LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

SpotVPS - $10.99/Year 256MB OpenVZ VPS in 4 US locations

First of all, I would like to wish you a very happy new year! Jacob, from SpotVPS, emailed us about the end of the year specials their running for LowEndBox readers. SpotVPS is the budget brand of ComfortHost, who are subsequently owned by Spanish based Foroquimica S.L. who’s website boasts that they have over “10 years of experience in hosting”.

End of the Year

  • 256MB RAM
  • 512MB Burst
  • 15GB Diskspace Raid
  • 500GB Bandwidth
  • 2 Cores CPU
  • 1 IPv4 Address
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • $10.99/year – Order Link
  • Buffalo, Las Vegas, Orlando, Chicago
End of the Year

  • 512MB RAM
  • 1024MB Burst
  • 30GB Diskspace
  • 1000GB Bandwidth
  • 4 Cores CPU
  • 1 IPv4 Address
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • $19.99/Year – Order Link
  • Buffalo, Las Vegas, Orlando, Chicago

SpotVPS were established back in 2011 but their parent company, ComfortHost, have been in business since 2004. We have listed SpotVPS a few times since they were launched in 2011. We last listed SpotVPS in October, when they were offering a $5.99/Month 2GB OpenVZ VPS in Las Vegas. Las Vegas servers quickly sold out, so they bought additional capacity online in Buffalo, NY (it seems some 2GB stock is still available in Buffalo if your looking for a higher ram plan). There were mixed responses to the offer, with one user sharing how impressed he was whilst another complaining of slow speeds. Oddly, whilst ordering, you’re required to enter a valid domain name that will be used by the vps because of ARIN’s justification rules – which rule is that?

Each node uses either the E3-1230 or Core i7 950 CPU and every SpotVPS vps node is backed up weekly for free of charge. Payments can be made by PayPal, 2Checkout or credit card. They provide a comprehensive 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. They do not permit any streaming or IRC on their servers; their full Terms of Services can be found here and their Acceptable Use Policy can be found here.

Network Information:

Buffalo, New York, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test File:

Chicago, Illinois, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test File:

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA – FiberHub
Test IP:
Test File:

Orlando, Florida, USA – HostDime
Test IP:
Test File:


  1. Looks so nice.

    January 1, 2013 @ 1:08 pm | Reply
  2. I could not find anything that says $10.99 per year ? Is there a discount coupon to enter ? The price for 128MB is $15/year and 256MB is $2.99/month. Am I missing something ?

    January 1, 2013 @ 3:13 pm | Reply
    • john:

      click Order Link above..:)

      January 1, 2013 @ 6:27 pm | Reply
  3. Pretty cheap, will they sustain this? My other $12/years are not doing so good

    January 1, 2013 @ 5:25 pm | Reply
    • From them or others? And why are they not doing good? Just contact your provider(s) and see what they can do.

      January 1, 2013 @ 9:17 pm | Reply
      • Seraphin69:

        Hi Dustin I wish Semoweb were able to upgrade LEB’s plans (can’t add disk space on LEB’s specials from you while the service is great)

        January 1, 2013 @ 10:06 pm | Reply
        • You can, just open a sales ticket, (my apologies to SpotVPS) do not want to over take your advert or anything, it was not my intention.

          January 2, 2013 @ 2:25 am | Reply
    • My question too, very cheap indeed but worth having for a test server!

      January 1, 2013 @ 10:15 pm | Reply
  4. Lucas:

    VPS provided instantly after payment? Recurring or one time offer?

    January 1, 2013 @ 6:01 pm | Reply
  5. Sandro:

    I had one VPS with them. It was frequently offline :S

    January 1, 2013 @ 9:14 pm | Reply
    • Fritz:

      Can you clarify this?

      January 2, 2013 @ 3:47 am | Reply
      • Sandro:

        Frequent downtimes. I was basically sending tickets every week. The thing is that they don’t offer a guaranteed uptime so you can’t really complain. I don’t know if things/TOS changed.

