Dylan from SparkVPS is back after recieving amazing feedback from their last offer. They are offering OpenVZ PURE-SSD VPS’s in Dallas & New York with amazing discounts and we hope you enjoy what they have to offer!
Their WHOIS is public, and you can find their ToS/Legal Docs here. They accept PayPal, Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Bitcoin Cash), and Credit Cards as payment methods.
Here’s what they had to say:
“SparkVPS is a faster-than-SSD VPS provider. Here at SparkVPS, we specialize in providing VPS hosting — all day and night long. We provide three different types of VPS hosting solutions: Budget VPS (OpenVZ), Premium VPS (KVM), and Windows VPS. We are able to deliver unparalleled performance in the industry via our proprietary technology, which we call “MaxIO,” combined with our optimized local RAID-10 pure SSD access storage allows us to deliver VPS hosting that is twice as fast as traditional SSD VPS hosting.
All of the below offers are powered by our pure SSD storage platform located in our Dallas datacenter, in addition to our newest datacenter location: New York!”
Here’s the offers:
| 1.5GB SSD
Dallas, TX, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Buffalo, NY, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
OpenVZ Nodes:
– Intel Xeon E3 Series Processors
– Samsung Enterprise SSD’s
– Dual/Redundant Power Supply
– 1Gbps Network Uplink
Please let us know if you have any questions/comments and enjoy!
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For the $14/yr which comes out to about a shy more than a buck per month I decided to give the 1.5GB SSD package a try. Instant signup and the box seems to function an perform well.
Awesome stuff, thanks for your order and enjoy! =)
Thinking of signing up for OpenVZ but would need FUSE module loaded for sshfs .. is this available?
Yes, this is available =) We can enable FUSE, just raise a support ticket with Support.
Sorry my ignorance but what is FUSE?
Woo for NY, grats guys :) Might add one there, already got one in dal!
Thanks Lorenzo =)
Oh man, I just signed up with their older 6GB SSD plan for $50/yr and 6TB of traffic. I don’t mind paying the $50 but boy I should would like the 10TB. Working great too!
Open a ticket to my attention and I’ll see what I can do for you =)
Very good deal especially for the money. Just ordered a VPS to replace one of my older VPS with Budgetvm.
Enjoy! =)
Dylan seems to be a nice guy.
I will try one OpenVZ 6 node and reply here soon.
Thanks Anon, I appreciate it =)
ipv6 ready?
Not at this time but this is on our road map.
Doesn’t look like it, no.
Colo-Crossing never will be.
You can get it to work with a tunnel from Hurricane Electric/somewhere else
Can you be more specific on what type of E3 Xeons you have?
Depends from node to node but nothing older than a E3-1240v2 generation =)
What Xeon E3 are you running?
Answered this above =)
Thanks for your interest
I got a 6GB node in the NY location.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v3 @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 4
CPU frequency : 800.000 MHz
What kernel version are you using?
And is docker supported?
Docker is not supported on these offers, but our KVM VPS offers in our last offer do: https://lowendbox.com/blog/sparkvps-openvz-ssd-vps-kvm-ssd-vps-and-windows-ssd-vps-in-dallas-tx-from-2-50-mo/
On the NY location I got Kernel 2.6.32-042stab132.1 .
So I don’t think docker will work (well) on OpenVZ6.
can i host laravel app on 3GB SSD ??
Yes, you can host Laravel =)
Static IP with every package?
Yes, that is correct!
I got one IPv4.
That’s right. One IPv4 address is included with every VPS plan.
Is the bandwidth per month or per year?
It’s per month =)
Is fuse mount available?
Yes, FUSE is available. Please open a support ticket if you require assistance enabling it.
Is fuse mount Available?
Is it possible to get 1 day or even few hours trial of the 1.5GB SSD plan before I pay? I really want to buy but I couldn’t find enough reviews/feedback to make a decision. Thanks
That’s definitely understandable. SparkVPS provides a 48 hour money back guarantee window – this should be ample time to trial our services risk free =)
Bought 1.5GB SSD package today (my first VPS experience). Installed Nginx and started hosting a medium traffic website.
I have to say I am impressed, everything is good, a great alternative to my previous shared hosting provider who couldn’t handle the traffic anymore.
I hope that everything will be good in the future so I will buy even more packages from you :)
I love hearing success stories like this =)
Thank you so much for taking the time.
Hey, good offers! Couple of questions:
1) Can I use it for torrent download (not tracker/seeding) from public torrent sites?
2) The $14/yr is an excellent plan, but I’d like to know if you can customize a little bit the package: I’d need a >200GB SDD, only 1GB RAM (maybe less), and 2TB traffic.
Ordered 6GB SSD plan 14 hr’s ago and paid the invoice. but, it’s showing unpaid and still not provisioned. Don’t know when they will come online!
Got the VPS and, installed cPanel. working great till now. will review it after using someday. :)
Great, and thanks =)
Ordered 640MB SSD plan yesterday, invoice status paid and still waiting. Not a good start from this provider!!
Sorry about that! Due to high amount of orders because of the LEB promotions, we ran out of stock (only for a few hours). We’ve set up new servers this morning, and everything should be instantly activated again.
Bought the 6GB SSD on September 26th, 2018. Since then server is unavailable or offline almost every day. Network problems or abuse users was the excuse. I have asked for service termination and full refund at Saturday, October 13th, 2018. Still waiting!!!
Are masternodes ok on your VPS? They sometimes have high cpu usage for about 20 mins a day but the rest of the time CPU usage is nominal at most. Typically about 45 mins of CPU time a day total. This is not the same as crypto mining. It is just to hold a wallet.
