LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

QuickWeb - $23.88/Year 128MB OpenVZ VPS

QuickWeb Via this WHT offer. It’s interesting to see that QuickWeb is joining the $2/month VPS provider club with their latest “TestBox VZ” product (sign up link). For $23.88/Year ($1.99/month) you can get

  • 128MB guaranteed/150MB burstable memory
  • 6GB storage
  • 100GB/month data transfer
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

Servers with PhoenixNAP in Phoenix AZ. You also get once off 20% off discount when you use the promo code QWTESTBOX. QuickWeb also stated it pretty clearly on the WHT post that this is “strictly no support” hosting package as they will only be responsible for network, hardware and operating system. Even rDNS requests cost.

Looks like low end VPS is really a cut throat market now that providers need to push out really bare bone VPS to push down the price (thanks to this blog and numerous copycats).

Update: As drmike has pointed out, LowEndBox has indeed been hosted on a QuickWeb Xen VPS in Dallas, for free! That’s right. $3.99/month that I have saved by the way! Although may I declare that no special favoritism and/or endorsement has been given out to any provider that currently/previously host this website and to any current/previous advertisers.

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  1. rm:

    > QuickWeb also stated it pretty clearly on the WHT post that this is “strictly no support” hosting package as they will only be responsible for network, hardware and operating system. Even rDNS requests cost.

    Aww come on, rDNS is not ‘support’, it is part of being responsible for the network!

    October 25, 2010 @ 3:45 am | Reply
    • tommy:

      I agree with you, too bad. If they dont want do rDNS for free then why not give customer ability to set their own rDNS ;)

      LEB thanks for information :) i’ll never buy from them.

      October 25, 2010 @ 1:01 pm | Reply
      • Well. That’s your choice. QuickWeb has also been one of the most stable low end VPS for me so far. Sometimes you do have to trade quality with something… like price or service?

        October 25, 2010 @ 1:15 pm | Reply
    • It would be considered support if someone has to manually set up the rDNS for you, especially when you do not have a whole class of IP allocation and it has to go through upstream provider.

      These are called “test box” for a reason.

      October 25, 2010 @ 1:13 pm | Reply
      • rm:

        There are many other offers provide non-“test” boxes for similar or lower price.
        And asking additional fee for rDNS is just so tremendously tight-*ssed.

        October 25, 2010 @ 1:18 pm | Reply
        • Or it costs them more to offer it? If $23.88/Year + service fee is categorized as “tight-*ssed”, then I wonder how you would call 95% of other VPS providers.

          Please put things into perspective.

          October 25, 2010 @ 1:20 pm | Reply
      • Spirit:

        It’s still part of a service which is out of control of a user. As rm said – rDNS is not ‘support’, it is part of being responsible for the network!

        October 26, 2010 @ 1:24 am | Reply
  2. Yes, thanks are in order. I really appreciate the work you do on this site as I’m sure many others are. I am unaware of these copycats though. Do any of them post any deals that you don’t?

    October 25, 2010 @ 5:06 am | Reply
    • Woops. “as many others are” should be “as many others do too”.

      October 25, 2010 @ 5:07 am | Reply
  3. Ok for lowendbox reader RDNS can be set for free no biggie :)

    October 26, 2010 @ 2:36 am | Reply
    • @QuickWeb-Joe, great to hear that…I always want to be your customer and I have no regret now :)

      October 26, 2010 @ 2:39 am | Reply
  4. +1 for Quickweb. Great service. Makes me wonder how they can do it at that price point.

    LEB, you forgot your disclaimer that you;re hosted with them.

    October 26, 2010 @ 7:43 pm | Reply
    • *Aarghhh*. It’s on the footer of every page here.

      October 26, 2010 @ 11:06 pm | Reply
      • I know but 1) Who looks at the footer and 2) keeps you honest. Considering all the “review” sites out there that are just spammy affiliate links, that’s a big plus and something I point out when I mention this site elsewhere.

