LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Australian VPS! Special Deal On Quality Infrastructure And Quality Service! -- Interview With Luke From QuantumCore!

Hi Luke! Can you please tell us a little about QuantumCore?

Hi there Tom!

We’re from Australia. We’ve been in business for 17 years so we’ve got a lot of experience in the hosting field. We believe that we can provide a solid service for the best possible price. I personally have been at GoHosting for 5 years, but have been in the hosting business for over 10 years.

Could you please tell our readers if you have any specific goal for this interview? What would you like this interview to accomplish?

The main goal of this interview is to provide the LET/LEB users with more information on our company and what we offer. Most users just see our advertising thread and look at the price. If it’s not some crazy deal, they ignore it because they probably don’t know what we invest in to provide a quality service for what I believe is a reasonable price.

Tell us a little about Quantum Core.

Here’s what we want LET/LEB users to know about us:

  • The QuantumCore name is to do with Quantum Computing which is also why we use Hilbert, Spacial and Qubit in our plan names.
  • We’re based in Canberra, Australia and are backed by our parent company GoHosting which has been in business since 2003.
  • Since we host in Australia, it’s hard to compete with international VPS providers since the bandwidth and IP costs are a lot higher than a lot of international regions. I believe that we still offer competitive prices for the service that we offer though.
  • All of our nodes are purchased brand new and have enterprise grade components. We don’t oversell our nodes so a YABS score on a VPS on a brand new node won’t be much different to one from a VPS on one of our busier nodes.
  • Our nodes are hosted in the Equinix Datacenters in Sydney.
  • I believe that we have the cheapest prices in Australia for .x.au domain registrations.

What are QuantumCore’s plans for the near future?

Our plans for the near future are —

  • Launch direct .au registrations through QuantumCore at our usual cheap prices. We have them available currently via our parent company but QuantumCore will be providing them soon as well.
  • Potentially start offering VPS servers from international locations such as the US.

Luke, do you have a Special Offer for readers of this Interview?

New and existing clients can get our RYZEN-2 package for $60 AUD per year recurring (Normally $132 per year so a discount of over 50%). That’s approx $44.61 USD per year at the current exchange rate.

Here’s what you get with the RYZEN-2 package –

1 Core 3.8GHz – Ryzen 9 3900X CPU
2GB Memory
25GB Pure NVMe Storage
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address (Available on request)
1.5TB Bandwidth

Here’s the link to redeem the offer – Promo Code RYZ2ANN –


It’s only for new orders and there’s a limit of one activation per client and 40 activations in total.

To find out more information and to see our other Ryzen plans, they can visit –


Each host node has a 1Gb link, high CPU clock speeds and uses pure NVMe storage.

Our ping/tracert IP is:
Looking Glass: https://lg.quantumcore.com.au/

Low End Box wishes QuantumCore continued good luck in 2022!



  1. Ian:

    I have sent 2 emails to quatumcore support and have not received any reponses, I am not a customer yet, I have questions before committing?

    Thank you

    May 2, 2022 @ 9:32 pm | Reply
    • QC:

      Hi Ian,

      I can see that an Ian talked to us on Live Chat recently so hopefully that was you and we were able to answer any questions that you had.

      If not, did you send an email to support@gohosting.com.au? If not, I’d suggest using that address to email us.


      May 4, 2022 @ 11:35 am | Reply
      • Ian:

        Thank you QC – it was and it did :)

        May 5, 2022 @ 11:39 pm | Reply

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