Via this WHT offer. Up2VPS has dropped the cost of their OpenVZ “UP80” plan from $10 to $7/month using this sign up link.
- 2GB memory
- 80GB storage
- 2TB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Payment options are 2Checkout, PayPal or Google Checkout. Currently only locations with stock available are Paris, France (OVH, test IP: or Clarks Summit PA (VolumeDrive, test IP: If the old UBC-based OpenVZ is not your thing, their Xen “X20” plan is also on special at $6/month (via this sign up link) with 512MB memory, 1GB swap, 20GB storage and 1TB/month data, available in either Seattle WA (Sentris, test IP: or Clarks Summit.
Up2VPS, from their previous posts, don’t really have the best comments and reviews on LowEndBox. However we can’t deny that they are cheap though, and people do come here solely looking for cheap VPS :)
Update: Seattle is now in stock. Test IP:
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They remind me so much of iPap. Too much anyway. I just don’t see how you can put 2GB with 2TB Bandwidth and slap a $7 price a month on it without over’loading’ the server.
We all remember iPap couldn’t handle it.
I don’t think that they can do it well at the $10 price point this appears to normally go for.
@ LEBAdmin
we get bad reivew form some reason who need match old order with new order and one of node was get hardware issu and we already replace this node . we not only who get hardware issue
for example brustnet spend more 1 mont to fixed their nodes
Of course, everyone has their own reason for bad reviews and all hosting providers have hardware problems — it also comes down how the provider handles it.
We just colo or buying nodes . we still can’t control to replace etc .
we still need network to handles it.
also we replaced hardware in few days not 1 week or 1 month as antoher.
So you colocate in OVH?
Or are you using up the free-first-month on dedicated servers like many others?
He said above that he either colocate either buy nodes (dedicated servers). And you most likely expect that at OVH he rent dedi servers, but as usually you wanted to be a bit mean, didn’t you? :)
“many others” in this case appeared out of nowhere in last few weeks while this one exist and offer hosting service around two years so what difference does it make even with one month free-first-month arrangement? It’s not like hosts would want to discuss about their background arrangements with uplinks anyway – even you answered once that “you have own tricks” or something like that to manage such low prices :)
I’m not trying to pick fun, just trying to keep people honest in their claims ;) If he was claiming he was colocating at OVH or ‘owns’ the nodes at OVH, then he’d be lying.
There are many people on here that claim they colocate but i take bets that it’s all just rented.
Wrong me if i said we colo with OVH . we have many locations not only OVH
This guy atleast always respond. Sometimes support ticket answer isn’t most useful however he’s here to work with clients. I can’t say this for some other hosts with better reviews… Most of my public criticism of some other hosts which I use goes to non-communication when issues arise not to issues themself.
My Up2VPS is not the best vps I have but most of the time it work well.
Please contact us if you have any issue
Their English may not be perfect and they may have had some stumbles along the way, but I’ve been with them since their July 19th post in Seattle and it’s been pretty solid.
Currently using the server for Minecraft, and it does double-duty with streaming media, serving last Friday an RTMP streaming server with a low amount of visitors. (To be fair, it was serving alongside one other LEB in a DNS round robin as a form of ghetto load balancing..)
Still waiting for their stock in LA with bated breath, though — no particular reason, just want my server as close to me as possible.
We will have next new Stock . apologize for the delay
new Xen
Disk Space 20GB
Monthly Bandwidth 1TB
Dedicated RAM 512 MB
Swap 1 GB
Disk Space 40GB
Monthly Bandwidth 2TB
Dedicated RAM 1 GB
Swap 2 GB
Your 512mb plan is actually $5.95 .
our Xen40 not 10$ :)
Where is $5/mo xen?
i used them from few months ago they quite good
it’s there
New OpenVZ Seattle has been add in stock
Aha, $5.95 one $5 you mean?
price fixed . sorry it’s was mistake
Is that Xen HVM or Xen KV?
Price is fixed and no stock?
I smell stuff.
we just sold out from few hours ago. we ahave new nodes under step.
any ETA on re-stocking?
Maybe this day or tomorrow i guess
please contact us to can get stock for you
thanks, L.A too?
New Xen Seattle add in stock
VPS setup within 7 hours of ordering time. Had one minor hiccup with the IP at first but ticket was responded to and resolved in less than 5 minutes. So far so good!
Sorry for for the delay. slow setup between 1:00am to 6:00am UTC-5 Eastern time
Thanks You
No complaints here Daniel. There was no claim of instant setup (like some others here do but don’t honor) so I am not unhappy with the setup time at all. Just posting feedback so others can have some idea of what to expect. Thanks for your help thus far!
hey, any update on re-stock?
shoot I missed your post up there, I will email.
He already responded to you twice. Look at the post above.
Can you enable tun device if we purchase? Thank you
Yes . just request enabled it
Surely 2GB for $7 isn’t sustainable, especially when renting the servers?
I’d be surprised if someone could make those figures work if they owned the hardware.
eNetSouth just went down, to prove your point. :)
We will see. These guys have been pretty phenomenal on responding to all my support tickets almost instantly so far. I ordered from eNetSouth before I even ordered from Up2VPS and I still haven’t even been activated yet at eNetSouth.
Physical memory is getting cheaper and realistically there is always overcommitment with OpenVZ plans from what I can tell. Desktop/laptop memory is now under $5/GB and ECC server memory (except that crazy stuff eNetSouth is using) is still well under $10. On another thread I figured you could build a Supermicro Opteron server with 16 cores and 128GB for about $4000. Depending on the oversell level (they’d probably put at least 100 of those VPS’s on such a box) it could be quite sustainable.
Thank you for clarify.
I am not good with servers and I had no idea about prices, etc.
We look to be clear to everyone and there is no need for ambiguity. Do not deny that we are made profit well in the other locations as Seattle and Clarks . wit OVH we lost money there we just rent servers not our owned. whatever we loved to run our Business by this way Don’t worry about about our Pocket it have enough fund :D , we can loss little money there but we still made much profit with Seattle , Clarks and LA
Thanks You
also it just few $$ we loss not abig thing:D
I hope so. :)
Don’t worry we not risk by our Business :D
New Xen Settle has been add in stock :)
ordered and waiting for provision.
would you take care of Ticket #826942 ?
thanks much
It was too premature thanks, wasn’t it? :)
I.P does not ping, go figure….waiting.
All good now, great support, I recommend this guy.
why i got $8.99 instead of $7?
kindly check my Order Number: 9157704529 to make it active
Thank you
This order already active.
before i paid one more clarification, why it was $8.99 instead of $7?
I gess you have order via website . this offer not publish in our website.
you need follow LEB link
got it thanks.
for the second time around my order has been cancelled can you activate it for me?
Invoice #22022 / Order Number: 7608002765
thank you
becuse it market as fraud by MaxMind. should be fine now
yah thanks thomas help us.
how long does it takes before we got our vps?
got our vps thank you
I have been using their Xen 512 mb package for the last 2 months. It is fantastic, no problems so far. Their english is not good but their service is very good.
Me too i have Openvz with them Uptime: 16:36:38 up 70 days, 3:17, 0 users, load average: 0.86, 0.51, 0.30
i order with them from 70 days and never reboot untile not everything work good
thanks up2vps
“their Xen “X20″ plan is also on special at $6/month (via this sign up link) with 512MB memory, 1GB swap, 20GB storage ”
“new Xen
Disk Space 20GB
Monthly Bandwidth 1TB
Dedicated RAM 512 MB
Swap 1 GB
Is not possible to use XEN to WINDOWS?
it’s possible run Xen HVM but we will lost ram there.
for example if we set dom0 1Gb will be need increse to 1.5GB
Any change or eta for re-stocking West coast OpenVz?
change -> chance
We work to get new stock in Seattle and Atlanta
STRANGE.. my post was deleted. WHAT WAS THE REASON?
About this: “it’s possible run Xen HVM but we will lost ram there.
for example if we set dom0 1Gb will be need increse to 1.5GB”
I asked:
WHY will you lose 512Mb to use a Win XP system?
I’d like to understand and not to have my message deleted.
Thank you!
For Microsoft, to run XP you need like minimum requirements: 64Mb ram and 1.5Gb. Sure that I am not talking here about performance.
If I get a 1Gb VPS, and use 128 to 256Mb to O.S.. I will have, yet.. 744Mb of ram to other applications.
Am I losing something?
I’d like to understand how things happens in Xen.
Thank you!
please contact us if you still interesting Windows VPS
I received a strange email, please check Ticket #227544 as soon as possible.
it has been responded
Good, within coming week?
what if we decided to upgrade our existing plan
Disk Space 20GB
Monthly Bandwidth 1TB
Dedicated RAM 512 MB
Swap 1 GB
Can we still get $10 for this specs?
