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JollyWorksHosting - $4.95 256MB OpenVZ VPS with Gbps Port Upgrade

Jolly Works Hosting Mark from Jolly Works Hosting emailed me about their special promotion to upgrade the connectivity to 1Gbps, when you use promo code 1GBPS (at $4/month value, they said). I just tried and added the 1Gbps option on the sign up form, and the promo code does not appear to give me discount so I guess the Gbps upgrade is done manually after the server is provisioned. Their plan starts at $4.95/month.

  • 256MB guaranteed/384MB burstable memory
  • 20GB storage
  • 200GB/month data transfer (with 1Gbps upgrade)
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

Servers are in Phoenix AZ (test IP: Company is Philippine based, and according to their about us page, they have been around for almost 2 years now. Also if Gbits connectivity is not that important to you, use LOWENDBOX promo code to get 20% off recurring discount (from their offer last year, which still seems to be working). That comes down to $3.96/month.

Latest posts by LEA (see all)


  1. hexel:

    Real 1GBPS ?

    February 12, 2011 @ 1:35 pm | Reply
    • ted:

      Do you actually want it to be real? You’d be able to run it for a whole 27 mins (not even) :)

      February 12, 2011 @ 6:24 pm | Reply
    • rm:

      What’s the point of making such a big deal of 1 GBPS (or more precisely, why it’s not just 1 GBPS for everyone by default) with a plan where montly transfer is limited and the limit is quite low.

      February 12, 2011 @ 6:29 pm | Reply
      • ted:

        Marketing? It got it through the new LEB offer filter didn’t it? :D

        February 12, 2011 @ 10:18 pm | Reply
      • Small files transferring over Gigabit don’t take very much time but would go much faster? 10x the pipe even though it is shared… more room available so if an abuser starts crashing the party it doesn’t affect people as much?

        Just throwing out ideas…

        February 13, 2011 @ 5:43 am | Reply
        • *cough* I have a friend with a seedbox with a 1 Gb/sec uplink. They used up their monthly 600 gig bandwidth allocation in 5 days.

          There’s an interesting discussion here on the topic of 1 GB/sec:


          They do get another +1 for promoting their Tier 1 bandwidth and actually having Tier 1 providers. (Global Crossing and Level 3) Seen too many providers say they have such and it turns out it’s like Time Warner…

          February 13, 2011 @ 2:17 pm | Reply
      • @rm – Well spoken

        @drmike – Nice article

        February 14, 2011 @ 1:56 am | Reply
      • They should just set the overage cost to be ridiculously high, and charge the offender a hell lot of money for going over the quota. That would be my business plan. Bahwahaha!!!

        February 14, 2011 @ 5:41 am | Reply
        • I wish that worked. We manage to collect 5-10% of all overage costs because people just skip out. People have no problem pulling 127mbps for hours at a time — until they get hit with the bill.

          February 15, 2011 @ 6:57 am | Reply
  2. KLIKLI:

    I remembered someone pointed out that the owner is actually a student according to a social network site. I’m not sure if I remembered right though.

    February 12, 2011 @ 1:43 pm | Reply
    • fanovpn:

      Your memory is good! In the first post of JollyWorksHosting, looks like LEA linked to a (now dead or moved) LinkedIn profile saying the owner was a student, and on the same post there’s a comment from the company confirming it. That was in May 2010.

      February 12, 2011 @ 4:39 pm | Reply
      • It’s also noted in that thread that their support is outsourced. That’s always been iffy for me because quite often, it seems like there’s either a language barrier or a knowledge barrier. The language barrier for being in India or another non-English as a First Language country. The knowledge barrier for working with a service that their employees work for different clients and handle different OSes, installs, and hardware combos.

        Not saying that every outsource operation is like that. I know I have dedicated folks with the service we use with floaters as backups.

        They do get a +1 for still being around. Not many student run operations haven’t made it into the dead pool around here.

        Anyone given them a try?

        February 13, 2011 @ 2:10 pm | Reply
  3. Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

    Their Burstable RAM does not really…. make sense compared to the 256MB Guaranteed.

    February 12, 2011 @ 2:34 pm | Reply
    • What doesn’t make sense? It’s 128mb or 50% more available for burst.

      February 13, 2011 @ 1:49 pm | Reply
      • I think Daniel meant “a bit abnormal” rather than not making sense, as OpenVZ VPS companies usually either double the burstable or set to the same as guaranteed. I don’t see any harm setting it to 150% of the guaranteed amount.

        February 14, 2011 @ 5:44 am | Reply
        • Daniel @ LowEndTalk.com:

          I suppose when you see it as 50% it seems much more, but the fact that 256 and 384 are sooo close together,

          February 14, 2011 @ 7:33 am | Reply
        • Christian:

          A lot of companies have plans like that, for example: Quickweb :)

          February 14, 2011 @ 11:04 am | Reply
  4. is it true the owner is a student?

    February 12, 2011 @ 3:58 pm | Reply
  5. Nameserver records returned by the parent servers are:

    main1.jollyworkshosting.com. [‘’] [TTL=172800]
    main2.jollyworkshosting.com. [‘’] [TTL=172800]

    NS records got from your nameservers listed at the parent NS are:

    ns24a.turnkeywebspace.com [‘’] [TTL=86400]
    ns24b.turnkeywebspace.com [‘’] [TTL=86400]

    The SOA record is:
    Primary nameserver: ns24a.turnkeywebspace.com
    Hostmaster E-mail address: support.turnkeyinternet.net
    Serial #: 2010120608
    Refresh: 86400
    Retry: 7200
    Expire: 3600000 5 weeks
    Default TTL: 86400

    http://www.jollyworkshosting.com -> jollyworkshosting.com -> [ ]

    February 12, 2011 @ 4:35 pm | Reply
  6. Thank you very much for posting our offer here at LEB. :) The offer is still up, and good thing the special LOWENDBOX coupon was re-added.

    Have a great day everyone!

    February 13, 2011 @ 10:24 am | Reply
  7. Polla:

    How fast is it? can some1 wget this?


    February 13, 2011 @ 12:46 pm | Reply
  8. 大家要多多的支持哦, 可以相互帮助

    February 20, 2013 @ 2:42 am | Reply

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