I wish to know as well
Is hosting Docker containers possible and allowed?
Could you please provide any benchmark results in the 6GB RAM variant?
Just bought the 6 GB variant, checking out RAM and CPU speeds. Everything is good, it was instantly setup.
But the thing which really bothers me was, the RAM and processor speed.
Below is the test I ran using sysbench
root@mail:~# sysbench –test=memory –memory-total-size=1G run
sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Doing memory operations speed test
Memory block size: 1K
Memory transfer size: 1024M
Memory operations type: write
Memory scope type: global
Threads started!
Operations performed: 1048576 (982971.31 ops/sec)
1024.00 MB transferred (959.93 MB/sec)
Test execution summary:
total time: 1.0667s
total number of events: 1048576
total time taken by event execution: 0.8714
per-request statistics:
min: 0.00ms
avg: 0.00ms
max: 8.03ms
approx. 95 percentile: 0.00ms
Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 1048576.0000/0.00
execution time (avg/stddev): 0.8714/0.00
RAM speed is highly disappointing.
Even though it states 4 cores CPU is provided, the sysbench outputs are really not so good considering the same test being executed in a single core i7 VPS.
root@mail:~# sysbench –test=cpu –num-threads=4 run
sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 4
Doing CPU performance benchmark
Threads started!
Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 10000
Test execution summary:
total time: 5.9114s
total number of events: 10000
total time taken by event execution: 23.5898
per-request statistics:
min: 0.91ms
avg: 2.36ms
max: 31.33ms
approx. 95 percentile: 6.27ms
Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 2500.0000/983.32
execution time (avg/stddev): 5.8975/0.01
As this was all the benchmark tests, it might differ in real life situations.
I’ll be updating soon, after a full test for a day or two.
Btw, bang for the buck offer tho! Hopefully everything would go smooth in the long run.
Recently, the server has been lagging like hell. Now, just minutes ago my VPS went down. GG. It’s not even more than a day, now it’s down, already submitted a support ticket but none answered.
P.s – I never had any of my VPS gone down with other providers. This is the first time am facing this issue.
It’s up again. They told me that it was some kinda network issue.
Hoping for the best in the long run!
3rd time in a row, the network went down!
Requested for refund, hope everything goes smooth.
This was resolved, see below.
Ah it’s been more than 7 hours, no one has replied regarding the refund ticket.
It’s been almost over a day, no one has cared to issue the refund nor reply to the support ticket. This is really tiring…
This has been refunded in full for you within less than 24 hrs of your request…
Billing is not a 24×7 department. Support on the other hand is.
Take a chill pill, you sound like a really whiny customer. I work for an ISP and you match all of the characteristics of an “unwanted” customer. They probably don’t want you as a customer. Sigh. Good thing I don’t work in CS, anymore.
I’d say as I also work in a similar field both you and I are thankful you don’t work in CS any more. You match all the signs of a Tech i wouldn’t want to be dealing with or have on my team.
We are expiring these promotions in 24 hours. Last chance to order!
Ah, finally got the refund! It’s a trustable service!
network down and my client trying to kill me because i recommend you
Spark vps servers run very smoothly in fast. now they are not and i recommend to buy vps from spark vps for his web site and it went down more than 5 time in last 10 days. they tole me just today they don’t support 3rd party. but what the hell every time web site down i have checked server status via whmcs control panel and ssh both offline.
i will never recommend his or spark vps servers ever again to anyone.. even for my worst enemy.
I have the same.
My VPS is down like 4-5 times a week.
They said that I use to much CPU, average load of 0.3 with the 4CPU VPS.
The same is happening to me,
I bought the 6GB package and it worked fine for a few days I host a website using centminmod, but suddenly it started to have issues, since tuesday, it started going down every few hours for minutes as shown in the next picture. I tried to ssh to the VPS but it was really slow, I could execute commands
I thought, hopefully its just a network issue and I sent a ticket to them, 2 minutes later my VPS got suspended without notice. I sent them a ticket, their only response was that I was using too much CPU, which I am sure its not right, considering that just before I checked htop and it was really low, they told me to change to a KVM package.
I asked them after that, what about the files, they just told me they would elevate the ticket to a superior. I asked them what about all the downtime I will have until I get answered and there was no more response.
And that is my nightmare, hopefully I will be able to fix the issue or at least recover the files I got there. I always backup, but I was not able to backup that VPS.
I will keep you updated with what happened at the end
I have the same issue with them. 100% the same!
Stay away from those scammers! Do not prepay for a year!
Same here. It looked good at first, but issues started the same time as you said, maybe a day later.
They suspended the service, saying the VPS was using too much CPU.
I am not pleased that they like to suspend the service due to CPU usage. I thought I rented that CPU usage, so that should be my problem and not a reason for suspension.
It looks like they oversold the server and when things got rough they started suspending.
Do you support OpenVZ 7? So that we can upgrade to newer version of Ubuntu without braking libc6.
I’m interested in 18.04 LTS or newer.
Ordered and paid for 10 hours but still PENDING order? scam site?
Ordered and paid for 10 hours but still PENDING order? scam site?
Got the 6GB deal, and currently only using a single VPS, but it goes down roughly once a day (like right now). Probably about half the time this happens, their http://www.sparkvps.com site also becomes unavailable. Miserable service.
i have 2 core kvm since last April.
1) NO downtime
2) Performance
a) dd follows:
My preference is Sequential Read. Again very good !
I run performance tests on all servers daily and the above is pretty consistent/little deviation.
SparkVPS is dead