Disk Space 40GB
Monthly Bandwidth 2TB
Dedicated RAM 1 GB
Swap 2 GB
Please contact us about uprgade
I want a buy a 2gb ram vps..i want to whats the uptime and and all.
We have 1 left. uptime 99.9% to 100% month
Anyone using them more than 2-3 months? I want to settle down with an hosting company with servers based in France or UK and that one fits my needs.
Bought one of these yesterday.. Took a few hours to setup, then info was sent to me.
VPS seems pretty solid. Pretty fast disk, network is OK going to the US, and pretty fast to the EU.
Going to run a bunch of stuff off of this box, so we’ll see how it goes. I launched Minecraft with 1GB of RAM to test it out, it seems to handle it pretty well, although as always the CPU spikes when generating new chunks. So far so good!
Completed the payment about one day ago, yet heard nothing from up2vps
order number?
lol, is this up2vps support channel?
this order mark as fraud . please contact sales department as soon as possible
what the hell!!!
my order was marked as fraud, and noone bothers to tell me??? what a service!
I got the welcome email, and login detail one minute ago, just after I submited the support ticket. You must be kidding me…
$8.95 now, and Only France
mo more 7$ available. now price 8.95$
Someone posted this link on the LET site:
I do hope that you treat your clients better than this. Not answering questions asked is a pet peeve of mine and is in fact why I’m probably leaving Quickweb shortly.
Granted, the guy does seem a bit off though.
If you mean d’Armond seems a bit off, I totally disagree. He asked a question several times and didn’t get an answer. Replies to his tickets were in very broken English. They rebooted the node several times without notifying customers.
I’d have ditched them by the second downtime, I wouldn’t bother trying to get any explanations out of them.
@ Gary
We Monitored our node by ping only due the kernel issue it was high load around 3 to 5 hours then server crash . our Monitored team don’t notice about high load only when node crash . we down our node to replace kernel by older one.if we waiting notifying customers maybe will get antoher down so will be 3 downtime.
We do action qickly to avoid any downtime in future
Ok, so your excuse is insufficient monitoring procedure?
You should’ve migrated customers as soon as you knew what the cause of the problem was.
What about your useless SLA, what’s your explanation for that?
As i said in my last reply we take quick atcion and replace kernel to older. for now everything it prefect
We reply anyone ask about this. You can get 99.9% to 100% in month if we don’t get kernel bug. We can’t Guarante kernel bug
Also hardware issue.
So what exactly does your SLA cover, then?
And the hardware and kernel you use is entirely your choice as a provider. If there’s a bug or an incompatibility, it’s your fault for not having tested it properly. It’s then your responsibility to fix it, not to subject people to multiple downtimes.
it will our fault if it new node . this node was up from 1 Year ago without any downtime or issue . only reboot when we upgrade kernel the last version from Xen kernel have issue so complain us about server crash due kernel buge we take quick action to resoved this issue and we do we always do our best.
also when i said due hardware issue i not say for this node i said for example . let me know if you can Guarante hardware up forever without any issue or damaged.
for example brustnet due harddrive issue they spend many of weeks to resolved this issue maybe still for now
You upgraded the kernel without ensuring compatibility and stability. So it’s your fault. Don’t you have test nodes to check things like this on before you upgrade?
You upgraded to a kernel that didn’t work properly, so it’s entirely your fault. Something you did caused downtime. If that isn’t covered by your SLA, what is?
We upgrade to 2.6.18-274 due we have new nodes work as well with this version
The downtime was still your responsibility. The node was stable before you upgraded the kernel, yes?
Then after you upgraded the kernel, it wasn’t. Therefore it was your fault.
How can they be so cheap? I don’t get it, where’s the catch?
Can someone tell me how long they’ve been around and their experience with them. I’m looking for a new vps anyway.
You may want to review the comments in this offer. They appear to have problem with keeping their hardware up as well as applying their own policies.
hardware issue? did we said have hardware issue?
the issue was from one German node Xen kernel bug and it fixed qickly not our this offer it’s OpenVZ .
UP2VPS is crap, avoid them at all costs.
They advertise a 99.9% uptime SLA guarantee. I purchased a Win-40 VPS in Germany. Over the last 14 days I’ve had at least 10 hours of downtime. I repeatedly asked what the terms of the SLA were (e.g., how to determine if there’s a breach of the SLA), and what they would do as recompense to their customers when they cannot provide the guaranteed level of service. They repeatedly and doggedly refused to answer the question, and after asking many many times, I got basically this response: we try really hard, but if we can’t provide the uptime, too bad.
Ask them what the terms of their SLA are, and what they do when they can’t provide the promised uptime. And then run as fast as you can. Nobody else needs to lose their money like I did for crap service.
Pay peanuts… :)
I’m sure you’re not surprised at how crap they are, but of course if they sell you something, you should receive it.
Them going on about a 99.9% SLA and then not actually honouring it is pathetic. The first downtime may have been unexpected, and I wouldn’t have been too bothered about that. These things happen. That’s when they should’ve migrated you to different hardware, or a known working kernel.
At LEB we’re all about cheapo hosts. Not all of them are crap though, so hopefully you have better luck with another one.
Thanks Gary. I do know that you generally get what you pay for, and these guys are cheap. But for me, this is an issue of ethical business practices, not low expectations. I would expect that they would honor their published guarantee though, otherwise it’s just fraudulent advertising. I’ve never had a single exchange from anyone at this company that would suggest that they even understand what the issue is.
I found it interesting that elsewhere in this thread Daniel boasts about how much money his business is making. On other forums he even offers a refund of $2 / 2 hours of downtime. But when I suggested they refund me based on their SLA guarantee, they refused, saying it’s not their policy to ever offer a refund or credit. What good is an uptime guarantee if they won’t offer some kind of recompense when they can’t provide the uptime? I would never do business with someone so demonstrably unethical.
Well . why not inculde the link into our ticket? or you just back now and said we offer credit 2$/2 hours? so when you are go order know we offer credit 2$/2 hours?
Wow, your English is so bad I really can’t make out what you mean.
Here is an example of a place where you advertise a $2 / 2h of downtime refund.
Now, please note, I was not specifically asking for a refund. I was asking for your SLA policy so I would know (a) whether the 10+ hours of downtime I experienced qualified as a violation of the SLA; and (b) what your standard policy is for responding to such violations. But STILL you haven’t provided your actual SLA policy, so arguments about what constitutes an outage or whether a refund is indicated are pointless.
My point in showing your refund offer is not to claim that I am due this refund; I need to see your SLA to know whether I’m due any kind of refund. My point is that your tech support rep’s claim that you do not offer refunds or credit is a false claim (as was his claim that he had already told me this).
It is, of course, my position that the 10+ hours of downtime I experienced were your fault, that the degree of instability that I experienced was well outside of what any reasonable person would expect from a company that advertises a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and that you should do something to make up for the outages. But you refused to even answer simple questions (and apparently continue to refuse to do so).
due we upgrade nodes and will sutdown this node on November 11th we will offer vps for free . but we will chraged 1$ to avoide any absuer etc. PLEASE Don’t save any important data this vps for play only also maybe we can force it down or reboot
Node location Seattle core i7
Disk Space 80GB
Monthly Bandwidth 2 TB
Dedicated Memory 2GB / 2GB Burst
Solusvm Features
1 IP Address
Thanks For all
Daniel, people above have asked you a number of question and you’ve pretty much blown them off. Can you please answer those questions?
Daniel, can you also point very specifically with a URL to a copy of your SLA policy that exists on your site, please?
Um, I don’t see an answer. Can you please point this out to me and the others asking those questions? Again a specific URL would be a plus.
Will the SLA be followed for that?
I have to admit that you’re beginning to sound like another YardVPS/PhotonVPS where you say one thing publicly, fail to do what you say that you are doing and then blow off folks when they point out that you are doing so. That’s not a good thing.
due last update for website we not add it not compelet we busy last days ago
Yes it should be. example. all antoher nodes from 99.9% to 100%
our new France 100%
Daniel, I don’t think you know what an SLA means. It doesn’t just mean that if things go down you fix them. When you say you have a 99.9% uptime guarantee, it means that, well, you guarantee that your customers’ servers will be up 99.9% of the time. The problem here is that you have not provided this level of service. So you should make it up to your customers somehow. Your SLA policy should explain how you reimburse customers for the downtime. If you don’t, then it’s not an SLA. You’re basically saying: “we’ll try to keep our servers up, but if we can’t, too bad.” This is a terrible way to treat your customers.