        October 27, 2010 @ 1:35 am | Reply
  5. Hi Mike thanks :) actually that question has been answered here I guess by Roel.

    October 26, 2010 @ 9:20 pm | Reply
  6. May I add some comments here?

    – For rdns, maybe we can check on the KnowledgeBase in WHM
    Since we can not do it under SolusVM, we have to ask for some help for the RDNS by submitting a Ticket.

    All good company, will have their KnowledgeBase. So the customer can read it, and solve any problem before contacting the support.

    I always did this. Try to solve any problems by myself before contacting the support, as I don’t like to disturb another people before trying to solve the problem first. If we didn’t have any knowledge, we can search it over the internet by Google. Submitting a Ticket, is my last option.

    And that is what I did before deciding to join in any company.

    QuickWeb having good support, and that is my reason to stay with them. At some time, I am having a problem with my VPS, and then send a Ticket. But I forgot that there is a lot of time difference, since I’m in Indonesia, and when I checked the Ticket time, it’s almost 1 or 3 AM.

    Yes, early in the morning.

    And Mr. Joe Selly and sometimes Mr. Matt,always fix and help me with my VPS, almost instantly. So, I have no reasons to go with another company other than QuickWeb. They help me, altough it’s in the middle of the night, or even early in the morning.

    That is a plus point that I may not get from others company.

    A simple and a good way to test before joining a company is, try to always read their TOS, AUP, KnowledgeBase, and send them a Ticket to ask about anything you don’t know.

    Judging before trying any services, it’s not fair.

    October 27, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply
  7. Typo :

    – For rdns, maybe we can check on the KnowledgeBase in WHCMS

    October 27, 2010 @ 12:24 am | Reply
  8. Appreciate kind words and testimonials from our actual customers who are using our services, don’t worry about some of the comments as some of them are competitors maybe? they tried to label bad service where in fact they don’t have first hand experience how we operate, we just say no support but if you log a ticket are we going to refuse helping you? :D answer is NO but a test box is a test box you know, feel free to experiment.

    October 27, 2010 @ 12:45 am | Reply
  9. id:

    admin, why is it $3.99/month that u save from getting free quickweb vps? i thought their softlayer-based xen vps (80MB RAM) is around $5.95/mo

    October 27, 2010 @ 3:07 am | Reply
  10. I’m thinking of moving to a new host and I’m keen on this company, can’t seem to find many reviews though. I feel that reviews are important to me, more so than the prices. Been let down far too many times.

    October 27, 2010 @ 5:50 am | Reply
    • we have some genuine reviews at WHT and at ratepoint (though we can only show 3 on free account) we do not solicit reviews, normally most people are not keen on giving reviews when they are satisfied but if they are not satisfied you see the everywhere.

      October 27, 2010 @ 7:58 am | Reply
    • Matt T.:

      I plan to write a more detailed review in the future, but I just have to say that quickweb services have been fantastic. The setup was instant, my request for TUN/TAP was done in a minute or two, the servers are fast, nice VPSmanager & have had no problems at all.

      I did weeks of researching VPS providers all over the net before deciding to go with them so I hope this helps others!

      All the best, Matt

      PS I have a SUPAvz1 & a Testbox1

      October 27, 2010 @ 9:02 am | Reply
  11. How much does a rDNS request actually cost for them to process?

    October 29, 2010 @ 3:27 pm | Reply
    • I would think it’s mainly the support cost, i.e. someone at help desk spending 10 minutes understanding the request + push the change through.

      October 30, 2010 @ 7:22 am | Reply
      • rm:

        > someone at help desk spending 10 minutes understanding the request
        Haha, good one :))

        Actually they posted above that rDNS will be free, so this is not an issue anymore. But still I’d prefer to have an ability to set rDNS without contacting tech.support, i.e. right in the SolusVM panel (some providers enable that).

