Kenneth, from Virpus, is back with an exclusive XenPV VPS offer located in Seattle, USA. This is in line with the launch of their new SSD-Cache VPS plans that provides excellent value and performance. The promo code LEB-2015-1 gives a 15% recurring discount. On top of that, they will include DirectAdmin free of charge! For those interested, I encourage you to hurry before this offer expires.
512MB XenPV
| 1024MB XenPV
| is a Wow Technologies, Inc. company founded in 2006. Their parent company was founded in 2001 and houses such customers as Microsoft, Vulcan, Moz, Rosetta Stone, Intelius and more in 18,000 sq. ft. data center in Seattle WA along with 8 other global locations. They have been featured here multiple times before with their first offer dating way back in 2010. I could say that they are a very established company and will probably stay for a very long time in the hosting business.
Exact host node information is not available. The only thing we know is that they are using Xeon processors and that the disk is SSD-Cached in RAID10 configuration. The prices they sent us for this is cheaper that their last couple of offers. However, past reviews were not very positive. It would greatly help our readers if current customers will share their feedback below in the comments section. We would love to hear if their serviced improved with the recent acquisition by Wow Technologies.
Accepted payment method includes PayPal, Credit Card, Bitcoins, and Mail In Payments. Interworx, DirectAdmin and cPanel are available if you custome needs a control panel. Virpus offers a 99.9% uptime SLA and instant activation. As always, we encourage you read their Terms of Service carefully before making any purchase. This page contains the contract/legalities should you engage business with them.
Network information
Wow Technologies Inc. – Seattle, Washington, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
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Are there any clean IPs that aren’t listed on 6 different blacklists?
That’s like requesting to live in an apartment without getting mail from previous tenants.
That’s why you ask to live in another apartment.
What about an apartment that is brand new? (No previous tenants).
Best of luck using an IP address from a hosting company that hasn’t been recycled.
I think it’s more like asking to live in an apartment that’s not under surveillance 24/7 by CIA drones (armed with missiles of course; nuclear missiles, that is).
Wonder are we unable to provide own ISO [ie. Windows]?
@David – Unfortunately this is not possible :( We have a preset library of ISO’s that you can chose from. Additionally, we do not offer Windows with this offering.
Good to know, many thanks for reply.
Which ISOs?
it’s tor browsing allow?
Nice offer! This is going to replace my dying bluevm vps :) !
it’s tor browsing allow?
I ordering, but its marked as fraud? Any words?
Can you please provide list of OSes/templates that you support?
Can you do Centos 5 32bit? I also would like to leave BlueVM.
Hi there,
We can do this however I do not think by default we have a 32 bit image. If you want, you can place your order and request the specific version, and we can implement it for you.
The coupons for pure ssd?
Ordered the 512MB early today, had an e-mail saying it was set up and online. Not the case.
Support ticket and they quickly had it online, saying something went funky with the install. Great. No big deal.
Changed root password, changed a few minor things around, noticed there was no DNS preconfigured, rebooted. System did not boot back up. Serial/recovery console didn’t work. New support ticket.
They claimed there was an issue with the host machine and it was rebooted, and said my system was up and running. Still was unable to access serial/recovery console or the VPS directly. They asked me for my root password. What? No.
I tell them they will not be getting my root password and to do what they have to, to get it working again. They reinstall Arch a third time.
I log in, still no DNS preconfigured. I throw in Google DNS, run pacman -Syu, update everything, reboot, dead again. This time I can access serial/recovery.
ERROR: device ‘UUID= ad4103fa-d940-47ca-8506-301d8071d467’ not found. Skipping fsck.
ERROR: Unable to find root device ‘UUID=ad4103fa-d940-47ca-8506-301d8071d467’.
You are being dropped to a recovery shell.
Umm what?
Checked /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=ad4103fa-d940-47ca-8506-301d8071d467
Checked blkid:
[root@localhost grub]# blkid
/dev/xvda1: UUID=”d864e0f2-4a27-4c0d-b870-444c1540d125″ TYPE=”ext3″
/dev/xvda2: UUID=”7f2df7f9-d99c-4a43-acf6-6c0ed3372bcd” TYPE=”swap”
Edited grub.cfg:
linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=d864e0f2-4a27-4c0d-b870-444c1540d125
Huh, surprise. It works now. GRUB not configured. DNS not configured. Connectivity issues. Come on guys, low end doesn’t mean fundamentally broken.
virpus was acquired by wowrack, personally I think that this is certainly much better than before for the user
Ah, the offer has already expired…
Setup got stalled because I filled the form in wrong, support fixed it quickly once I opened a ticket.
Shell freezes up for a few seconds occasionally. Performance is generally good with low jitter.
VPS reboots at midnight EST a couple of times per week.
support 5/5
performance 4/5
reliability 3/5
Hi there,
I am very sorry to hear this. Can you share what node you are on? I’d like to look into the reliability issues you are experiencing.
OpenVPN (i.e. TUN/TAP kernel support) possible (e.g., in Ubuntu)? This is sort of a must for me.
They do not allow Tor relays to be run on their servers according to their helpdesk.