I first asked your team about the SLA on Oct 4th, and you repeatedly ignored me and blew off the question until today, and today your reply was that you don’t do anything to make it up to your customers when you fail to provide the agreed upon level of service. This is bad customer service at best, and fraudulent advertising at worst.
Your history of responses in this thread alone are enough to demonstrate my point.
Daniel, I’m sorry but I still don’t see the answers to the questions that I raised. Maybe I’m missing them. Again, can you please provide a URL to where you answered them so everybody can see what I missed?
2 days without a reply from Up2VPS. I think that says all we need to know. Their SLA claims are pointless if they’re not going to actually compensate customers for downtime.
Sorry for Delay We are busy those days.
it’s monitoring our website your vps was on same node due last issue we get 4 hours to 5 hours downtimes this month.
it’s free monitoring we working into our monitoring system with free SMS Alert for Client also working into our vps panel instead of Solusvm we paid around around 550$ to Solusvm and it too much.
answer who?
Daniel, if this is what you’re using to support your assertion that my VPS was not down more than .01% during the period of time in question, then you’re forgetting that there were times when my VPS was down that your website was up, such as when you suspended my account (without specific cause or notice) because you were investigating your server load issues. Statistics on the uptime of your website do NOT address the downtime of my VPS.
Also, and I can’t stress this enough, I need to see your actual SLA policy to know (a) what you consider qualifying down-time; and (b) over what period of time you consider such outages to apply. Being down for 2 minutes in one day is < 99.9% uptime, but the same outage over a month is not. The time period matters. And so the actual details of your SLA matter.
This is why, when communicating with your support people, I asked over and over again for the SLA policy, so I could know whether the amount of downtime I was experiencing would apply to the SLA. I wanted to do this before entering into a discussion about compensation for downtime under the SLA. But as nobody at UP2VPS can provide an actual SLA, I must conclude that you don't actually have one, and thus that this conversation will thus just be a bickering match, which is pointless.
I would suggest that your next step would be to provide the details of your SLA, preferably by giving a link to the document, as drmike has requested.
@ Daniel – your website is hosted on one of the VPS nodes? The same box and IP both the nameservers are on? How on earth are clients meant to get in contact with you if there’s a network outage?
Both nameservers resolving to the same IP is stupid. Both being on the same box, more so. But being hosted on your network, on one of the VPS nodes? And you’re running two shoutcast servers on that box, and god knows what else.
I don’t have words for how dumb that is. That takes single point of failure to whole new levels.
This is only our own host our website on same box or shared hosting all those back to us not you.
for example brustnet website always keep outage so why don’t said this for them?
we get few hours due issue and has been fixed as anyone there have.
I have no idea what the first sentence is supposed to say.
The second sentence, this thread isn’t about burstnet. Why bring them into it?
The third sentence descends into jibberish again.
Daniel, start here:
That’s Fran’s question about your server ownership. You didn’t answer that question. Start with that one and walk your way through the rest and actually answer them.
And I ask yet again. Do you know what a URL is? I’ve asked a couple of times for them from you and you refused to provide them.
Again you request URL and i already repaly about this
more explain we not add it Yet. did you get answer?
So you promise an SLA, but don’t actually have one?
Here’s a mention of the $2/2hr thing, from a cache of your site from a few months ago.
>We guarantee we will meet 99.9% uptime every month >which is backed by our service level agreement. This >means if your site is down you may be able to claim >service credit depending on where it falls in on our >SLA.
>Uptime is important for any website. You pay us for >keeping your site online. If your site is not online, >you do not have to pay us … instead, we pay you. >That’s true! We pay you for every minute your site is >down.
>( 2 hours ) — 2$ credit
Now that “depending on”… part is probably your get-out clause here, since it’s so vague and you’re so evasive about it, but it looks to me like you owe d’Armond at least $8.
as i said before our last update not compelet Yet. did you see it linked in our main site now?
Nope, I still don’t see it. I don’t understand how you can boast about your SLA, but not be able to provide a copy of it when asked. Surely something important like that would be one of the first things you added to your new site? And how new is your new site? It’s been days now and I still don’t see the SLA. If I’ve overlooked it, please link me to it.
As i said we still working into website.We are busy with something there and will back to it again
So busy for the last 4 days that you couldn’t add something so simple to your site, or paste a copy of the SLA here?
You don’t HAVE an SLA, admit it. You make claims on your website that you don’t intend to fulfill, don’t you?
Yet again, a dodgy VPS provider spends days skirting around an issue, denying it’s their fault, and making themselves look bad when all they needed to do was answer a simple question in the first place.
i said last 4 days ? Well ok have nice day
Good bye
Yes, I requested a URL and you still haven’t given it. There is no URL in that comment.
Again for the third time, do you know what a URL is? Hell, you can’t even answer that question.
Nor did you answer the “Will the SLA be followed for that?” You said yes and then followed it with a ‘should be’. The answer should be a yes or a no with a period at the end, You answered it with a maybe.
And what about the question that I linked to? You still didn’t even answer that one from Fran.
*sigh* Can’t even answer a question.
At first, it seems that we have problems with the English here.
Agreed but at the very least I would think the term URL in universal.
I’ve come to the conclusion that this is just yet another poor provider who doesn’t understand the first concept of customer service. Instead of dealing with an issue, he would rather just say that he did in fact deal with it and make vague motions in an attempt to prove that he did so.
You sir have some of the worst customer service that I have ever seen.
Can’t even answer a damn question….
From what I understand there support team is pretty similar. “Reload OS etc”
Absolutely Do Not purchase any services from this company. Their operation is borderline fraud.
UP2Vps advertises a 99.9% uptime guarantee, yet in reality the amount of uptime is more around 50% or less.
I was only with them for 1 month, but that was enough. Within that month, I experienced complete inaccessibility to my Vps near 3 times a week, and much more often I would experience general server instability. Within that month I received 5 emails mentioned 5 different issues explaining instability with services. When I later detailed all the bad service I was getting, presenting evidence of said emails and requesting at minimum a month of free service, I was promptly denied. In fact, the whole issue was marginalized by UP2Vps, and I was even recommended to terminate my account if I didn’t like the service I was getting. They even denied I was encountering bad service by stating I wasn’t even on the nodes effected. I was shocked with how terrible the customer service was.
Near the tail end of this, server performance actually stabilized, so against my better judgement I decided to pay them and stick around for another month. Bad Mistake. I paid by paypal, and according to paypal my payment went through successfully to their 3rd party who handles payments, 2checkout. I got a message the next day claiming that in fact my payment didn’t go through, and that 2checkout flagged my payment as fraud. UP2Vps stated that I will receive a refund soon. I quickly replied and explained that I never had this problem paying by paypal before, and that paypal stated the payment was made successfully to 2checkout. I submitted a ticket to 2checkout inquiring about the issue and the status of my refund. I relayed this back to UP2Vps.
Figuring UP2Vps is aware that I’m trying my best to pay them, and working out the situation with 2checkout, I figure they will cut me some slack and not disable/terminate my account for a late payment, especially considering all the poor service I have received. Wrong. My account got suspended the day after the payment was due. I sent an email asking why they suspended my account when I already stated I’m doing my best to work out the issue with 2checkout. I even asked if there was another way I could pay them, possibly even paying them directly with paypal. I remarked how this issue further stained their terrible service record. I got an idiotic, snarky response from UP2Vps threatening to terminate my account because I apparently complain too much. I sent them a heated, blunt reply. Least to say my account is terminated now, essentially for complaining too much for the incredibly horrible service I received. I got my refund 3-4 days later.
UP2Vps are con artists. Do Not give them a penny under any circumstances.
When payment market as fraud it’s automated refunded by 2co Your refund should appear on your credit card/bank statement within the next 7-10 days.
We have give you days to can solved it with 2co but you just back to us and attack us with made it our fault for your information we not Terminated untile Yesterday
Daniel,, normally I would suggest reviewing what A W wrote as it appears you missed most of it but you seem to not understand that concept. Or really any concept.
AW, I’m amazed you went ahead with the second month. They’ve pretty much proved that they don’t have a clue. Your experience just proves to me that these folks really do not understand the idea of customer service.
No they sure don’t. Check out my reply to Daniel’s post, as I’ve included screencaps of the email exchange. I’ve never had such terrible customer service in my entire life.
Yes it was stupid to go with the second month. The thing is, the few days before my invoice was due, my VPS was running quite smoothly. Even though they didn’t want to own up to the constant downtime, I kinda hoped it was a rare thing as the price is so good.
