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Interview with a Freedom Fighter: Host Apps Effortlessly From Home with IPv6rs

IPv6rsToday we’re taking a moment to talk with Chad from IPv6rs, a provider that has a unique service.  Here’s how it works:
1. You sign up with IPv6rs and they assign you an IPv6
2. Using your existing connection, a point to point tunnel is created allowing internet traffic to reach you directly.
3. Armed with an internet server in your home, you can now run your own server daemons!
Sounds like something in the LEB DIY wheelhouse, so we arranged an interview.
Now, just up front, I find some of their statements about licensing a bit silly, as you’ll see.  Fair enough that they and others may disagree.  When I asked Chad for his title, he said “Freedom Fighter,” so the political/justice part of their approach is significant.
The service overall seems quite interesting.  Let’s dig in!

Q: Where in the world are you located?

We’re headquartered in USA with points of presence across the globe.

Q: Let me make sure I understand your service. You allocate an IPv6 to me, a point-to-point tunnel is created from my LAN to this IPv6, and then I can run servers at home which are Internet-accessible. Is that right?

Exactly! We ensure that netizens behind NAT can still run accessible servers without any difficulties.

Q: At my home, do I need to open firewall ports or forward ports on my router? What is doing the network magic under the hood?

No firewall ports, DMZs, or anything are required to use IPv6rs. All you need to do is install WireGuard and connect to the network. Additionally, using delorean, our reverse SNI proxy, we provide ingress-by-name IPv4 traffic as well. This means you can run your server and be accessible by netizens who have IPv4 and/or IPv6.

Q: Are you running this entire service off a single /64? LOL. j/k but if you’re handing out one IPv6 address at a time, 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 would go a long way.

We are currently utilizing a direct allocated /32 from ARIN. However, as we expand, we will likely increase our IP space.

Q: Now once I have this network service established, I could then look at another offering of yours, Cloud Seeder. Cloud Seeder is a one-click appliance installer that takes care of configuration not only on your local machine but also with DNS, etc. Right?

Cloud Seeder takes care of the configuration and maintenance of various server appliances but does not modify DNS. Since netizens may be using any of the number of DNS providers out there, this helps to decentralize DNS; we didn’t want to lock users into our service. Thus, we do not manage the DNS for our users!

Now, I have to talk about this COOLER license. I find the reasons given for rejecting the MIT, Apache, GPL, and BSD licenses to be quite ridiculous. Not only are some of your criticisms of these licenses factually untrue, but you come off as some kind of unhinged woke avenger. Really, man, there’s nothing “shitty” about using the MIT, Apache, GPL, or BSD licenses.

Which parts are factually untrue? We stand behind the criticisms of the licenses which, at the end of the day, is about aligning with a brand that you do not control. That means you trust that brand not to tarnish your brand. For us, who believe in self hosting, trusting anyone is trusting too many.

Q: OK, I’ll get off your case LOL. Back to the tech. I enjoyed your “remote access ollama” example, and I see you offer Open WebUI as well. But there are some that you don’t offer. Browsing your source, it looks like to create an appliance, I just need a Dockerfile, config.json, a logo, and some scripts to install and configure. Is there more to it? Or is this appliance format some kind of standard I’m oblivious to?

We utilize podman and bash to provide the majority of our appliances and the format is pretty straight forward. You modify the Dockerfile, don’t touch root.sh, set the VERSION and modify target.sh which is the target installation script.

Q: Do you accept PRs for new appliances?

We absolutely accept and love PRs for new appliances!

Q: I ❤️ Golang. Why did you choose it?

We chose Golang because we believe it has a solid ecosystem of support. It’s also a really easy language to read which helps in providing more transparency.

Q: I never think of Golang for making desktop apps with a GUI. Yet you seem to have used Fyne very effectively here. How is Fyne?

Fyne is very fine.

Q: Anything else we should know about your project?

Our goal is to decentralize the internet in order to increase freedom for all mankind. We open sourced all of our software in order to help achieve this goal, even when netizens decide not to signup for our services. We’re completely mission driven, and we’re going to succeed in our mission because the future of the world is at stake.

We hope you’ll join us in the mission! To join, you can either signup for our service and launch your own self hosted server appliances, launch a competitor, or simply go out there and encourage self hosting to everyone.

Let’s free this world.



  1. Hello there, I’m using free Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Broker, what’s the difference here? And they don’t offer at least one Ipv6 for free 🥴
    So becouse they use wireguard? And some other apps? They want like 6 $ what I’m missing here?

    July 10, 2024 @ 12:51 am | Reply
  2. d:

    Can’t find the content of the COOL or COOLER license anywhere even though they wrote a blog post about them.

    August 24, 2024 @ 2:16 am | Reply

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