        January 2, 2013 @ 1:40 pm | Reply
  6. Seraphin69:

    I get decent speed tests from all locations but the 4th seems to have a lower port cap

    100%[======================================>] 127,926,272 11.2M/s in 11s

    others fly around 35M/secs from my other VPSs

    January 1, 2013 @ 9:20 pm | Reply
  7. ilhan:

    payment via payza

    January 2, 2013 @ 2:16 am | Reply
  8. This website redirect to comforthost vps

    Also I have affiliated account,how will I redirect them offer page?

    January 2, 2013 @ 9:40 am | Reply
  9. Josh:

    I signed up for one of these last night and I’m quite impressed. I have a 123Systems VPS of similar spec but it’s quite slow and it would be a bad fit for my site, so I opted to order one of these. The SpotVPS is very snappy and a perfect fit to host my site.

    I moved my site from my ChicagoVPS 2GB (paid yearly) because the VPS is going to “waste” hosting my low-traffic site so I figured I’d move the site to something much cheaper that can still get the job done so the ChicagoVPS is available for other tasks :p

    Enough rambling from me.. I’m very happy with SpotVPS for the time being and I just hope the performance and uptime stays consistent.

    January 2, 2013 @ 6:29 pm | Reply
    • herbyscrub:

      I had one in the Chicago location for a year, about 200 days uptime and 99.9% network uptime at one point. I forgot to cancel subscription though and it auto-renewed. I put in a ticket to move it to Florida and they took care of it really late one night about an hour after my ticket. Pretty good stuff, except mine only has half the ram offered here =T

      January 2, 2013 @ 11:31 pm | Reply
      • Josh:

        Awesome. I chose the Chicago location as well because it’s pretty much the best location in the US for myself as far as latency goes, and I like to run game servers occasionally. Hopefully I get good reliability out of this VPS :D

        January 2, 2013 @ 11:35 pm | Reply
    • Fritz:

      @Josh, @herbyscrub
      On what package are you now?

      January 3, 2013 @ 3:03 am | Reply
      • Josh:

        I’m on the 256mb yearly plan in this offer :)

        January 3, 2013 @ 3:33 am | Reply
        • Fritz:

          I’m planning to take one.
          The TOS seems “very tight” though.

          I guess I’m going with 256 plan first.

          January 3, 2013 @ 4:04 am | Reply
      • herbyscrub:

        Mine was from over a year ago, 128MB for $15 which actually was just their normal pricing. The Chicago node was a i7 with burst and my current Florida one is E31230 with vSwap.

        January 3, 2013 @ 8:17 am | Reply
  10. 0.0 The offer need to type the way to use server and need a vaild domain I do not why setup like this

    January 2, 2013 @ 6:54 pm | Reply
  11. cause:

    I’m trying 512MB plan. the disc io in NY is nice. but their support team seems to be mixed up a bit by website renewal.

    While waiting verification of my order, their website seems to be down for a while.
    I mailed them and reply was fast. but my vps was placed on wrong node in NY not NV.
    They reallocated my vps for my request, but now I could not login to solusvm panel.
    It seems that they are trying to join all control panel (dedicated, vps, hosting, billing etc.) to one page. but the html and script of the “combined” panel were corrupted…

    In NY, free showed 8TB memory and no swap, dd showed over 100MB/s. yum upgrade was really fast.
    In Las Vegas, free shows 512MB memory and 512MB swap. dd shows
    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=16k count=64k conv=fdatasync
    65536+0 records in
    65536+0 records out
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 35.0171 s, 30.7 MB/s

    January 3, 2013 @ 5:19 am | Reply
    • Fritz:

      Did you get Las Vegas? I can’t find it in the option.
      Btw, mine is still pending. How long will they take to activate it. *just curious* :)

      January 3, 2013 @ 5:53 am | Reply
      • cause:

        Las vegas was sold out just after I ordered, I think.
        Maybe it is why my vps was placed in NY and reallocated to a bit busy node.