I’m going back to spacerich. They cost more, but the server performance was decent and the customer service was reasonable. The staff their also understands and speaks reasonably good english. I’m sure that saves a lot of headaches in itself.
As I’ve already said, I got my refund.
You gave me days to resolve the issue with 2checkout!? That’s an absolute LIE.
Here’s proof of the email exchange regarding the payment issue:
It can be CLEARLY seen that UP2VPS only gave me ONE day to resolve the issue. The next day my account was suspended, even when I said I was working with 2checkout to resolve the issue. I even later asked how to pay you if 2checkout was rejecting my payments. It’s clearly shown that UP2VPS never answered that question; UP2VPS was only interested in terminating my account from that point onward.
My account was terminated yesterday? According to your staff member, it was terminated on Oct. 26th. Yet another lie.
So not only is UP2VPS’s customer service and service in general abysmal, but you guys seem to have to resort to outright lies in order to defend yourself.
If you check your client area will found it just suspend not terminated , what you would like when you said to us we are stuipd?!! i surprise when people called us stupid and need help from our side?!! Well i said here and any where no and no . if you see us stupid you are welcome to moved your services . you said we are stupid then back need help really funny and very funny maybe i wrong but this we are Believe we always help anyone their as we can on software ect altough we are unmanaged services then they back said sutpid etc …
Your vps suspended due invoice as our system run automated suspend
Perhaps not stupid, but your English is godawful. If you’re going to be selling to English speaking customers, employ someone with a decent grasp of the language to interact with them.
What exactly happened? Did you suspend his service for calling you stupid? Where did he call you stupid, in a ticket or a public forum?
I’ve no idea if you’re stupid or not, but with your command of English, I can see why a customer would get frustrated.
I don’t even know where to start in my reply to you Daniel. You have one of the worst grasps of english I’ve ever seen, and I live in a city rife with immigrants. This goes the same for most of your staff too. I’m not going to bother trying to reason with you. It obviously isn’t just poor english that’s your problem too, it’s basic sense with handling customers. I’m not going to waste time repeating what I already wrote. Copied from a previous email I sent to UP2VPS:
“A competent company, who actually understood what the definition of customer service, would have understood and sympathized with the customer, when the customer brought to light the constant series of failures with the companies’ product, especially when it was the first month of service (look up “first impression”). A competent company that actually gave a damn about its reputation would have deeply apologized for the poor service and at minimum, given the customer a free month of service. But wait, not UP2VPS! Furthermore, if the customer’s second payment to the company mysteriously was frozen by a third party due to an accusation of fraud, a competent company would have overridden automatic suspension systems as it’s understood that the customer did the best they could to pay the company, especially considering the constant grief the company already had put the customer through. But wait, we’re not talking about UP2VPS here. No, UP2VPS marginalizes the issue and even threatens to terminate a service the customer isn’t even getting. I couldn’t think of a more idiotic response.”
You want to improve customer service? Start by hiring people who actually understand and speak the language of the market you want to do business in.
Well said A W. It’s clear UP2VPS doesn’t care about their customers; my experience was very similar to yours. And when you complain they just get defensive, wondering why we can’t see their side of it.
I’m not sure if it’s just simple cluelessness, or malicious cluelessness. I’ve never had a conversation with anyone at UP2VPS that has shown any signs of even understanding the complaints, much less sympathizing with their customers.
I have filed a complaint with their local Better Business Bureau, on the grounds of false advertising (their bullshit SLA claims). They have so far failed to respond.
I’ve wondered the same thing d’Armond. The fact is that cluelessness is displayed for all to see in UP2VPS’s comment replies here and my screencaps of my email exchange with them. That way any new potential customers can see what they’re getting into fairly easily.
Unfortunately too many people see the price and that’s all that matters. This is the sixth hit on google when searching for up2vps, so hopefully it’ll save some people from going with these guys.
i used them form around more than 1+ Year now it’s very good for me maybe I am the lucky customer
Hmmm, interesting that you’ve gone from a few months to 1+ year with them in about a month’s time.
Time sure does fly.
And the URL that you link to is hosted in Florida with a different host.
why my reply not shows?
i Was on VD server with them , then i request moved to Seattle
my vps ips traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
13 ( 65.006 ms 64.735 ms 65.226 ms
14 ( 64.961 ms 64.958 ms 64.945 ms
Ya i get it’s antoher vps . i already have many from them i resell their services
So in other words, you’re a sales person for UP2VPS?
LEA, can you please remove Mada’s comments from this thread? At no time did he or she identify him or her self as a sales person. That makes all of their comments biased for the company and suspect.
i just used vps reseller from them
did you need screenshot from my reseller panel to confirm?
You still have a vested financial interest in protecting their reputation, which makes you liable to be biased.
so any happy customer will have a vested financial interest in protecting their reputation?
i admit i have 2 downtime with their PA location about 2 hours about 50 days but it still good for me as i used before provider down for 2 days.
i moved to Seattle from 1 or 2 month i can’t remember but still keep the PA location for download and upload for my forum. i don’t have downtime Yet and it good for me.
i have agood experience with them this only i would to said Take my word or no it back for you and for antoher
Good bye
You resell their services. You benefit from them being seen as a reputable provider.
Plain old customers don’t care either way whether a provider survives or not. If they suck, ditch them and move on.
You have customers paying you money for services you get from Up2VPS. If Up2VPS go belly up, you’d lose money. It’s in your interest to tell people how awesome they are, whether that’s true or not. From what I’ve seen here, they suck, and their customer service is appalling.
You made good point in this :D Thanks You i was don’t understand this really :D
Is it just me or does Mada’s English sound like Daniel (or anyone from UP2VPS, really).
Yes i’m from egypt look to my forums under my name:)
i hope if i with them :D
i Was on VD server with them , then i request moved to Seattle
my vps ips traceroute
If this plan provide hdd raid?
i agree with A W,it is the worst i have seen
i used them around 1 year and i have no problem yet
That’s because you work for the company as you note up above.
Is it me or is there nothing about Up2VPS that is honest?
I paid 7$ to 14$ per vps which good for me i got what i paid for
i’m interested to buy OPEN VZ VPS UP80 plan..but it says “out of stock”
I’d suggest reading through the comments and replies on this page before considering doing business with these guys. They’re dishonest, they mistreat their customers and are difficult to work with.
oh thanks brother,you saved my wallet :)
Provisioning quite fast, but ticket respon is slow.
Until now my ticket status unanswered, vps provisioned with problem, no ip assigned to this vps
I also do a ping test and the result is:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from TTL expired in transit.
Reply from TTL expired in transit.
Reply from TTL expired in transit.
Reply from TTL expired in transit.
can you provide me your ticket ID please?
Yea don’t go with these guys, server has been completely accessible for the past 4 days. They don’t reply to tickets. Terrible company stay away.
4 days?!! well can you aprroved this? what is 4 days !!
what is ID ticket?!!
If they did reply it’d probably be incomprehensible nonsense anyway…
We always reply and Notifications for any issue and any tickets and never leave people in the dark and we don’t love do this.
Point proven.
No, he really always reply pretty fast.
Sometimes really too fast (don’t read tickets enough carefully to give proper answer), but yes.. he reply. Imho. faster than most LEB featured hosts.
So his bad grasp of English extends into support tickets too, to the extent that things aren’t fixed as soon as they could/should be.
Fast replies are useless if the requests are misunderstood.
Yes of course, but he’s accused here of slow reponse which I doubt about. Some ticket ID as he requested would be most likely helpful.
We are sorry for bad english new staff (customer services + support )with good english coming soon and improve our services
Too little too late. That may help future suckers, but what about your former customers who you have stonewalled and cheated?
cheated? so we are cheated?!
gosh! what kind of bullying is this? shooing away everybody! Somebody has decided, not to allow these guys do business or give another chance. everyone knows every host have their problems.
No, people have decided to make it clear what kind of company this is. Everyone can potentially have problems. It’s how they deal with them that matters. It looks to me like Up2VPS don’t deal with them well.
We do our best to keep customer happy . i know maybe we do mistake and customer also do.We work hard to be simple with people.We already have new Agent to keep wor simple and smooth
What an absolutely outrageous lie. You guys stonewalled me at every opportunity, have shown here that you cannot answer simple questions, that you have no SLA and don’t even understand what the term means, and have shown a total disregard for your customers. Maybe you have miraculously turned your approach to treating your customers around, but as long as you’re the voice of your company, Daniel, your claims are not believable.
The only mistake I made, Daniel, was choosing UP2VPS in the first place.
