Let me start out with this offer with a little disclaimer: I am a huge LunaNode fanboy. I find it difficult to simply post their offer and not take a moment to tell you how great they are. Snapshots, detachable volumes, startup scripts, security groups, floating IPs, virtual networks, load balancers, DNS, email hosting, and monitoring. Impressed yet? I am. Let’s jump into their offers.
The Offers:
Special 2048:
– 2048 MB RAM
– 1024 MB swap
– 2x vCPU
– 20GB storage
– 2TB transfer
– 1gbps uplink
– 1x IPv4
– In Toronto: 1x IPv6 via SLAAC (users with tenant networks can assign any IPv6 in the /64 allocated to their network)
– $7/month (billed hourly)
– https://dynamic.lunanode.com/register.php?promocode=LOWENDBOX
SSD 512 (Toronto only)
– 512 MB RAM
– 256 MB swap
– 1x vCPU
– 15GB storage
– 1TB transfer
– 1gbps uplink
– 1x IPv4
– 1x IPv6 via SLAAC (users with tenant networks can assign any IPv6 in the /64 allocated to their network)
– $4.5/month (billed hourly)
– https://dynamic.lunanode.com/register.php?promocode=LOWENDBOX
SSD LL2048
– 2048 MB RAM
– 1024 MB swap
– 1x vCPU
– 20GB storage
– 1500GB transfer
– 1gbps uplink
– 1x IPv4
– 1x IPv6 via SLAAC (users with tenant networks can assign any IPv6 in the /64 allocated to their network)
– $7/month (billed hourly)
– https://dynamic.lunanode.com/register.php?promocode=LOWENDBOX
The Network:
Datacenter Name – Toronto, ON, Canada
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2602:ffb6:2:0:f816:3eff:fecd:8ab7
Test file: http://toronto-test.lunanode.com/100MB.test
Datacenter Name – Montreal, QC, Canada
Test IPv4:
Test file: http://montreal-test.lunanode.com/100MB.test
Datacenter Name – Roubaix, France
Test IPv4:
Test file: http://rbx-test.lunanode.com/100MB.test
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Thanks Jarland!
BTW, the Montreal and Roubaix datacenters are OVH BHS and OVH RBX respectively.
Once had a VPS with OVH (classic 2014). I will not do it again because the network was very unstable (random package loss, ping increase to >300 and a default ping of 50 while Roubaix is quite close to ne). Is this a reseller host or is this host seperated from OVH?
We have our own equipment in Toronto. In Montreal and Roubaix, we rent dedicated servers with OVH.
Any review? I wonder with the CPU Frequency at Toronto, 2 GHz? 2.4 GHz?
And also, after I register I couldn’t find their Special 2048 plan.
I only see:
-SSD Standard
-SSD-Cached Standard
-SSD High-Memory
-SSD-Cached High-Memory
Which one is Special 2048 plan?
Our hardware specifications are listed here: https://wiki.lunanode.com/index.php/Hardware_specifications
The Special 2048 plan is under “SSD-Cached Standard”. Sorry for the confusion on that, we just recently changed the plan categorization since we added the high-memory plans.
Lunanode is freaking AWESOME, do not hesitate just BUY BUY BUY!
I wish there are more disk space
the buy link is error?
the order link is error?
What error are you seeing?
try with mozilla firefox
Lunanode is AMAZING! The amount of server you get for the price is just unmatched. They have so many features, free mail (up to 5000 emails/month), monitoring, and a ton more I haven’t tried yet. The network speed is great, never had any unexpected downtime.
This is my 1st time benchmarking VPS, and it turn out that SSD Standard Plan is the best than the other plans (Based on UNIX Bench). This Plan’s score is better than my previous VPS on another hosting company.
Here the result:
-SSD Standard 1024 (Score: 19xx) (I/O: 5xx MB/s)
-SSD-Cached Standard Special 2048 (Score: 914) (I/O: 1xx MB/s)
-SSD High-Memory 1024 (Score: 8xx) (I/O: 3xx MB/s)
-SSD-Cached High-Memory (Score: 5xx) (I/O: 1xx MB/s)
All of them is using CentOS.
I guess I’m going to try SSD Standard 1024 for a month or two for hosting my website.
please: wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O – -o /dev/null|bash
wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O – -o /dev/null|bash
Please be *very* careful when running scripts downloaded from a source you do not recoginize! Especially a shell script that can be dangerous, if inadvertently run as root
Is it possible to have windows installed on one of your Toronto vps plans? i live in Toronto, but am not familiar with Linux at all.. and would love to take advantage of this location to host my 15 year old game server (Unrealtournament 1999)
If possible i would definitely grab one, if this could be setup for me.. just need any Windows version, with remote desktop access.
Sorry for being such a Linux noob… lol
If the host uses OpenVZ as virtualization it’s not possible for sure. This host uses KVM, so it’s possible to run Windows on it, but that needs to be supported by the hosting provider. Since windows needs a paid licence (and linux does not need that), the host will most likely not provide a windows installation on the VPS. This means you need to do it by hand, and that’s a hell of a job (not impossible @perennate )
Yes, this is possible, although if the custom OS is proprietary then you would need to acquire any applicable licenses. The steps are:
1) Specify URL (which must not have any query parameters) to download the ISO from in the Images page
2) Make sure to disable virtio driver
3) Once the panel has downloaded the image, provision a VM from your ISO
4) Install the OS over VNC
5) After installation, select “swap boot order” so that the VM boots to HDD
Yes, this is possible, although if the custom OS is proprietary then you would need to acquire any applicable licenses. The steps are:
1) Specify URL (which must not have any query parameters) to download the ISO from in the Images page
2) Make sure to disable virtio driver
3) Once the panel has downloaded the image, provision a VM from your ISO
4) Install the OS over VNC
5) After installation, select “swap boot order” so that the VM boots to HDD
Does this host permit IRC?
