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Wanna Buy a Datacenter Cheap?

Fort Worth DC for SaleHilco Real Estate in Fort Worth, Texas listed an offer of their web site for a recently refurbished datacenter now for sale in Fort Worth, Texas.

The property is coming out of bankruptcy and includes a 10MW electrical supply, nearly 50,000 square feet of compute space, two loading docks and 22 doors, 89 parking spaces, and a $165K a year tax bill.

This property is well located with over 1,000 feet of frontage along U.S. 287 in the high growth area of northern Fort Worth. Built in 2018, the property recently underwent extensive renovations totaling $6,700,000 to convert the warehouse portion of the facility into a state-of-the-art data center, complete with 10-megawatt electrical supply. The building features office space that offers potential shared workspace adaptability and warehouse space that boasts an open layout ideal for last-mile staging and logistics to serve this fast-growing community.

The building looks like it’s in the middle of nowhere but is actually situated long Fort Worth’s industrial revival plans.

No price is listed.Β  If you’re interested, get you bid in by March 23.



  1. hehe – is there a minimal bid restriction? :D


    February 6, 2023 @ 11:38 am | Reply
  2. Wow, this datacenter for sale in Fort Worth, Texas seems like a hidden gem in the middle of nowhere! With its recent renovations and state-of-the-art facilities, it’s definitely worth considering. I can only imagine the possibilities of transforming the warehouse space into a shared workspace and utilizing the open layout for last-mile staging. The potential growth in the community is just the icing on the cake. I wish I had the expertise and resources to make a bid before March 23!

    June 8, 2023 @ 5:06 am | Reply
  3. Wow, this sounds like an incredible opportunity for tech entrepreneurs and investors in the Fort Worth area! It reminds me of a similar experience where I was part of a group that invested in a refurbished datacenter in Austin; the place turned out to be a goldmine due to the city’s tech boom. The high growth area and the property’s recent renovations make this seem like a can’t-miss opportunity, especially with Fort Worth’s industrial revival plans as a backdrop.

    August 23, 2023 @ 11:16 pm | Reply
  4. This Fort Worth datacenter listing feels like stumbling upon a hidden gem in the digital landscape. The author, raindog308, paints a vivid picture of a seemingly isolated building that holds immense technological potential. The $6,700,000 renovations and the strategic location along U.S. 287 make it a compelling investment opportunity, sparking my imagination with visions of a thriving data hub amidst Fort Worth’s industrial renaissance.

    December 17, 2023 @ 9:38 pm | Reply
  5. The Fort Worth datacenter seems like a hidden gem in the tech world, nestled in the midst of Fort Worth’s industrial renaissance. Raindog308’s detailed insight into the property’s specs and its recent transformation adds a layer of intrigue to the offer. The prospect of owning a piece of this technological evolution, coupled with the mystique of its seemingly remote location, makes this an enticing opportunity for those looking to dive into the data realm.

    January 6, 2024 @ 3:20 am | Reply
  6. This post about a datacenter for sale in Fort Worth, Texas sounds intriguing! The detailed description of the property’s features and its location amidst Fort Worth’s industrial revival plans piques my curiosity. I wonder what kind of potential this investment holds for someone looking to delve into the datacenter business. It’s fascinating to consider the possibilities and the potential impact on the local community.

    February 20, 2024 @ 11:42 pm | Reply
  7. Raindog308! It’s fascinating to see a data center with such extensive renovations and a prime location in Fort Worth’s growing industrial area. The combination of ample compute space, modern facilities, and strategic frontage along U.S. 287 makes it an appealing opportunity. Thanks for highlighting this unique property!

    June 10, 2024 @ 11:42 am | Reply

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