For those coming late to the discussion, the history of my interaction with their customer support is available here:
I was polite, patient and courteous with their “support,” and only cancelled my account, after frequent outages and significant downtime, when I was told by their customer support representative that they do not actually have an SLA and that they wouldn’t stand behind their crap service.
You are who send request cancellation now back complain us about your cancellation . what else?
you have open report about our company on BBB Complaint but sadly the report get closed due we work with you but you don’t you need just complain and cry
whatever if you would rest your month back contact us
have nice day
Again Daniel, you are mischaracterizing what happened. I am not “back complaining” about a cancelation; I am pointing out that you provided horrible service (frequent outages), horrible customer service (would not answer simple questions about your SLA), and then admitted that you had no actual SLA policy. This is the point at which I cancelled my account.
Yes, I opened a complaint with the BBB. You advertise an SLA, but when you violate the SLA you do not offer any recompense to your customers. The exact quote from Tomer was “we have answered before if you look to credit we not offer credit.” (Follow the link I gave above.) Given that you would not honor your SLA, why remain your customer, or ever become your customer again? This is false advertising and is unethical. I don’t think you know what an SLA is.
So now, I will energetically and emphatically speak out against your company at every opportunity. You screwed me over, so I will do whatever I can to make sure that other potential victims of your shoddy company and crappy service know in advance what crooks you are.
what is false advertising? ytou add old topic to BB about SLA . you are order with us from few month as we closed our credit then you back said false . we have new offer every month price changed every month and every . if you are contact us and ask about SLA before order we will just said we don’t offer credit as we don’t last few month ago
We don’t crappy hosting we have many Hundreds of happy customer and trust us
The BB closed your complain due we try work with you but you just complain . i won’t need said more from this
have nice day and take care
It is false advertising to claim that you offer a 99.9% uptime SLA guarantee, and then when a customer experiences downtime greater than that, to tell them “too bad.”
Let’s say there are 30 days in a month; that would mean there are 720 hours in that month (24 hours * 30 days). 99.9% would be 719.28 hours, or approximately 30 minutes of downtime in that month. I experienced over 10 hours of downtime, much of which was caused by your company taking my server down with no cause and with no notice; this is documented at the link I provided. If I round my downtime to 10 hours, this translates to an uptime of about 98.61% for that month, assuming that there was no further downtime after I cancelled my account, which I will be generous and assume there wasn’t.
An SLA doesn’t just say that you provide some % uptime; it also means that when you don’t provide that level of service that there are consequences. If you offer your customers no recompense when you fail to provide the agreed upon service, then you are behaving fraudulently. You caused me significant harm by the frequent outages and long downtimes, but rather than be concerned about your customer being satisfied, you failed to answer simple questions about your SLA, denied the downtime that you yourself caused and was documented in exchanges with your tech support group, and basically said “too bad” when I complained.
Rather than just say “lots of happy customers,” you could start by recognizing the facts of *this* case, which are all that matter to me.
LOL, these guys are just getting flamed and flamed… Must be true
Had a horrible time with these guys, there service is SO unreliable and even with that cheap price tag, it just aint worth it.
what is we so unrebiable ? can you provide me your ticket or something or you just attack too?!
Why promise an SLA if you don’t offer any COMPENSATION for downtime? That’s the whole point in an SLA.
You didn’t say you aimed for 100% or 99.999% uptime, you said there was an SLA. Then you pissed around avoiding answering questions about it.
You don’t have a clue, and your English is next to useless. Don’t try to do business until you actually understand things, and don’t do business with English speaking people until you can communicate with them.
This post made my day :D
Daniel if you would actual read the thread, your questions have already been answered. Multiple times.
Did you ever figure out what a URL is?
My VPS is up at 44 days, the I/O is not very good but the SLA is respected !!!
d’Armond sometimes failures happend and they can’t be predicted for this price tag the service quality is great.
I agree, failures happen. The SLA doesn’t mean that they’ll provide failure-free service, it means that they compensate you fairly when those inevitable failures do happen beyond the stated service level. I’m glad you’re getting good service from them, I really am. But the reason I call these guys crooks and scammers is that, when they do fail to provide service, they disregard their SLA by not offering compensation, they call their customers liars and give them the run-around, and all while being almost comically unable to communicate clearly in English. Failure to abide by their SLA is fraudulent advertising (they don’t *have* an SLA).
My complaint isn’t (and never was) that they didn’t provide failure-free service. My complaint is that, when they couldn’t provide this service they stubbornly refused to answer my questions about the SLA. When I was finally told by their customer service that they don’t offer compensation for downtime beyond the advertised service level of 99.9% (which means that their SLA is worthless), they started calling *me* a liar. This is horrendous customer service. It’s also astounding since almost half of the downtime was caused *by them*, turning off my server without notifying me in advance because they were researching the cause of their frequent outages. This downtime alone put them outside of the SLA. They continue to lie about the downtime, deflect blame by citing a kernel bug, and treating me like I wasn’t a paying customer asking reasonable and legitimate questions about their SLA.
They’re jerks, crooks and scammers, and I will continue to say so at every opportunity.
Hi there,
My name is Ralf the new UP2VPS CEO. I apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced with UP2VPS and their staff . Please if you are getting any issue with any our staff Please feel free to contact me directly ralf @ . I’m sure I can work with your to resolve this issue
Thanks You
You’re already an improvement over everyone else I’ve ever communicated with at UP2VPS, especially Daniel Gomez, in that you appear to have a clear command of English.
For starters, you can explain what the SLA policy of UP2VPS is. You advertise on your site that you guarantee 99.9% uptime, which would allow about 15 minutes of downtime per month. During the short period of time that I was your customer (about 3 weeks) I experienced about 10 hours of downtime, at least 3 hours of which were caused by the direct actions of your staff (taking my server down, without cause or notice). What do you do when you breach the SLA?
This won’t do me any good now, as I am no longer your customer. How could I continue to pay for a service that was so incredibly unstable, especially when your staff ignored my questions, disregarded my complaints, undermined my confidence in your ability to provide a stable service, and admitted to me that there is no SLA? Would *you* have remained a customer?
First I apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced in the delay of my response and my bad english I from German.
what i understand from our SLA is In the case received less than 99.94% = 26 , 30 min in month You would get $0.5 per 2 hours in your credit whatever as detials you provide 10 hours we can calcauted $0.5 per 1 hour = 10 x 0.5 = $5 credit.
as you no longer our customer please contact me Ralf @ include your payment ID i will be happy to refund the credit + Win40 for one month free Use VPS or not is back to you in the end
Thanks You
And apologize for any issue you get from our staff I from Germany :D
Also i would add more information regards downtime, the node not down due kernel bug cased High load on server and hunged all vps. I agree with you and my apologize
Hi there,
My name is Ralf the new UP2VPS CEO. I apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced with UP2VPS and their staff . Please if you are getting any issue with any our staff Please feel free to contact me directly ralf @ . I’m sure I can work with your to resolve this issue
Thanks You
I have the same problem with the SLA.
2 days ago, my server rebooted and went offline for 2 hours. After it, it went offline for 21 hours. I opened a ticket, and I was well responded. The staff said they had a problem with the node I was, so it went on maintenace to replace a bad hd. After they finished the maintenace, my server went online again, but just for 5 hours. Then it stoped agan.
Again I opnened a ticket, they responded fast, said that even after the maintenace the node still had problems. They asked me if I would let them transfer my vps to another node. I was ok with it.
Then it went offline for more 19 hours, while they were transfering. Today I have access to it, and everything is ok now. I understand that you guys went on a problem, I am ok with it, Im with you for around 3 months, and never got any problem before.
But, when I asked about the credit for the downtime, this was the response I got:
As our tos 12 hours should be 3$ and it has been add
Adam B
UP2VPS.Com- Choose With Confidence
Secure, Reliable, And Customer Friendly VPS Hosting
So, this is not what ralf said on the post above. According to what he said, I should get 40*0.5=$20 credit, not 3.
Ticket is #120441. Hope we can solve this issue.
Hi there,
I apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced . and Yes we was have 1 node under maintenace due the delay from network to replace the Harddrive we get more hours of downtime.
how much time you get in downtime? i guess he thinking it was 12 hours if you are read our tos
( 2 hours ) — 0.5$ credit so if we calculated it should be around 3$ for 12 hours correct?
if no just let me know i will happy to fixed it
I got in total 39 hours downtime.
First 21 hours downtime, and then more 18 hours dowtime while they where tranfering my VPS to LA.
Thanks for your answer.
18 hours downtime while transfer?!! it’s live moved so never get downtime only few min when reboot . whatever i will be happy to provide you 1 month free it’s ok for you?
just update ticket to can add 1 month free
Thanks You
Ok, thank you.
