Nahian, from NinjaHawk, has sent in yet another deal for LEB readers. This time he has sent an OpenVZ package in one of their new locations, New York City.
This offer from NinjaHawk was sent last month when they expanded their product line to NYC, so although the offer is a posted a little late it is still relatively new. NinjaHawk have been in business (as a registered corporation) since 2012, so a relatively new business although they previously traded as HostCell. This OpenVZ offer is based in the Atlantic Metro facility in New York City which is a fairly unique location in the ‘LowEnd’ market so is exciting despite the relatively higher price compared with many other offers, especially considering there is IPv6 too. The servers they run for OpenVZ are E3-1230v2’s with 32GB RAM and 4x1TB HDD in RAID-10 and E3-1270v2’s with 8x500GB in HW RAID 10 /w BBU and 2x64GB Samsung 830 in RAID1 for KVM nodes according to their latest WHT offer.
KVM-Genin Plan
They are also fairly new to offering KVM plans, and are doing so in Tempe, Arizona in the PhoniexNAP DC. Payments are acceptable via Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, Payza and Google Checkout with a 7 day money back policy. All popular Linux distros are available for KVM and OpenVZ, FreeBSD and custom ISO’s are available for KVM but not Windows. There are also hints of KVM being available in NYC soon. Forbidden uses are spamming, IRC, gameservers, torrenting and ‘network testing tools’ but legal adult content is allowed. Their full TOS&AUP is available here, as always do read before signing up and do share your experiences below.
Network Information:
New York City, NY (Atlantic Metro facility)
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6 : 2001:470:1f06:7e1::cded:98d3
Test File: (can be provided by submitting a ticket)
Tempe, Arizona (PhoniexNAP DC)
Test IPv4:
Test File: Test download can be provided over support ticket
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Will get 2-4Gb OVZ for the same price :) US VPS is dirty cheap for now.
* heavily oversold OVZ.
oversold vs overpriced
I don’t think this offer is overpriced. But whatever.
Thanks a lot for your output. However, with how these 2-4GB offer works, the provider literally expects you to use <512mb ram and look back your usage on those big boys, you are no using all those "ram" that has been swapped with SSD's.
Compare our kvm and openvz pricing and you will see no disparity when it comes to price and resources. Now look at your providers who are offering big ram VPS's for <7$/mo and compare their kvm/xen product line and be the judge.
Oh, did I forgot to mentions our Service Level Agreement?
Compare and judge yourself mate :).
Being a business entity, we have to pay taxes, as well as fees and other associated costs and not to mention, we are here to make profit and serve you longer and I don't think any business can survive based on lies and loss. My honest 2c.
Well I can assure you you’ll get a good quality VPS (I have one), with good performance. Also the location is unique so it’s nice to have.
Thanks for the hardwork and kind words Humza. Always appreciated.
UGVPS sucks!!!
They have horrible support!
What do we have to do with UGVPS?
Thanks @Anthony. We are good but not as good as you and selected others :).
They also rip people off and lie.
Are we talking about UGVPS or Ninjahawk? FYI, we are not related to UGVPS.
This post made me let out a long sigh… it seems to be a new competition to troll the first post of every offer now.
Guess I need to join the ram (ssd) race :)
I have heard nothing but good things about NinjaHawk and they are active in the community so you should have no problems with them
Anyway, oversold or not is other question. I think pay total 84 $ per year for 512 OVZ crazyness, if most respective and stable vendors provide same specs for 15-25 $ per year, sorry.
Only if your wires made of gold :)
Overselling is a huge factor when you are comparing price ;). You can’t make 1+1=2 without two 1 . Give it a shot, try using your 4GB Ram 24/7 and see what your “stable” vendor says.
Sorry but 256/512 enough for my purposes, I don’t need much RAM even for the same price :)
Np. Just tell me again why you are paying 7$ for 4gb when in reality you are using 512 for 7$. I mean, there are no reason to over pay for your vps ;)
Fuckin’ LET/LEB logic: Complains about the amount of resources not being ‘enough’ (“get 2-4Gb OVZ for the same price”), then claims his needs fit perfectly within the confines of the plan (“Sorry but 256/512 enough for my purposes”).
AGAIN! Its only price comparsion – I m not paying more than 3$ per month or 15-25 per year for up to 512 Mb RAM VPS and even have more rare locations for that price :) Unless is 24K pure gold – MannDude know what I m talking about :-D
Sounds cool but only one problem remain – a lot of competitors around. Until you start provide VPS located on Alaska or Hawaii :D
There’s a lot to it than just price vs specs. There’s quality of service, trust, reliability and the brand. Also, what about network performance and overall stability? Kudos for not just competing in price and racing to the bottom!
Exactly. Not to mention, the longer we stay in business, the better we can server our clients :).
Thanks Harry. It feels awesome to break out of the 100GB SSD err I meant Ram race and to be honest, this offer got more positive response than we have expected, which means, there is still hope.
IPv6 using a tunnel?
Our DC is still “not ready” to publicly roll out ipv6. But since we directly peer with Hurricane Electric and they have pop in NYC, we decided to use tunneled v6 for the time being and to be frank, <1ms latency can be ignored ;).
Something is better than nothing as they say :)
How much are Additional IPv4 per IP per month?
With proper justification, you can purchase additional IPv4 for $1.50 each.
My eyes hurt. Please get a new color palette.
Next redesign. Stay tuned.
NinjaHawk provides a solid service, used their OpenVZ in the past. Reasonable pricing for fantastic service.
Sure, you can get more for less elsewhere. If that’s your goal, go elsewhere. If you want quality and true NYC (instead of Buffalo 300+ miles away), NinjaHawk is good.
Thanks a lot for the kind words Curtis :).
I just want to take a quick sec to tell everyone that i use NinjaHawk and i love them. Servers are fast, price is reasonable, but what separates them from the rest is support. They are awesome. I have two vps with them and i am very happy.
I am going to give them a chance. Let you know how it goes.
Awesome :). Welcome to the family :)