the community, the mods, admins and members.
Looking forward to another great year, and many more with you all!
keep up the good work Dustin… love your service
Thank You Suda! We’re committed to providing excellent service, at pricing customers are happy with too!
Congrats to Racknerd for winning the top dog spot… highly deserved! I have a VPS with Racknerd since last Black Friday offer and have been pleased with the performance and service.
Hi Will! Thank You very much for supporting RackNerd.
Happy to hear that you’ve been pleased with the level of performance and service we provide. If you ever need anything, we’ll be here to help :)
About hetzner : racism, before being accepted he inspects your country, of course the persons for certain countries spend more … he does not even take the time to explain to you for why your account is not activated. but because I am student of “science of economics” I know what is that….
name of that ( racism + greed ) mots be banned
In my list “HostNamaste.com” is above all of them, their support and services are great for me.
I still don’t believe that Virmach is #3.
Support is so poor. The word “service” is not in their vocabulary!
Total agree!
I’ve been there, never return.
Not at all surprised that Racknerd has done so well and the result is well deserved. From the Racknerd website it seems they now have a London datacenter as well. However, none of the special offers on the LEB include London as a location. It will be really nice to get an introductory special for LEB fans – e.g. 2CPU/4GB so that we can really try their new infrastructure. Thanks!!
Hi Santosh Pandit — Thank You so much for supporting RackNerd, and commenting!
London has treated us, and our customers very well – it’s been very popular and an entry point to one day offering KVM VPS in this region. For now, we’ve deployed bare metal solutions here. Our goal is to continue expanding and offering more locations to choose from when opting for our KVM VPS solution.
Totally deserved, Racknerd is really awesome.
Glad you’ve had a positive experience with RackNerd!