This 18 hours downtime while moving was a problem I reported on the ticket. I could not connect to the server by its ip, nor via putty, vnc or anything. The only thing that worked was the serial console on the controll panel, but even with everything turned on I couldnt reach the webpage.
Anyway, im ok with the one month, will update the ticket. Thank you.
it maybe the ips was have issue . whatever the credit has been add for 1 month free
I have bad expiriance with them… I have reseller panel with them to resell vps… First time vps go down for few hour, and no one give me answer why…Today 15 days after that still don’t have any answer…And i have more and more bad expiriance with them…They shut down my reseller panel, who know why and suspend some of my vps on that panel…My client’s can access to solus panel all vps are suspended, and client’s wan’t to kill me coz of this… Now i will go with dispute with paypal coz for me this is not services this is nightmare…
Stay away from this vps provider, and sry for my bad english, i’m not englishman :)
You are very funny when said 15 days without reply . your ticket from Client: Aleksandar Juracic | Last Reply: 0 Hours 0 Minutes 51 Seconds Ago
Aleksandar Juracic
30/01/2012 21:52
Hello there, whay you turn off my vps reseller account? I can’t manage my vps from there, some user can’t access to vps, can’t change password for them, can’t do nothig!!!???
When you will fix this, or i will need to post, some bad review on WHT and LEB coz this is something that is not right…
IP Address:
Aleksandar Juracic
30/01/2012 21:56
Well, this is the story . did you think you can leave the vps without payment will be online . this reseller suspended due unpaid invoices . you have noted you before Don’t leave invoice without paid or if you don’t need it just spend 3 min to send request cancellation.
pay the invoice so we can ususpended the reseller
Ralf have you ever heard for privacy policy? I will reconsider if I still want to be hosted with up2vps after you did that to this guy.
Ok, since he is dumb, let me explain…
You Ralf, have published the full name of this man, end.
Yeah, posting ticket contents isn’t professional in the slightest. Apart from the fact it’s trivial to fake something like that, Leaving the customer’s name in? Pathetic.
it’s approved to who would said not reall ticket . whatever what is unprofessional here?
i already using my name what is big problem ?!
He don’t get it.
@Ralf S did you get a permission from this guy to post his private data (his real name) here in public?
Damn, KGB Hosting. Wonder what goes on in there. :D
Can you tell me why you lie ppl here? look at ticket ID #560538 last answer on can question why my vps is offline and why no one answer me is: “be patient we will update soon” and date of that ticke is 01.18.2012 if i think good? No one update that ticket and yes it’s not 15 it’s 12 days…
And if i see good in services in your whmcs system only one vps is suspended, coz my client don’t pay for it…That give you right to suspend all other paid VPS and to disable accounts? Realy funny :) I will now get some picuters of ticket ID #560538 so ppl can see do i lie? :)
Coz he wan’t something like this, here it go:
So ppl can see here who lie? :)
As i see someone reply on ticket and said will update soon .
your vps was back online so do’t said it down from 15 days ago.
Ralf if i know good “we will update you soon” means that you and your support team need to update that ticket and simple answer why my vps is offline? If you think, that you’r vps is now online is answer nice for you and you company, but that answer is not good for me, and most customers…I asked you and your team “WHY MY VPS IS DOWN” not “WHEN MY VPS WILL BE UP” if i know good, and no one update that funny ticket for how much days Ralf?
And to end this story here… I have opened dispute with paypal… I have 3 vps paid from you what you shut down, and i have 1 suspended and 1 canceled… Do you realy think that i will need to pay for something what is suspended and canceled? And you like your support team did not tell me that i need to pay for something what is canceled and suspended when i have order 2 new vps from you…
But ok, we will see what we can do with paypal dispute / charge back, and we will see what we can do with lawyers coz you make my info public here… See ya :)
Ralf if i know good “we will update you soon” means that you and your support team need to update that ticket and simple answer why my vps is offline? If you think, that you’r vps is now online is answer nice for you and you company, but that answer is not good for me, and most customers…I asked you and your team “WHY MY VPS IS DOWN” not “WHEN MY VPS WILL BE UP” if i know good, and no one update that funny ticket for how much days Ralf?
Product/Service Amount Billing Cycle Signup Date Next Due Date Status
40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.50 USD Monthly 10/01/2012 10/02/2012 Active
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $5.50 USD Monthly 10/01/2012 10/02/2012 Active
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.00 USD Monthly 09/11/2011 09/02/2012 Active
Custom. – xxxxxxxxx $0.00 USD Free Account 07/11/2011 – Active
UP80 – xxxxxxxxx $10.00 USD Monthly 13/11/2011 13/01/2012 Suspended
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.50 USD Monthly 30/11/2011 30/12/2011 Cancelled
UP120 – xxxxxxxxx $20.50 USD Monthly 18/11/2011 18/12/2011 Cancelled
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.00 USD Monthly 10/11/2011 10/11/2011 Cancelled
UP80 – xxxxxxxxx $10.00 USD Monthly 10/11/2011 10/12/2011 Cancelled
UP120 – xxxxxxxxx $17.00 USD Monthly 09/11/2011 09/12/2011 Cancelled
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.00 USD Monthly 07/11/2011 07/12/2011 Cancelled
You have send cancel for 1 Vps and left 8 vps without payment.
2 due invoice after cancel around 3 vps without payment
34732 08/01/2012 13/01/2012 – $10.00 USD 2C0 + Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner’s Club, and PayPal Unpaid
32802 25/12/2011 30/12/2011 – $6.50 USD 2C0 + Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner’s Club, and PayPal Unpaid
like i say, you did not tell nothing, about something like you must pay canceled and suspended vps, before you order new one… So you just let me to buy 2 new vps, and to pay for one older just to get my money and then suspend? Holaaa :) Nice job from you and you team :)
if i see good from list:
Product/Service Amount Billing Cycle Signup Date Next Due Date Status
40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.50 USD Monthly 10/01/2012 10/02/2012 Active
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $5.50 USD Monthly 10/01/2012 10/02/2012 Active
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.00 USD Monthly 09/11/2011 09/02/2012 Active
Custom. – xxxxxxxxx $0.00 USD Free Account 07/11/2011 – Active
UP80 – xxxxxxxxx $10.00 USD Monthly 13/11/2011 13/01/2012 Suspended
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.50 USD Monthly 30/11/2011 30/12/2011 Cancelled
UP120 – xxxxxxxxx $20.50 USD Monthly 18/11/2011 18/12/2011 Cancelled
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.00 USD Monthly 10/11/2011 10/11/2011 Cancelled
UP80 – xxxxxxxxx $10.00 USD Monthly 10/11/2011 10/12/2011 Cancelled
UP120 – xxxxxxxxx $17.00 USD Monthly 09/11/2011 09/12/2011 Cancelled
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.00 USD Monthly 07/11/2011 07/12/2011 Cancelled
Only one vps is suspended? And you and you’r team did not say nothing about that when i order 2 new vps from you and when i pay for that 2 vps if i think good…
it’s our tos . we can’t left other services online and you have 2 due invoice without paid or send cacellation like about 5 vps before.We are lossing here when leave invoice without paid or send cancel so we can use it to different client . and if we cancel vps coming complain about your data
Yeap you can’t left paid services online, only what you can is to get money from people, and then suspend what they pay for? It’s nice job… And like i said, no one from you’r team did not say anything about how i must pay something what is canceled / suspended before i order new 2 vps :) It’s funny you left ppl to order get money from them, and then suspend? Nice job and realy funny vps company :)
I am wondering if new CEO Ralf S is actually still good ole’ Daniel C. I see some similarities in their writings :)
I think yes
It’s same person for sure. With both nicks he use . between sentences whole time.
Ralf S:
– it’s our tos . we can’t left other
– different client . and if we cancel
– this is the story . did you think you can leave
Daniel Gonzalez:
– if his customer not paid for him . why he don’t
– client to paid our invoices . we have
– we will offer vps for free . but we will
And so on…
Yeah, it’s definitely the same guy. And he’s not smart enough to cover his tracks. Ah well. No big loss for the VPS world.
This is in tos page from up2vps:
Cancellations may only be made via our cancellation request option in Cancellations that are not made via that form will be ignored and will not be processed.non-refundable”
I have pic of you’r tos Ralf and there is nothing about how you will suspend services for what is paid if someone don’t pay suspended / canceled vps… So please next time before you post here, red you’r own TOS !
This is getting silly. It’s common sense that if you have multiple services and don’t cancel some properly but also don’t pay for the ones you wanted to cancel, that all your services would be suspended.
