LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

SSDNodes - High RAM SSD VPS starting at $59.99/year - Dallas, TX & Seattle, WA & Montreal, CA

Matt with SSDNodes sent in an offer to celebrate the launch of their new Seattle, WA location and included their original Dallas, TX and Montreal, CA locations.

SSD Nodes, Inc is a registered corporation in Delaware with file / registration number 5098270.

The hostnodes are running Intel Xeon E5v3/v4, 128GB – 256GB of ECC RAM, along with 4 to 8 enterprise SSDs configured in hardware RAID10. They are connected to a 1 or 10Gbps port depending on location. They claim to have achieved 1GB/s writes and 200K+ IOPS on their platform.

They offer PayPal, Credit Card, and Bitcoin as payment methods. Before ordering, please ensure you read their terms and legal documents, which are available here.


LowEndBox X-Large
– 40GB SSD
– 4x Intel E5 CPU
– 4TB Transfer
– 1x IPv4
– 1x IPv6 (US Only)
– OpenVZ/SolusVM
– $9.99/month
– $77.99/year
[Order Link]


LowEndBox Large
– 30GB SSD
– 2x Intel E5 CPU
– 3TB Transfer
– 1x IPv4
– 1x IPv6 (US Only)
– OpenVZ/SolusVM
– $7.99/month
– $65.99/year
[Order Link]


LowEndBox Medium
– 20GB SSD
– 1x Intel E5 CPU
– 2TB Transfer
– 1x IPv4
– 1x IPv6 (US Only)
– OpenVZ/SolusVM
– $59.99/year
[Order Link]


Locations & Test Information

Dallas, Texas (Incero)
Test IPv4:
Test file:

Seattle, Washington (Incero)
Test IPv4:
Test file:

Montreal, Canada (OVH)
Test IPv4:
Test file:


  1. jack:

    I highly recommend SSDNodes! I ordered a server and it was ready within 10 minutes. The performance is really great which is great for my uses. Although there is no DDoS protection in the Seattle location, the cheap prices here allow me to get a cheap DDoS protected VPS elsewhere for a reverse proxy. The owner of the company reached out to me through email a little after ordering. He was super friendly and really wanted to make sure I was happy.

    January 25, 2017 @ 5:34 am | Reply
    • Thanks Jack! Really appreciate the kind words. You can always reach out to me for questions or if you need help: matt@ssdnodes.com

      January 25, 2017 @ 6:52 pm | Reply
      • Wilmer:

        Hi @Matt Connor

        1.- Price cycle annual its 77.99$ for live ?
        2.- Template Centos 7 ?
        3.- I can Install Docker ?
        4.- Price Ip Additional ?
        5.- Price Register Domain .com ?
        6.- Have Dns for domains or need to install bind for unmanaged VPS ?
        7.- Price Additional Space Gb SSD Hd ?


        February 23, 2017 @ 12:59 am | Reply
  2. james:

    Just got my one as well, looking forward to it.

    January 25, 2017 @ 11:18 pm | Reply
  3. Izuzu:

    May I know when does the offer ends?

    January 26, 2017 @ 2:29 pm | Reply
  4. Doug:

    I’ve have / had various servers and SSDNodes has been great. :thumbs up:

    January 27, 2017 @ 12:45 am | Reply
  5. xxdesmus:

    Great performance so far, easily beats DigitalOcean or Amazon performance — and it’s cheaper.

    January 27, 2017 @ 3:51 am | Reply
  6. thetoad:

    Hey there, what speed is your E5’s running at?

    January 27, 2017 @ 11:11 pm | Reply
  7. Brian H:

    I got the extra large VPS and then needed more disk space so I upgraded to the 16GB ram and 80GB one. It upgraded instantly without a restart needed, and it even pro-rated my cost. The server is pretty amazing in terms of speed and benchmarks, beat my old VPS in terms of disk read speed by 10x and the unix bench score is 5x higher. (See benchmark results below)

    I started to get a DDoS problem and instead of just telling me to go somewhere else, they suggested I sign up for CloudFlare and helped me get a new IP so that it’s hidden from attackers. Worked perfectly, they actually want to help me instead of just looking for how they can make money (most hosts would saw me as a liability because I started getting DDoSed)

    Here are my benchmarks from ServerScope (previously serverbear team): https://serverscope.io/trials/lrAw

    January 29, 2017 @ 5:04 am | Reply
  8. JayJay:

    These guys are awesome. I’ve been with them for a couple weeks shy of a year.

    I rarely ever remember their name because I never have to log in to their site to resolve problems. It’s the shitty hosts that I remember the names of better. Every time I have to log in, or spend time communicating a problem with them, I’m exposed to their branding and their name. SSDNodes never gives me any problems and literally never reminded of who I’m hosted with. On the other hand I can name the 10 worst shitty hosts I’ve ever used over the last ten years and clearly remember what their logo looks like. In other words, shitty hosting reinforces brand recognition.