        October 30, 2010 @ 7:36 am | Reply
        • RDNS only works with SolusVM if you got at least /24 IP and delegated to you, we do not put that much IPs on a box… well just look at the comments of our actual customers about their experience with our services, and for the price we are asking ( less than $1.99/mo) for a reliable service I’m really not sure what else do you want us to do? :(

          also does those “some” provider that have those capability have a VPS at this price point? people should focus on the providers reliability not those fancy features that you will only use once or twice! :)

          I’m really not sure why these issue with rDNS makes us a lesser host to be with? just a bit funny…. i guess it’s about time to graduate from this (lowend) market segment, might no longer be for us as our clients who are paying good prices are not even asking/looking for this feature when they joined us. :)

          October 30, 2010 @ 8:04 am | Reply
        • rm:

          > also does those “some” provider that have those capability have a VPS at this price point?

          Yes, it is BuyVM with the $15/year plan.

          > I’m really not sure why these issue with rDNS makes us a lesser host to be with? just a bit funny…

          rDNS is not just a vanity/prettiness/irc-vhost feature, it’s a very essential and important thing, because *many* spam filters will reject E-mail or put them into Spam folder if the user’s mail server reverse DNS is not set properly.

          Please understand that this discussion is not to disparage your company, I am glad that you manage to provide reliable and inexpensive services.

          October 30, 2010 @ 8:31 am | Reply
        • They have their own IP space from ARIN and we don’t at the moment because of our current setup in multiple Data centers, yes I understand the importance and all they have to do is log a ticket if they need it set at no additional cost.

          Our focus is providing excellent uptime and that is what people will get above all even at this price range.


          October 30, 2010 @ 8:52 am | Reply
  12. flyah:

    I’ve been using them for almost a year now. Its been great so far! Really fast and stable servers. and Oh, they’re kind generous too!

    (And I want to put a “hosted at Quickweb” footer on my Radio’s webplayer because they simply rock!)

    October 29, 2010 @ 4:37 pm | Reply
  13. Beny Ibrani:

    I have 4 vps with them, one of them is TestBox.
    Their support is very good and fast.
    The uptime can be said almost 100% without downtime.
    Keep your best support Quickweb!!!

    October 30, 2010 @ 2:33 am | Reply
  14. Just noticed the thread that you linked to has a 512 megs offer that’s good for another day or two for 6.95 a month or $69 for the year from these folks:


    There’s an offer to double the bandwidth as well in there.

    October 30, 2010 @ 6:25 pm | Reply
  15. I just picked up one of these for VPN use. QuickWeb for $1.99/month. :)

    October 31, 2010 @ 8:32 am | Reply
  16. Beny Ibrani:

    Hi Guys,
    Today I just got the nice info from Roel, and already upgraded to :
    QW TestBox VZ II
    1 x CPU Core Xeon 3440 (shared)256MB RAM384MB Burst
    10GB RAID1
    250GB Bandwidth
    Port1 x IP address
    Crazy $2.99/mo! (Paid annually $35.88)
    Roel had told me when I want to upgrade my current testbox.
    You can find these on WHT (forgot the link address).

    November 4, 2010 @ 4:39 pm | Reply
  17. Beny Ibrani:

    This is the link address of TestBox II:

    November 4, 2010 @ 4:42 pm | Reply
  18. Got 2 vps from quickweb now, one of which is this testbox works a treat and cannot complain one bit for the price.

    November 10, 2010 @ 9:23 pm | Reply
  19. Christian:

    It would be great if quickweb could offer this package or something similar to this in Germany too.

    November 10, 2010 @ 10:09 pm | Reply
    • thanks we would consider suggestion, there could be something soon in Atlanta, UK and Canada… but might be under Supa VPS plans

      November 11, 2010 @ 3:11 am | Reply
  20. Just got one, thanks.Network speed is not bad.

    March 18, 2011 @ 1:46 pm | Reply
  21. dennis:

    hey, when will be the cheap (15USD/month) ssd vps available again – and any plans for germany? regards, dennis

    March 30, 2011 @ 10:16 pm | Reply

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