VPS providers who accept Cryptocurrency are commonly searched, so we’re attempting to make your search easy.
Are you looking for a VPS provider that accepts Bitcoin? LowEndBox frequently receives special VPS offers from web hosting providers who accept Bitcoin as a payment method. We find these offers to be unique, especially for end users searching for VPS providers who accept Bitcoin. In this post, we’ll be highlighting some noteworthy VPS deals, who accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. It’s worth mentioning these VPS providers are not limited to Bitcoin, we are simply highlighting a few providers that come to mind for those searching.
We decided to feature Bitcoin VPS providers who are the most engaged and commented providers as of late.
Bitcoin VPS providers within the LowEndBox and LowEndTalk community, who accept Bitcoin! The below is not an exhaustive list (please feel free to browse around at LowEndBox.com and LowEndTalk.com for more offers and variety).
- This article was last updated November 2023
- The information/deals in this article are based on the recent submissions we have featured at LowEndBox.com. Depending on when you’re reading this, some offers below may no longer be available – if you find this to be the case, please leave a comment below so we can update the main post accordingly
Bitcoin VPS Provider: RackNerd
- LEB Special 1GB
- 1x vCPU Core
- 20 GB Pure SSD Storage
- 1 GB RAM
- 2000GB Monthly Bandwidth
- 1Gbps Public Network Port
- Full Root Admin Access
- 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
- KVM / SolusVM
- Available in Multiple Locations
- $13.98/YEAR!
- LEB Special 2GB
- 2x vCPU Cores
- 35 GB Pure SSD Storage
- 2 GB RAM
- 4000GB Monthly Bandwidth
- 1Gbps Public Network Port
- Full Root Admin Access
- 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
- KVM / SolusVM
- Available in Multiple Locations
- $24.98/YEAR!
- LEB Special 3GB
- 2x vCPU Cores
- 50 GB Pure SSD Storage
- 3 GB RAM
- 6000GB Monthly Bandwidth
- 1Gbps Public Network Port
- Full Root Admin Access
- 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
- KVM / SolusVM
- Available in Multiple Locations
- $31.98/YEAR!
Bitcoin VPS Provider: ServerCheap
- 1 GB RAM
- 30GB SSD Storage
- 1 CPU Core
- Unmetered Network
- $2/month
- 2 GB RAM
- 60GB SSD Storage
- 2 CPU Core
- Unmetered Network
- $3.99/month
Bitcoin VPS Provider: MonoVM
- Linux VPS 2GB RAM
- 2 GB RAM
- 50 GB SSD Storage
- 1 CPU Core
- Unmetered Network
- Available in Multiple Locations
$19.99/month$6/month (70% off!)- Coupon: LETVPS70
- Linux VPS 4GB RAM
- 4 GB RAM
- 80 GB SSD Storage
- 2 CPU Cores
- Unmetered Network
- Available in Multiple Locations
$29.99/month$9/month (70% off!)- Coupon: LETVPS70
- Windows VPS 2GB RAM
- 2 GB RAM
- 60 GB SSD Storage
- 2 CPU Cores
- Unmetered Network
- Available in Multiple Locations
$29.99/month$9/month (70% off!)- Coupon: LETVPS70
- Windows VPS 4GB RAM
- 4 GB RAM
- 60 GB SSD Storage
- 2 CPU Cores
- Unmetered Network
- Available in Multiple Locations
$44.99/month$13.50/month (70% off!)- Coupon: LETVPS70
Bitcoin VPS Provider: FlipperHost
- High Spec VPS #1
- 2 GB RAM
- 2 GB vSwap
- 4 CPU Cores
- 50GB RAID10 Diskspace
- 5TB Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
- OpenVZ/Virtualizor
- 100Mbps Port
- 24/7 Support
- Locations: Los Angeles, Miami, Texas
- $3.95/month
- High Spec VPS #2
- 4 GB RAM
- 4 GB vSwap
- 4 CPU Cores
- 75GB RAID10 Diskspace
- 10TB Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
- OpenVZ/Virtualizor
- 100Mbps Port
- 24/7 Support
- Locations: Los Angeles, Miami, Texas
- $5.45/month
Looking for more providers who accept Bitcoin as a payment method? Our LowEndTalk community has compiled a huge list worth checking out.
If this is your first time visiting LowEndBox, please share your thoughts below in the comments. We’d love to hear from you, whether you found what you were looking for or if you are simply lurking the community.
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Error 1020 Ray ID: 5a20a1a57ec01938 • 2020-06-12 03:54:35 UTC
Access denied
What happened?
This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
Cloudflare Ray ID: 5a20a1a57ec01938 • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare
This was probably just a false positive with our firewall system, sorry for the trouble.
Do these services accept Bitcoin directly, or do they use a third-party “Bitcoin to fiat” gateway which collect personal details, have a >10% fee for refunds and are outside the provider’s county?
I think you should only post providers here which accept Bitcoin directly.
Similarly as if someone uses PayPal or Stripe only, you should write that. You should not write they accept credit card.
Good question, we will look into that.
I know that https://www.hosthink.net accepts Bitcoin too. They use Bitpay.
Your IP 185.10.xx.xxx has been banned
Ban Reason: Banned due to Orders
Banned right after I bought a server, nice scam!
Did you contact the hosting provider with that error, John?
https://vsys.host accepts Bitcoin & Dogecoin directly, preparing to the moon! :)
Thanks, we will review that provider.
https://www.hostzealot.com/ accepts BTC, ETH, and other cryptos as long as I know. They use coinpayments for that.
Thanks, we will review that provider.
I have been working with this hosting provider for almost two years. We keep more than 50 projects of different complexity on their servers. Great value for money, prompt technical support, sometimes at the weekend for 15-20 minutes is non-responsive, but I think it is not critical. The technological base of servers allows for building complex multi-tiered corporate resources.
Thanks for sharing your positive experience, Albert!
Nice hosting. During the entire time of using this hosting provider was one site crash. And that is right in the new year when the traffic was off the charts. Customer support always responds and helps with hosting. I have tried many hosts, and this one is the best for now.