Kyle, from Pulse Servers, has written us to share this exclusive offer with you located in Beauharnois, Canada. This server features unmetered transfer and comes with either Linux or Windows!
The offer
- No vSwap
- 6 CPU cores
- 30GB HDD space
- Unmetered transfer
- 1Gbps uplink
- 1x IPv4
- OpenVZ/SolusVM (presumably something else when picking Windows)
- Coupon: LEB
- $7/month
- Order here (Linux)
- Order here (Windows)
Please note there are always limits beyond those displayed in the case of unmetered transfer!
Pulse Servers was founded in September 2012 by Kyle himself and he’s been working hard at growing his business ever since. Their larger servers are aimed at gaming communities while their smaller servers are aimed ad hosting websites, VPNs, IRC servers, etc. Host nodes have an Intel Xeon E5-1650 CPU, 64GB of RAM, and 3x 2TB hard drives in RAID1. This offer comes with OVH’s DDoS protection of up to 480Gbit/s. When ordering Windows you can choose from Windows 2008 or Windows 2012. If you are currently a customer or decide to give these guys a shot after reading this offer, please share your experiences with us in the comments!
You can pay for your server with Pulse Servers using PayPay or Bitpay. Any CPU-hogging activities (like bitcoin mining) or “stress tests” will result in your VPS being suspended. No information on refunds is listed, so in case you want to know please ask them via their helpdesk. For all other details, please read their Terms of Service.
Network information
OVH – Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada
Test IPv4:
Test file:
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What about DMCA?
Can I use it as reverse proxy?
DMCA requests that come across my desk will be forwarded to you. That’s all we can do.
I don’t see any problem with using the server as a reverse proxy. The unmetered gigabit connection should make easy work of that.
Great Service,recommended.
Thank you, very much! We’re thrilled to be able to provide this great value to LEB viewers.
Any chance you guys will add ipv6 to your offering?
We are planning to offer IPv6 in the near future, but it has not been announced officially. We will be sending an e-mail when we we release it after testing.
TOS 13. Bandwidth Usage
You are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance varies depending on the hosting package you purchase. Should your account pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to suspend the account until the start of the next allocation, suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee, suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package, terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages.
one question about the bandwith,how many gbs can we use per month ?
for the leb offer
[quote]…This server features unmetered transfer…[/quote]
This is correct.
there is no limit to bw usage?
That is correct.
The ToS states, “This allowance varies depending on the hosting package you purchase.”
All of our current products offer unmetered transfer. Regarding your question on how many gigabytes of bandwidth you can use per month, you’re only limited by how fast you can transfer data. The control panel shows a limit of 100TB, but that’s just so that you can see how many terabytes you’ve used at a glance in the percentage format. For example, seeing 5% shows that you’ve used 5 terabytes of transfer. If you find a way to reach 100 TB of transfer, we’ll simply extend it to 200 TB.
We do not throttle the speeds after a certain amount, and we do not cap your transfer. Of course, abuse of this is obvious and will be handled appropriately. No server sits pinned at 1 Gbit/s 24/7, so we’d investigate that.
Many thanks for your careful help.
You’re very welcome!
Thanks, Maarten! I’m happy to answer any questions via our support panel, e-mail, or here. Specific server-related support should go through our client area ticket system, though.
Regarding the comment on virtualization type, “OpenVZ/SolusVM (presumably something else when picking Windows)”, I’d like to specify that Windows uses KVM and Linux uses OpenVZ. They’re both controlled by SolusVM.
We accept both PayPal and Bitcoin.
Due to the speed of our network, 100 MB will transfer very quickly. For those of you wanting to test larger file sizes, here you go:
100 MB test file:
1 GB test file:
10 GB test file:
If you’re downloading this from a Linux machine, we recommend using wget:
wget -O /dev/null
10 GB downloaded in 93 seconds, which is one minute and 33 seconds.
We’ve had six orders already this morning that used this coupon code. They were all deployed instantly and are currently online.
I’m thrilled to be able to provide the community with quality servers at a low price.
I would like to clarify on core count, as the listing states that servers come with 6 CPU cores. Our Linux packages come with 6 cores and the number of cores on our Windows packages is based on the RAM (more cores with more RAM). The Windows One (1 GB) package comes with 2 cores. The host nodes use Intel Xeon E5-1650s, which have a processor base frequency of 3.2 Ghz and a max turbo frequency of 3.8Ghz.
I have only 2 cores with not licensed Win 2008R2
6 CPU cores is for Linux !!!
Max, I answered your ticket and provided an explanation. I have also already posted details in the comments regarding what you’ve said. The website shows very clearly what the CPU specifications are for each server.
As stated on the website, the licensing is the client’s responsibility, but every time a fresh installation of Windows is deployed, a six month license is provided. This license activate automatically and does not require action on your part, nor additional payment. This is why Linux and Windows servers have the same price.
Also, you have 2008 based on your choice during checkout. 2012 is available, and you’re more than welcome to change that at your convenience through your advanced control panel.
Can I use RDP?
If you choose our Windows lineup, you’ll be able to use RDP, as it’s a built-in Windows feature.