If you didn’t cancel them properly, that’s your fault. Didn’t you get payment reminders?
At the same time, I wouldn’t touch Up2VPS with a bargepole. Used to be dodgy, still dodgy.
Gary you don’t understand…I have reseller panel with them so, i resell vps from them…All is automated, so when user-s pay to me, i pay to them…I don’t wan’t any suspended / canceled vps or something like that… They know that i have few canceled and one suspended services with them before i have orderd 2 new vps for client from them, and they get money for that 2 new vps…They setup that 2 new vps and now after 20 days they just suspend reseller account, and users can’t access to vps what they pay for and i can’t access reseller panel…
Ah, so it was your customers that didn’t cancel them properly? That complicates things a bit.
he rent some vps this not our problem if his customer not paid for him . why he don’t send cancel so we can use it to different client to paid our invoices . we have invoices need to paid. He just left the vps without paid or send cancel we Forgive nefore in around 4 vps without paid or send cancel and We noted him to paid or send cancel but he still ignore or spend 3 min to cancel.
the Resources were assigned to him which could have been assigned to someone else. so we can’t just leave vps suspended or not paid
@Gary yeah but you can suspend 3 paid vps, for one suspended vps? Like i said nice job from you and your team there…When you need to get money from ppl here you are so nice…And don’t lie ppl here…You and your team not noted me to paid or send cancelation request for that vps…You can tell story here how you wan’t but you and me know what is truth…
Daniel Gonzalez I would expect some flexability in your RESELLER program as you recieve payment DIRECTLY from end clients not reseller itself. As I understand all this reseller have no control in this matter and one non paying end client can basicly screw up all other end clients under this reseller account.
Is this really in your interest? It’s not just reseller who’s losing here but also Up2VPS. If you want to make reseller responsible for payments then start to bill them directly instead of individual end clients where payment to reseller means at same time payment to you.
Yeah, that seems exceedingly stupid. Suspend non-paying customers by all means, but suspending what is basically customer A for something customer B did is retarded.
Who told you we recived payment from his client? We work with him not his client. they paid to him not us
He said “have reseller panel with them so, i resell vps from them…All is automated, so when user-s pay to me, i pay to them” – so this isn’t true? I got impression that you collect part of a paiment automaticly when client pay to reseller.
This client coming to useand order vps . then he asked about something like control panel to managed vps We setup the reseller panel to him. so he not reseller he just one client rent vps from us and not paid invoices.
Our reseller paid their invoices without complain.
it’s not true . the solusvm not have automated setup for Reseller. also we don’t provide him reseller program . We just provider reseller panl as he request to managed his vps. When we get new order from him we just add vps under panel as he request. we never work via his site or his client
He just client rent vps from us nothig more
From writings before things was looking a bit different. I understand now – thank you for explanation (but don’t post your clients personal data in public anymore, please).
We just writing about unpaid invoice . whatever I’m sorry for shared detials
Dear Aleksandar xxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx),
Congratulations! You are now a UP2VPS Authorized Reseller!.enter your order by your account with us disaccount ‘ll be Automatic and provide the server login details to your customer after we send them to you.
Product/Service: Custom.
Payment Method: 2C0 + Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner’s Club, and PayPal
Amount: $0.00 USD
Billing Cycle: Free Account
Next Due Date: 00/00/0000
You are not reseller for us . You recived this message for one reason when you are request panel to control your vps this welcome meassge have the detials like panel link etc.
our reseller program is Sources and won’t back to us when setup vps or order with us any vps from our package and not free
Reseller Features:
Manage all clients virtual servers from a single login
Add users
Add Virtual Servers
Reinstall operating system
Change root password
Change hostname
Direct serial console login
View IP addresses
View Logs
View Stats
Change personal details
24/7 Technical Support
24/7 Monitored Secure Servers
Disk Space 200GB
Monthly Bandwidth 4 TB
Guaranteed Memory (RAM) 5GB
Burst Memory (RAM) 10GB
5 IP Address
Solusvm Features
$35.95 Month
Disk Space 300GB
Monthly Bandwidth 4 TB
Guaranteed Memory (RAM) 8GB
Burst Memory (RAM) 16GB
8 IP Address
Solusvm Features
$50.95 Month
Do you know to read good or not? I will whrite again:
“Congratulations! You are now a UP2VPS Authorized Reseller!.enter your order by your account with us disaccount ‘ll be Automatic and provide the server login details to your customer after we send them to you.”
So here i have email and screen shoot where you say how i’m now “Authorized Reseller!” and to enter my order by my account to get disaccount (what i never got)…
And after all, like i said, you know for how long for suspended / canceled services (what you wan’t from me to paid) and still you don’t say nothing, just let me to order 2 new vps, what i pay for, just to suspend them after some time?
I don’t wan’t to have nothing with this company anymore coz they are scam, nothing more, and only what they know is to lie ppl here…But ppl will see here on wht and other sites proof what you’r doing to your customers, who find clients for you and give you money…
Se you on paypal dispute / claim / chargeback or … :)
Disaccount? Jesus christ… How hard is it to get a native speaker to go over their template emails to fix these stupid errors? It just makes a company look bad.
Thanks for attention, We not use this template anymore. whatever I fixed it
Something like that. I use WHMCS like them, and if someone don’t cancel with me, how i can cancel with them? Only what i can is to suspend like they…But they suspend all, somnething what is not paid, and they suspend vps’s what is paid for, and they suspend solusvm reseller account…
it’s not our problem if your customer not paid for you . We have give you much time to cancel or paid for example
32802 25/12/2011 30/12/2011 – $6.50 USD 2C0 + Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner’s Club, and PayPal Unpaid
And that give you right to suspend what is paid for? And that is give you right to suspend reseller account, for what (if i think good) i don’t need to pay…Nice job you have done…And wha’t about ticket from few posts up? Yeah that is not you’r problem, but you’r problem is your tos page what you don’t reed good…Ok i’m finish here with this, this will go to paypal claim / charge back, coz you don’t wan’t to refund what is paid for, and you just suspend services…
Bye bye Ralf, wish you all the best :)
and if i see good that vps what you have here for example is:
UP40 – xxxxxxxxx $6.50 USD Monthly 30/11/2011 30/12/2011 Cancelled
see you on claim / chargeback
the world went worse,
People one day come back to 123systems, its however the best provider so far,
123 isn’t the best, but isn’t the worst one :D (For me)
@Yomero, how many 123sys boxes do you have? do you play with their 40%OFF plans? $74/year for example. I have 3 without any problem because I host my websites with buyvm. :)
I have 3, from their yearly ubercheap plans
If you are thinking about using this VPS provider…don’t. I had a VPS with them that I was using about 4 hours a week for my business. I bought a 2GB package because the software I use generally takes up to 1GB of memory when it’s running. So I figured 2GB would give me tons of overhead. Well apparently me using 50% of the 2GB I subscribed to for 4 hours a week was considered “abuse” and they shutdown my VPS with no warning. No email no nothing. I had to open a support ticket to find out what was going on.
There is a 168 Hours in a week and my VPS was idle and doing nothing at all for 164 out of 168 hours and I am considered a “abuser” for using half the memory I subscribed to. These guys are a joke.
We Joke when you are comming abuse on our I/O? we don’t take this action till our client complain about this . whatever Thanks for you review
I wanne to told you we Don’t suspend your vps due overusing Ram really we don’t care about how much ram using . but when abuse on I/O or CPU and effect on other client in this case we will take quick action . We told you in ticket we can reactive the vps again but make sure don’t abuse on I/O again i see there is no respond on ticket.
Not exactly thrilled with this provider.
Had a VPS in Seattle and it was massively oversubscribed. No I/O. Caused super long task run times and CPU/server load inflation.
Still have a VPS from them in Germany and it was fine until past few weeks.
Common apt-get updates take literally 10-50x longer than they should.
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=1 time=762.6 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=2 time=375.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=3 time=143.5 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=4 time=550.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=5 time=490.8 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=6 time=252.8 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=7 time=905.2 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=8 time=390.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=9 time=199.1 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=10 time=158.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=11 time=86.6 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=12 time=65.7 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=13 time=465.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=14 time=601.7 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=15 time=266.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=16 time=478.5 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=17 time=861.8 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=18 time=67.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=19 time=333.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=20 time=1383.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=21 time=575.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=22 time=126.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=23 time=145.5 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=24 time=259.2 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=25 time=128.0 ms
— . (simfs /dev/simfs) ioping statistics —
25 requests completed in 34606.6 ms, 2 iops, 0.0 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 65.7/403.1/1383.9/312.7 ms
We have alot of nodes we can’t monitoring all them so when we get report about any issue or abuse we take quick action i’m remember your vps it was on different node . Also it was I/O not CPU load we was have one abuser and it fixed. if you have any issue just submit ticket and we will take care it.
