LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Epyc-Based Premium VPS Starting at £3.60/month in UK from GanderWeb! Plus Cheap cPanel!

GanderWebIs it time for Black Friday yet?

Not quite yet.  Patience, grasshopper!  But that doesn’t mean we don’t have some awesome offers to share with you.

This one comes from GanderWeb, a UK provider who is offering their premium VPS line at standard prices!

These systems are in Newcastle, UK abnd are based on AMD Epic 3.1Ghz physical hardware.  You can get a 2GB VPS for only £3.60/month!  That’s with Linux or Windows.  They also have cPanel hosting starting at £1.35/month.

Visit their web site, read their TOS/AUP while you’re there, and learn a little more about them.  Then take a gander (see what I did there?) below for network info and links!

Datacenter and Network Info

Stellium – Newcastle – United Kingdom
Test IPv4:

VPS Offers

2x vCPU
64GB SSD space
5TB transfer
500Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
Manual Setup Via proxmox
Coupon: LowEndBox10
£3.60/month (price after coupons/discounts)

2x vCPU
64GB SSD space
5TB transfer
500Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
Manual Setup Via proxmox
Coupon: LowEndBox10
£6.75/month (price after coupons/discounts)

4x vCPU
64GB SSD space
5TB transfer
500Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
Manual Setup Via proxmox
Coupon: LowEndBox10
£8.10/month (price after coupons/discounts)

6x vCPU
128GB SSD space
5TB transfer
500Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
Manual Setup Via proxmox
Coupon: LowEndBox10
£10.79/month (price after coupons/discounts)

6x vCPU
128GB SSD space
5TB transfer
500Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
Manual Setup Via proxmox
Coupon: LowEndBox10
£12.60/month (price after coupons/discounts)

Dedicated Server Offer

Intel Xeon E3-1230V6 CPU
150GB (raid 1)
1.6TB (Raid 1)
Hardware RAID
20TB transfer
1Gbps uplink
/29 IPv4
IPMI: yes
Coupon: LowEndBox10
£59.39/month (price after coupons/discounts)

cPanel Hosting

5GB Disk Space
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Unmetered bandwidth
Daily Remote Backups
LiteSpeed Web Server
CloudLinux OS
Restrict access by IP
Coupon: LowendBox10
£1.35/month (prices after coupons/discounts)

10GB Disk Space
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Daily Remote Backups
LiteSpeed Web Server
CloudLinux OS
Restrict access by IP
Unmetered bandwidth
Coupon: LowendBox10
£3.15/month (prices after coupons/discounts)

25GB Disk Space
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Unmetered bandwidth
Daily Remote Backups
LiteSpeed Web Server
CloudLinux OS
Restrict access by IP
Coupon: LowendBox10
£4.05/month (prices after coupons/discounts)



  1. Rust:

    Why Basic Web Hosting SemiAnually more expensive than motnhly? (12£/6 = 2£/month vs 1.5£/month)

    November 21, 2023 @ 8:16 am | Reply
  2. Hi,

    Not sure what’s wrong as I’ve just double checked and the pricing appears to Be correct?

    Kind Regards

    November 21, 2023 @ 2:19 pm | Reply
  3. It seem this provider does not support and provide vps and don’t reply ticket then close it without any expaination
    I have ordered then they cancel my order and closed my ticket https://img.mmomekong.com/ib/ckWsoWfuUh

    November 27, 2023 @ 1:51 am | Reply
  4. Hi There,

    I apologies for any inconvenience caused, however I do believe we sorted your order yesterday and provisioned your VPS’s so I am unsure why your coming to a public forum to complain, if you have any further queries please contact us directly.

    Kind Regards,

    November 28, 2023 @ 2:28 am | Reply

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