        They activated mine when first reply to my mail. So I dont know how long does it takes if you do not request.

        January 3, 2013 @ 6:09 am | Reply
        • Fritz:

          Got mine activated after few hours but still no details for my box.
          Where should I login, password, etc.

          January 3, 2013 @ 7:58 am | Reply
      • herbyscrub:

        Check the order link and navigate through the Services section in WHMCS. Might also check your SPAM folder. My Solus link is http://panel.comforthost.net/ — using your WHMCS email and password.

        January 3, 2013 @ 8:20 am | Reply
  12. I hate what they have done with the default SolusVM, including a trimmed down version via iFrame into their own system is not good. Tried to login at http://vps.comforthost.net/login.php but still its a trimmed down version of solus with no headers etc.

    January 3, 2013 @ 7:16 pm | Reply
    • cause:

      Did you login to the “imporoved” solusvm panel? Their autologin script does not work for me. My ticket is left open for >24 hours.

      BTW, They kindly install “recent” iptables module to hostnode for my request. In exchange for unload “ip_tables” kernel module. Hahaha…

      January 3, 2013 @ 10:57 pm | Reply
  13. NoNeedForAName:

    LEB: “They provide a comprehensive 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. ”
    Really? Colour me confused:
    “Money back guarantee & refund policy
    We do not generally refund cancelled contracts. For example, if your contract is quarterly and you request a refund after two months, no refunds will be admitted. No refunds are issued for setup charges, add-on charges, domain-registrations, add-on purchases, SSL certificates or overage charges. In case of AUP violations, any and all refunds are forfeit.”
    “Cancellation Refunds
    We DO NOT refund partial monthly fees to accounts. We require 30 days notice for a cancellation.”
    Source: http://spotvps.com/tos.html
    Would someone fr SpotVPS care to comment? Leave your extenstion, in case I have to eslcate to ‘ya [ only half kidding ;-) ]

    January 4, 2013 @ 4:05 am | Reply
  14. cause:

    They reinstall my vps because “an issue with the vps kernel” caused a problem about iptables.
    I approved reinstall but iptables kernel module still could not be loaded after reinstall.
    then a few hours ago, thay reinstall vps AGAIN without prior notice and wiped out my configuration and data.

    January 4, 2013 @ 7:19 am | Reply
    • NoNeedForAName:

      Really? Fr your experience, I’m very much reconsidering my intent to sign w/ them. In your case, I’d be demanding your VPS files be restored:

      “Never worry about deleting or losing files again! Every SpotVPS node has weekly backups, to ensure that our customers never lose a single file on their system!”
      Source: http://spotvps.com/#features

      January 4, 2013 @ 3:30 pm | Reply
  15. Just ordered the 512. Curious… Thanks for the offer!

    January 4, 2013 @ 10:32 pm | Reply
  16. smile93:

    I have ordered one at Chicago, activated immediately after payment.

    Another one at Buffalo, under pending. Ticket sent.

    January 5, 2013 @ 5:07 am | Reply
  17. pub crawler:

    Not off to a good start.

    Was allocated a Chicago VPS out of Continuum instead of Colocrossing.

    Asked support pre-sale about port speed, told Gbps. Wrong 100Mbps.


    Contacted online chat support about both issues. Said they could migrate to Colocrossing network. Required a ticket submission and some unknown hours until support handles. We’ll see. They should have crumpled the VPS and re-allocated on discovery of this. That’s what other providers do.

    Total botch job so far. Others complaining about speeds probably are “wrongly” on Continuum’s network.

    January 5, 2013 @ 7:24 am | Reply
  18. pub crawler:

    Well, new VPS created on Colocrossing’s network. Quick enough turnaround and received the new details via email.

    Fast. Very fast network. Best throughput speeds I’ve seen from a provider on CC’s Chicago network.

