Hey you, business owner! Imagine someone told you that you could get all of the following as a package deal:
- Free advertising that reaches nearly every potential purchaser in your core markets
- A free mass media outlet to publish your news and press releases
- Focused publicity on your company including interviews and article about your enterprise
- Opportunities to make small investments to do even more additional, exclusive, omnipresent marketing
…how much would you pay? What if you could get all these things for FREE?
If you’re looking for new ways to reach your audience and don’t have the budget for expensive AdWords campaigns or big advertising campaigns where you’re competing head on with giant corporations, why not partner with LowEndBox and let us take your brand to the next level.
We offer a variety of both free and paid services for providers:
Posting Offers (free): Get featured on our home page with a complete writeup and listing of offers you wish to highlight.
- You’ll have 12-24 hours’ worth of top-post coverage on our high-traffic site
- Prominent placement of your logo
- Link “juice” helping your SEO
- Extensive tail search exposure as people look for any specific locations or features you offer
- An opportunity to interact with our community in the comments
If you’re interested, just submit an offer.
Get Interviewed (free): Have an interesting story to tell? Want to offer your opinion the state of the hosting industry, tech developments, or the struggles of being a host? Contact us to do an interview! We’ve done many over the last year with different providers and industry leaders and the series enjoys wide readership. It’s another opportunity to put your company, your brand, and your logo in front of our readership.
Submit a Guest Post (free): If you’ve written an interesting tutorial, how-to, or news piece, drop us a line and we’ll see if it’s a good fit for LowEndBox. In general, we like content that appeals to our readership – crunch tech tutorials, solutions to common problems, troubleshooting guides, etc. We always credit the original author and are happy to include a blurb about your services and a link to your offers!
Submit a Press Release (free): If you’ve got news, share it with us! We often include noteworthy developments in the industry and if you’re deploying new technology, changing services, acquiring someone, or otherwise making news, we’d be glad to publicize your accomplishments.
Sponsor a Giveaway: If you really want to drive traffic to your site, sponsor a giveaway and watch your brand go viral. Our well-oiled giveaway platform has delivered for a number of providers, attracting over 1,400 entries and over 500 tweets sent per contest! Opportunities for people to win prizes get shared all over the Internet. You pick the prizes, we do the writeup, and the spotlight is on your company and your offerings. In the past, companies have given away Raspberry Pis, gaming keyboards, Amazon gift certificates, and similar prizes. You don’t need to spend much to get a big bang for your buck.
Advertise on LowEndBox/LowEndTalk: Our advertising is far more affordable than AdWords or similar campaigns, and you’re reaching a very targeted audience. Our readers come looking for great deals on hosting and by publishing with us. Our ad packages start as low as $75/mo with a CPM below $2. Read more about advertising on LowEndBox and LowEndTalk.
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