Thanks Ralf I’ll submit a ticket.
Get proactive on monitoring the VPSes like you do this site you guys will do well.
As always, hard to tell what exactly is wrong on a VPS. The disk IO is laggy for sure.
499 kB apt-get update took 2 minutes roughly to install..
apt-get it should be the download speed not overusing I/O or CPU. by the way we already monitoring the nodes high load on CPU and crash we can’t just monitoring the I/O
here is your vps
99.6%id and 0.3%wa so there is no oversubscribed. but the I/O littile slow
root@eur-deu:/# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=16k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 5.13538 s, 52.3 MB/s
it’s abusy node
Also We set limit for all vps low I/O Priority
Setting everyone to low priority doesn’t make it better. Priority requires some users being above other ones for performance to be better :)
In accordance with information i provide vps is so good 99.6%id , 0.3%wa and load average: 0.07, 0.24, 0.21. the issue is speed between debian server update and our nodes. it happend sometime slow from debain server update
here is the vps test speed it’s Germany location
apt-get download speed seems alright. Not seeing a bottleneck on the bandwidth — updates never reach those typically.
It’s the installs that take forever. That’s disk or server I/O.
2+ minutes to install the 500k of updates – and that was after the files were downloaded.
Nginx install via apt-get – download size 1,022 kB.
Time to install:
3 minutes
Still in IOP hell with the Germany VPS:
/ioping .
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=1 time=71.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=2 time=155.7 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=3 time=574.1 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=4 time=278.0 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=5 time=750.1 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=6 time=195.5 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=7 time=1238.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=8 time=767.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=9 time=96.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=10 time=143.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=11 time=298.0 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=12 time=530.0 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=13 time=87.0 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=14 time=297.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=15 time=89.7 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=16 time=112.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=17 time=349.8 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=18 time=959.2 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=19 time=396.0 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=20 time=712.5 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=21 time=462.9 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=22 time=208.1 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=23 time=296.8 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=24 time=317.6 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=25 time=833.7 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=26 time=244.6 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=27 time=256.6 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=28 time=761.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=29 time=469.1 ms
4096 bytes from . (simfs /dev/simfs): request=30 time=813.0 ms
— . (simfs /dev/simfs) ioping statistics —
30 requests completed in 42498.7 ms, 2 iops, 0.0 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 71.4/425.5/1238.9/298.8 ms
Submitting a ticket right now :>)
Nah, isn’t like my 123systems one xD (take a look at the last thread about it :D )
Just pulled their German VPS from our server pool.
This is how slow the server there is:
Mon Mar 5 01:51:11 CET 2012
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
The following packages will be upgraded:
libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-bin libgtk2.0-common libsdl1.2debian
4 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 10.3 MB of archives.
After this operation, 41.0 kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
Get:1 testing/main libgtk2.0-common all 2.24.10-1 [6,879 kB]
Get:2 testing/main libgtk2.0-bin amd64 2.24.10-1 [477 kB]
Get:3 testing/main libgtk2.0-0 amd64 2.24.10-1 [2,730 kB]
Get:4 testing/main libsdl1.2debian amd64 1.2.15-2 [218 kB]
Fetched 10.3 MB in 1s (5,157 kB/s)
(Reading database … 33314 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libgtk2.0-common 2.24.9-2 (using …/libgtk2.0-common_2.24.10-1_all.deb) …
Unpacking replacement libgtk2.0-common …
Preparing to replace libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.9-2 (using …/libgtk2.0-bin_2.24.10-1_amd64.deb) …
Unpacking replacement libgtk2.0-bin …
Preparing to replace libgtk2.0-0 2.24.9-2 (using …/libgtk2.0-0_2.24.10-1_amd64.deb) …
Unpacking replacement libgtk2.0-0 …
Preparing to replace libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-1 (using …/libsdl1.2debian_1.2.15-2_amd64.deb) …
Unpacking replacement libsdl1.2debian …
Processing triggers for man-db …
Setting up libgtk2.0-common (2.24.10-1) …
Setting up libgtk2.0-0 (2.24.10-1) …
Setting up libgtk2.0-bin (2.24.10-1) …
Setting up libsdl1.2debian (1.2.15-2) …
Mon Mar 5 01:58:24 CET 2012
7 minutes 13 seconds to install 10MB of updates? Only 1-2 seconds of that was downloading the update files.
Doesn’t SolusVM and the other VPS plaforms contain performance monitoring and notifications for owners of these servers to see resource consumption issues proactively?
Just some graphs, which you already can see in your panel.
Graphs aren’t cutting it to manage a VPS server. If that’s what folks are depending on, then no wonder why many Solus-based VPS providers are awful.
(not that I know what alternatives there are to Solus, cause I don’t and am not interested in becoming a service provider)
Gone through a number of VPS providers in past 2 months who are blissfully unaware that their VPS server is completely offline, or disk I/O remains in the single digits after several solid days.
The industry is a total mess and many of the providers on low end server offer sites like this one are completely unprepared to be running a VPS business from a technical perspective. In all fairness, WebhostingTalk has ample providers who suck also and typically we find them on here cross posting offers (which often cause service disruptions and decline of server performance).
This site should be the place to advertise low end spec’d services (i.e. 256MB RAM and under, low Mhz CPUs, small disk space, etc.). Whenever providers figured out how to shoehorn 2GB VPS offers into the pricing schema on here, is when most of the shenanigans began.
Have you try contact our support department? what is your ID ticket? i’d ask about offline what offline? look above it’s up from 51 days ago did you order before 51 days?
Nowhere says “up2vps offline”. Read the previous posts ¬_¬
damn look like i Blind :S
I do not recomendo those guys.
Their network is pretty lame, I had some big dowtimes some months ago, having my vps down for almost a week.
They had to transfer me to another node because after a 4 days wait they could not fix the problem. Transfered me and a huge amount of data got corrupted, my sql instalation, database, OS was malfuncition…
After opening a ticket, the response was “Try searching the error on google”.
Their suport is slow, usually takes hours if not days to get a response, and most of the times can barely speak english. Those guys look like a bunch on indians that have no idea how to write, or read your tickets.
I/O speed is ok, but the vps has some serious memory issues.
What is your ID ticket please?
Really thought I was getting good deal, first box I had issues after installing cPanel to CentOS 5. Still waiting on ticket reply for dedicated IP address. About 3 days have passed.
Maybe read threads before buying?
Phew! I almost purchased from them some 5 mins ago, thanks for this comment gary, I was able to read the comments on top. So funny how reply to customers (screenshot). tsk tsk tsk. Number rule in customer service, be calm at all times!
Thanks for all the comments here. Almost purchased from them due to the awesome pricing. Unfortunately they are now suspended and have no way of getting their servers back.
If you are having issue with install Cpanel please submit ticket support and will setup it for you for free. the Extra ips can be up to 5 business days depend on our IPS stock check the Welcome mail
Can’t use the Coupon. Error: “The promotion code entered has already been used”
Nobodies got the internal speed?
By limiting a DDOS attack? if OVH resellers and dedicated is equal to the dealers at your service
a dedicated OVH is 16 Euros and do not fuck for a DDOS attack that sentence.
my vps is suspended suddenly without notice/warn before. They just said “Overload on our system not allowed.”
How can I investigate cause it if I can’t access my server ??
Ticket not responding..or too long response ? I just need the log if they still have and save it .
Pls answer . My ticket #917482 if you asked it.
Read the thread, you’re better off without service from these idiots.
warning site Up2VPS stole my money after i pay he cancel my order and don`t return my money Beware not involved in this site so you do not lose your money
Just ordered a vps sent a ticket for provisioning and its already more than 7 hours no response
God, you’d think people needed to sleep or something.
I must say: up2vps is really slow.
This Company suxx. I agree with “erie”. They switched off my UP120 VPS without any warning! I opened a Ticket and they said that they recognized a 4Gbit (the Tech said 10 Gbit) “flooding” from me. But i didn´t do anything. How i should create these Speeds with a 100 Mbit port??? I asked if my 300-400 Gb / Month Traffic is the problem (i had a 3TB!! plan).
Completely idiots. Switched to Contabo now.
Forgot … the VPS itself was very great. Always fullspeed and no downtimes. Catched a good node. :-(
Be careful!
Their Support service Sucks !
I was deceived, I cound’t connect to my Server for 5 days, after paying the bill
Please avoid to buy anything from this company !
Please transfert the message.
I was one of their visctime
Frustrated customer