We place no restrictions on what applications are run inside the client’s virtual machine, as long as running said application does not violate Canadian law, or our terms of service.
As long as running said application(s) don’t violate the Canadian law, and our terms of service, then it is permitted.
Is it allowed to merge 2 same package ? so i will have large resource ?
As long as running said application(s) don’t violate the Canadian law, and our terms of service, then it is permitted.
Plans are defined as is, and customization to plan parameters are not possible at this time.
Lunanode is actually pretty good, they have allot of features.
How about the DDoS protection?
Also what payment methods are accepted?
I might want to host a game server in the France location. Can you also offer OVH’s GAME Anti-DDoS?
All 3 links are the same… point to a registration page and not an actual plan… am i missing something?
Once registered you will be able to deposit credit and provision virtual machines using the plans available. The list of available plans can be found here: https://www.lunanode.com/pricing
This one doesn’t appear to exist on that list:
“Special 2048:
– 2048 MB RAM
– 1024 MB swap
– 2x vCPU
– 20GB storage
– 2TB transfer
– 1gbps uplink
– 1x IPv4
– In Toronto: 1x IPv6 via SLAAC (users with tenant networks can assign any IPv6 in the /64 allocated to their network)
– $7/month (billed hourly)”
Aha! found it – Under SSD-Cached Standard. Nvm. Thanks!
Hi, for detachable volume, is there any pricing or any explanation? i can’t found on website.
I got the Special 2048 and somethings are off, I’m not en expert so I could be wrong anyway. 2048 RAM? Not really I check with ‘top’ and a 3rd party program (new relic) they both report 1840 MB RAM, 1024 swap not really more like KiB Swap: 524284 total. I only have 2 bots, supervisor + newrelic running on Centos 7 and that’s eating 200-300 MB RAM (16-18%) while on another host i have over 20 bots running + 2 websites + vps and it’s barley using 300MB/1GB.
Also I/O is always over 10%, even hitting 30-40% when doing an upadte, on my other much smaller and cheaper but way more used server I have 0%.
I ordered your vps and create New VM with centos ISO but can`t connect to internet ! if i use ubuntu.iso problem solved..! what happen with your VM?
Perhaps the network configuration was not set correctly when you installed. You can either use DHCP, or use the settings from “Network configuration” button under IP tab. If you keep the VM online and open a support ticket then we can investigate further.
Is the promotion over? cant find the special 2048 nor to input promotion code. or do i need contact support?
Sign up from this link to get the $3 extra credit on your first deposit: https://dynamic.lunanode.com/register.php?promocode=LOWENDBOX
The Special 2048 plan is under “SSD-Cached Standard” tab in the panel.
i could pay a small vps , yearly? lets say 3 years in front?
Our services are billed hourly, and the smallest VM size is with 512 MB RAM.
Hi just signed up via the affliate link. I feel the phrasing of the promo is a bit deceptive as it gives the impression that if you deposit $9, you’ll get an extra $12 which would add up to $21. But what they really mean is you’ll only get extra $3, which gives you a total account credit of $12.
The exact phrase was:
Sign up for an account below. Once your account is registered, you can make an initial $9.00 deposit and receive $12.00 account credit.
If you were confused by the phrasing, we are happy to provide a full refund of your payment. The intention was that you receive $12.00 account credit total, not extra. I’ve added a note that it is $3.00 extra. Thanks for the feedback!
Thank you for replying here. Appreciate your offer of a full refund. I will just continue with my testing; $3 extra is still a bonus. I’ve heard good things about LunaNode and so far, so good with my VPS.
I have deposit 9$ on LunaNode but I can`t use it.! I try install OS from vnc but never succes free panel like vesta cp, virtualmin, kloxo mr etc…! do you have video tutorial.. how to deploy server on LunaNode… ?
sorry my bad english
Can you clarify what issue you had over noVNC? If you open a support ticket we can assist more directly.
I’m using this one and really enjoying it. I was needed a KVM box to use a custom ISO and tried out several providers. Finally found a stable one :D
I have just subscribed and created an image. I am just about to add another one, with the intention of creating a CoreOS cluster.
I have a few questions around setting up a cluster. My basic setup involves CoreOS + Kubernetes.
I have started the template “CoreOS 2015-10-31” as a start.
I would like to add additional nodes, and perhaps playing with spinniing a more recent CoreOS image. Should I point the image loader to the openstack image?
Note the image is not in ISO format.
I appreciate I could raise a ticket for some of these – however it’d be nice to discuss this type of question in a public fashion. At this price point it becomes feasible to spin up a cluster even just for dev, and I might not be the only one planning on overlaying your offering with a container orchestration platform.
Do you have a forum / community of any type?
Just to answer my own question – the coreos template runs okay.
The ssh user should be “core”.
After installation run:
update_engine_client -update
Looking forward to playing with multiple nodes. Next on my list Openshift Origin on top of CentOS template.
I been test-driving them for over a month and finally had to open the ticket. The support is outrageously fast and they know their trade well, answers are professional and to the point.
Also they offer consultation service at $60/hr billed in 15min intervals, which is extremely useful if you are too busy or prefer focusing on other things than network administration. It’s like having IT staff but you only pay them when you need something.
They are not the cheapest, but I consider it a plus as they do not attract crowd you dont want for neighbor in the data-center.
Just deposited $9 and am giving a 1GB box a spin. Really loving it so far. Panel works flawlessly.