    Fast VPS. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz.

    BIG difference from allocation at Continuum.

    January 5, 2013 @ 8:23 am | Reply
  19. rdc:

    Sold Out

    January 6, 2013 @ 12:02 am | Reply
  20. han:

    I bought one in Las Vegas, NV (FiberHub) – USA
    It’s very bad for use
    shut down for no reason
    Now,I can’t login to control panel,and can’t boot my VPS

    January 9, 2013 @ 9:27 am | Reply
  21. Justin:

    I purchased a VPS from SpotVPS over 30 minutes ago. Their website claims instant activation. I received an email after payment that it would be setup soon and I would receive an email. I have opened live chat and the agent told me the VPS would be setup as soon as an admin was available. He confirmed it would be a few hours before an admin is available. That is unacceptable to me. I asked if he could cancel my account and refund payment. He told me I needed to submit a ticket to Sales support. I created the ticket. I will post back when I hear from them.

    January 11, 2013 @ 3:07 am | Reply
    • Justin:

      They refunded my payment without issue.

      January 11, 2013 @ 3:46 am | Reply
  22. Toni Maroni:

    I just had a nice chat with a ComfortHost / SpotVPS sales rep. – unfortunately all SpotVPS offers are currently sold out (both the promo discussed here and the standard offers listed at spotvps.com). They might come up with a follow-up offer, though.

    January 24, 2013 @ 7:15 pm | Reply
  23. pub crawler:

    Terrible service.

    Multi week awful throughput. How’s 50KB/S sound? Been in ticketing trying to get this resolved since last week.

    Several tickets in to them about the same problem. First it was they didn’t know why as if I was to blame. Then it was a bad neighbor using the server resources. Then it should have been cleared up, but still stays capped at 50KB/S. Latest ticket is same re-iteration of the situation and they are on the hunt for bad user(s).

    Totally unacceptable to sell services to customers and have completely unmonitored services.


    clear && date && wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O – -o /dev/null|bash && date

    Start: Mon Mar 4 20:28:11 EST 2013
    CPU model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
    Number of cores : 2
    CPU frequency : 3066.778 MHz
    Total amount of ram : 512 MB
    Total amount of swap : 0 MB
    System uptime : 2 days, 17:19,
    Download speed from CacheFly: 218KB/s
    Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 53.2KB/s
    Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 53.9KB/s
    Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 57.8KB/s
    End: Mon Mar 4 22:32:54 EST 2013

    2 hours+ to run just a few of the tests. Clear enough?

    March 5, 2013 @ 3:34 am | Reply
    • Ryan:

      I will second the terrible service. Picked up the larger of the two when the promo went live and had been using it without issue until the end of February. They kept suspending my account saying was using more than 10mbps for over 30 minutes. My usage had been the same since day 1 and I could not find this policy written anywhere other than some crap about everything is at their sole discretion. It has 1TB of bandwidth but the only way to use it would be to have it evenly spaced over all hours of the day… the server would peak in the evenings and have little to no usage throughout the day.

      Oversold boxes, suspensions for wanting to make reasonable use of allocated resources. All in all, I would not recommend using this host.

      March 30, 2013 @ 1:51 am | Reply
      • pub crawler:

        I got the speed issue sorted out with them after, oh several weeks.

        They claimed they just restarted the VPS to fix it. Must be Windows folks..

        Today SSH bombed… Can’t log in. Rebooted it and now can log in.. Never had that happen before. Noticed RAM usage ballooned to like 300MB for several days on end. No idea since the box is idle.

        Very strange server.

        Hate the control panel. Can’t find the management panel and login info for OS reinstalls and such.

        Service is, okay for the $10 I paid, but using it for VPN type use and nothing else.

        April 4, 2013 @ 1:28 pm | Reply
  24. aswaan:

    all down, all the vps is gone, offline, solus is not working.

    December 13, 2013 @ 10:44 am | Reply

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