I just Stumbled on this offer and very much interested in trying it out. But first I have a question which i do like ironed out.
The Windows one package, will it transfer file reasonably fast from the vps to my remote pc because from my previous experience with other VPS, copying big files (500mb-1gb) from the VPS to my remote pc usually takes forever and transfer at very slow speed (5kb/s)
The servers are connected at 1 Gbit/s, so your file transfers to and from the server will go as fast as your home connection allows.
Hmm. The order form claims it is secure with the recognizable padlock icon beside the text “This order form is provided in a secure environment and to help protect against fraud your current IP address ( is being logged.” – but it is being sent over HTTP and not HTTPS.
No sensitive payment information is sent through that page, as it will take you to PayPal, or provide an address for you to send Bitcoin to.
Are you able to support rDNS for the IP?
We do support rDNS for the IP addresses.
NOTE: Due to abuse issues with the Windows server lineup, we have decided to terminate the promotion for new Windows servers. Existing clients will still receive the promotional pricing.
The $7 promotion will continue to be valid for the Linux servers.
We’ve changed our stock to show zero for Windows One and Windows Two while we deploy additional resources to handle the abuse. A surge of purchases have been made for servers that do nothing but attempt to use 100% of the processor, disk read/write, memory, and network simultaneously. The funds are then removed with an unauthorized purchase claim.
We have loads of space for Linux and are able to handle this new form of abuse without any affects. Windows space is limited due to it being a newly released service, so we’re putting a stop to it before it affects our clients.
Setup not instant
Support very slow
I’m sorry you feel that way, Andy. I looked in to the issue to gain a better understanding, and I can’t say I see where you’re coming from.
Setup is instant when you supply a correctly formatted hostname on the order form, where examples of the correct format are directly below the box where you enter the hostname. This was explained to you in the support ticket and is the only reason your server was not deployed instantly.
Speaking of the support ticket, logs show you opened the ticket on Friday 27th March at 15:26. You received a response on Friday 27th March at 15:28. I don’t see how two minutes is very slow. The next response, coming in 14 minutes after your reply, explained the delay again and informed you that we would be deploying your server manually after correcting the error. Three minutes later, you reply and ask me what we’re doing and tell us you need it urgently. The server was deployed shortly after we replied and we added the additional IPs to your server after the payment was made.
I am confident that the support team provided an excellent quality of service with more than acceptable response times of as little as two minutes. I also believe that your server was deployed in a timely manner, with the delay being caused solely by the hostname error during the checkout process.
If I’ve missed something, please contact me at
Out of stocks. :( Wanted to try your Windows 2Gb tho.
We’ve recently acquired server space in France, and are working on getting those Linux nodes populated. Once those nodes have been populated, we’ll deploy additional KVM nodes in France for hosting Windows.
As Windows is a resource hog, we can’t have too many servers on one node. The goal would be to have a small number of larger servers instead of a bunch of 1 GB servers.
Great Post
Thank you very much!
We recently acquired server space in France and our new servers are now fully operational. Our server order forms now allow you to select either North America or Western Europe for your servers location.
2GB windows
100GB ?
I signed up for your service and although I cannot comment on it yet because I haven’t had time to use it, I was sent an email summary of the information I had given when registering. My password was sent back to me in plain text in an email. What was the point of having one of those password strength raters if you were not even going to bother to hash it? I find the basic security flaws disconcerting to say the least. Hopefully everything else will work out fine.
Can you please provide a looking glass? I need to test latency before I can consider switching.
Can I use the search engine Ranker GSA on this server?
I signed up a few days ago. Server runs great. Requested support. No reply.
Requested cancellation. No reply.
I signed up because I saw responses from the company on here and assumed they had good support.
I’m confused.
A response was provided to you, and I apologized for the longer than usual delay and provided the additional service you were inquiring about at no additional charge as a token of our appreciation for your patience.
Based on your overwhelmingly positive feedback on that support ticket, I can only assume that you simply forgot to update your comment on this listing.
We’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free to open a support ticket prior to ordering, or use our live chat found on the website.
135 people have used our Low End Box promotion code so far! Our infrastructure continues to grow and we are thrilled to be able to provide these services to our clients.
Pulse, I am trying to subscribe to your Windows VPS using the link above, but it’s saying it is unavailable. Is there a way that you can fix this so that I can subscribe?
i can use this kvm vps for game server ?
You can use a KVM VPS for a game server, yes. The deal listed here is for an OpenVZ server, though.
Please answer the ticket
Please solve tickets have been waiting 4 long
Please answer the tickets!
Please answer the tickets.
This thread is not to be used for support. We do not regularly check this. If you’re an active client, please open a thread. If you’re not, please contact us using the Contact Us box on the website.
Pulse Servers has been continuing to expand since we started in 2012, and we couldn’t have done it without our fantastic customers! Thank you for making Pulse Servers what it is today! Our four year anniversary is coming up, so be on the lookout for lots of promotions for the month of September!
We’d love to hear from you about our upcoming promotions. Let us know what packages you’re looking at and what kind of promotion you’d like to see, and we may be able to make it happen for you!