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Low End Editorial: Freedom of speech on Low End Talk reveals the truth about our beautiful Low End!

Tom Not Oles

This Editorial is @Not_Oles’ personal opinion. Although this Editorial is published here at Low End Box, nobody but @Not_Oles participated in the selection of the topic or in the writing.


Recently there has been very active discussion of Low End Talk’s Provider Tag Fee Implementation.

For anyone unfamiliar, in March 2022, LET began asking Providers to pay $100 every six months in order to support operating and development expenses.

During the discussion of the new Provider tag fee policy, @DAHartigan congratulated @jbiloh on his restraint and @KermEd agreed, saying that he had to give @jbiloh “credit for not locking this thread, and for seemingly not editing peoples posts as well.”

@KermEd went on to describe Low End Talk in the words quoted below. To me, what @KermEd said sounds like something out of Shakespeare!

I have returned to that thread again and again specifically to reread @KermEd’s description of LET.

Here are @KermEd’s words which so captivated both my eye and my mind:

LET has always been fairly vocal, a touch of entitlement and cheap with slightly anonymized accounts…

There you go: Vocal. Entitled. Cheap. Anonymous.

Wow, that characterizes me so well!

  • I love to talk!
  • I think I’m entitled to great respect and great service from LEB/LET, my providers, and everyone else!
  • I’m cheap — I don’t wanna allocate funds. I want a better deal than everybody else!
  • And anonymity. Who am I? I am @Not_Oles, of course!

Thank you, @KermEd!

What did @KermEd say next?

so rolling out a host tax and not doing the best job of rolling it out is going to generate a lot of negative discussions. Combined with a lot of distrust, suspicion, and bad decisions in the past, it becomes a bit of a powder keg for users.


  • Negative discussions
  • Distrust
  • Suspicion
  • Mistakes

This part of the description seems not quite like me! And it seems not quite my view of LET! 🤔

These days people usually say I have a positive attitude! 🤩 I mostly trust people! 👍 I’m not suspicious! 😊

Well, yeah, I make mistakes! 😱 I make bad decisions! 😱 Lots of them! 😱

LEB and LET are places where we all can come together as a community. Where we can meet our friends. Where we can learn more about computers and the internet. Where we can share our differing views and grow stronger by appreciating each others’ wants, needs, and points of view.

Yes, for sure there’s a Shakespearean tension in @KermEd’s gorgeous combination of vocal, entitled, cheap, and anonymous.

“Double double toil and trouble / Fire burn and cauldron bubble”

— Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1

But we love our Low End, don’t we?

There is so little barrier to entry here on the Low End! Get a server for next to nothing. Put up a site. Speak to the world! Hang out here, learning more about how it’s all done.

“Love is a smoke rais’d with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in a lover’s eyes; Being vex’d, a sea nourish’d with lovers’ tears: What is it else? a madness most discreet, A choking gall and a preserving sweet.”

— Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 1

Friendly greetings!

— @Not_Oles


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