    To SSDNodes: you better make your services go down once in a while, so I’ll have to log in to your support desk and be reminded of your company name. ;)

    January 29, 2017 @ 8:16 am | Reply
  9. Sad… I would order one, but the last time I tried to order from SSD Nodes the transaction got flagged as fraud and they never bothered to reply to the ticket I opened. Not a good sign.

    January 30, 2017 @ 10:32 am | Reply
    • Hi Rob,

      We had a really bad fraud issue before where we’d get flooded with fraud orders. Then we’d get flooded with tickets asking for those orders to get unblocked. We looked through the orders and they all had very high risk scores, it looks like yours was caught in that mess and I apologize. It had very similar characteristics of those other orders.

      If you’d like to give it a try again, we’d be happy to have you with us. Just send me an email if you have an issue and I’ll be able to look into it and unblock as needed: matt@ssdnodes.com

      January 30, 2017 @ 2:57 pm | Reply
  10. Emmanuel:

    I would have love the 8GB RAM plan. but I am afraid of DDOS attack. I intend to host a dating site. And I believe competitors will want to attack. Also I don’t have much knowledge on how to handle it on my own. It will be great if this can be solve

    February 5, 2017 @ 3:36 pm | Reply
    • Hi Emmanuel, we do have DDoS protection in Montreal. You can also use cloudflare in front of your website for more protection.

      February 5, 2017 @ 7:01 pm | Reply
      • Emmanuel:

        Thanks Matt. I prefer the 8GB plan. My service will be run in Nigeria. Will there be much difference in speed if my server is in Canada or USA. Noting that I am considering the Ddos protection and also backup with cloudflare free plan

        February 7, 2017 @ 3:32 pm | Reply
        • There shouldn’t be much of a difference at all, especially since you’re using CloudFlare. If you need the DDoS protection then go with Montreal. You can also open a ticket for us to have it always enabled, that way all your traffic is getting filtered. Otherwise, it will wait until a DDoS attack is detected, then will start filtering your traffic (which usually results in temporarily bad performance).

          February 7, 2017 @ 6:07 pm | Reply
  11. mike:

    do you offer kvm? I’ve had a previous provider shut down my box “for having too many connections”. Since I can’t tweak sysctl on openvz virtual machines, I have just had to cancel.

    February 6, 2017 @ 4:46 pm | Reply
    • We don’t have KVM, yet. That seems strange that you would get shut down for having too many connections, did you know if it was causing issues with other customers? Having a shared kernel does present some challenges. If you want to send me more info about your use case, email me (matt@ssdnodes.com). Perhaps we can host you without any issues.

      February 6, 2017 @ 6:38 pm | Reply
  12. Do you guys allow game servers?

    February 7, 2017 @ 5:30 am | Reply
    • Yes we do! As long as the usage doesn’t affect other customers, then yes they’re totally fine.

      February 7, 2017 @ 2:44 pm | Reply
  13. Robbie:

    Do you guys have pricing for an additional IPv4 Address? And extra SSD space? I want to order but need to be sure I can get a 2nd IP address.

    February 15, 2017 @ 12:38 am | Reply
  14. Altalus:

    Odd, I tried to order to replace another low-performance VPS I have, and the fact that they have Montreal servers is even better since I’m in the area… but the order was flagged as fraud? No idea why.

    I’ve opened a ticket and I’ll see…

    February 16, 2017 @ 5:06 pm | Reply
    • Can you give me the ticket number? We’ve had a lot of fraud orders come through and tickets requesting they be activated.

      February 18, 2017 @ 10:02 pm | Reply
  15. Dennis Mason:

    I am really happy with my SSDNodes purchase. I got the LowEndBox X-Large. I have been using VPSs from other providers for a few years, but as the sites got more traffic they were getting slower and slower even with 4 cores and 4GB of RAM. After moving to SSDNodes the sites are so much faster. I’m a fan of nginx/php-fpm for speed, but the faster CPUs, 8GB of RAM and SSD storage made them fly. And I’m paying so much less than for the last provider. The reason I was looking for a new VPS provider was the last had some bad software updates to their servers that made the VPS unstable for a whole week. I understand that nothing can be perfect, but a week of spotty service was too much. To be safe I got a second SSDNodes VPS in Dallas (the first was in NYC) and all my sites split between the two and backed up on the other. And even paying for two VPSs from SSDNodes is still cheaper than one VPS at my old provider. Fast setup, email from Matt Connor soon after signup asking what I was hoping for, speedy web sites. I could not be happier with my experience so far.

    February 18, 2017 @ 5:01 pm | Reply
  16. Leon Stankowski:

    Do any of your US locations provide DDoS protection? Or only Canada?


    February 27, 2017 @ 4:36 am | Reply
    • Sorry I didn’t see this! We only have DDoS protection in Canada at the moment.

      March 13, 2017 @ 5:42 am | Reply

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