Jonathan emailed me on the Good Friday some nice new offers from The Host House in UK. Use promo code KVMRECUR to get 40% off recurring discount on KVM offers. Good if you have lost your previous KVM VPS with GarmanOnline I guess :) (Updated: Submit a ticket proving you were GarmanOnline customer & get a free month, see this comment.) Their custom VPS starts from £2.97/month (~USD$4.89/month), and use this link to order. It comes with
- 256MB memory
- 16GB storage
- 160GB/month data transfer
- KVM/SolusVM
Servers are in UK. Jonathan is the new owner of The Host House, whom acquired the business from James in March. Jonathan has been in the hosting business since 2003 at They are also offering special discount for Xen/Xen HVM offers. Promo code LOWENDB to get 33% off recurring discount, but I just thought KVM would be a better offer.
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and only for first 100 orders
Depending how quickly we sell out of this offer we may run a further promotion but not with this level of discount. We have two new high end host nodes that we need to get some paying clients onto.
node spec? RAID?
Specs do vary slightly from node to node but typically we use Dual CPU 5620 Quad core Processors, 48 Gb DDR3 ram, 4 x 2TB HDs with hardware raid 10 on a 1gbps uplink for our KVM nodes.
These are all server grade products with DELL or Supermicro motherboards not desktop models like some other providers use.
I hope to catch a good offer when my XenVZ instance end the billing cycle :P
Jonathan, what is the size of swap? Thank you.
With KVM you install your SO (Like VMware), then you can specify your swap size, but I don’t recommend using swap if possible.
Well, due that this offer comes with SolusVM, I don’t know if you can install a custom OS (or ‘SO’, sorry, comes from spanish)
We provide a number of different 32 bit and 64 bit ISOs so you can install the OS of your choice. If you need something else then just let us know and we will try to help.
Nice, thanks, just was an add for the other comment. And well, I don’t know the optiones offered by SolusVM/KVM. But as you say, if you can select an ISO an install it, then is great.
It comes with SolusVM and you can do all kinds of stuff with SolusVM, interface similar to SolusVM for XEN-HVM (screenshot:
You can always add a swapfile if they don’t provide a swap partition by default.
Its an ISO, you use VNC in SolusVM to install it.
Its like any other normal Linux Installation (apart from its not a fancy GUI installer, but a lame GUI).
So you have your own partition map you set via install, so you set a swap partition to however much you want.
KVM is like XEN-HVM, install from ISO and do whatever partitioning you want.
I got this offer since 24 hour now and its perfect!
With KVM and XEN HVM no swap partition is created by default but you can easily add one. With our XEN PV if the memory is say 256 mb then you’ll get a 512 mb swap.
Thats a very quick dd test, my thrust kvm was 6 MB/s last night and 16 MB/s today.
Has anyone got a dd test from their xen pv offering?
Currently XEN is low stock / out of stock but hopefully we will have a new node within the next 48 hours.
Please open a pre-sales request if you want a 24 hour trial so you can test this for yourself.
Here is test result from one of our clients from a few weeks ago on his XEN HVM VM Speed also depends on file size. It works slower on small file sizes which is typical from hard disk tests
real 0m0.557s
user 0m0.020s
sys 0m0.304s
www:/opt/www# time dd if=/dev/zero of=output.dat bs=1024 count=500240
500240+0 records in
500240+0 records out
512245760 bytes (512 MB) copied, 6.75564 s, 75.8 MB/s
For those of you reading this post that have lost out through garmanonline I’ll even given you a special refugee discount on proof of purchase from them of one additional month free. You just need to submit a ticket requesting this and attach proof like a copy of your recent invoice.
So you sign up with this promotion for 1 month and when I receive proof that you were a client of garmanonline I’ll add another month to your renewal date.
Wow, something tells me its going to be a cool promotion. Thanks Jonathan!
(although I am not a Garmanonline customer but it would definitely be of interest to others)
It would be nice offer without first line of their TOS. LEB people are too talkable to be limited in this! :P
From the interest and the number of signups in just a few hours I think you are wrong. To ensure we can provide a premium service we need a few restrictions but these are fairly standard and less prohibitive than many other providers.
Prohibited uses of our services
– Hosting IRC bots or chat room scripts.
– Hosting warez, copyrighted programs, scripts, videos or any other copyrighted material without a licence.
– Linking to warez, copyrighted programs, scripts, videos or any other copyrighted material without a licence.
– Hosting torrent applications / trackers.
– Hosting proxy scripts.
– Hosting ANY type of adult content.
– Hosting a phishing site.
– Using your account to spam people / computers.
– You may NOT publicly offer accounts for free. Accounts may be given (for free) to friends or family, but publicly advertising free hosting using one of our accounts is strictly forbidden. This is to prevent server abuse. If you are found to be publicly offering free hosting, we reserve the right to suspend your account, and any accounts owned by you.
Here is the link for the full terms
Naah, first line is standard mostly for those which don’t understand it, which heard “something” or use those known old c/p TOS instead writing their own. It was discussed so often around that it’s pointless to even start again.
Beside that I don’t think that your TOS is less prohibitive than MANY other providers. Maybe less prohibitive than some other extremely restrictive provider however most are more lenient. But that’s just my personal opinion of course. I don’t mind you and beside that I can chose among decent .uk hosts with similar price range (vooservers, evorack.. or even on request) which allow this.
As far as I can see none of these offer KVM We also have a high reputation as well with a personal service.
We provide RAID 10 and our KVM servers are all on 1 Gbps uplinks. Many other providers only use RAID 1 and 100 Mbps uplinks. Please take this into account when making comparisons so you actually compare like for like.
Irrelevant. We’re talking about specific part of a TOS here, not detailed service comparisation but if you mention this, well… I am xenvz user since 2008 which can tell you something about quality of their service as many LEB advertized hosts don’t even survive that long. But then again, don’t understand me wrong, I never said, neither think that you’re bad host or something like that. Understanding my post that way would be completely wrong and I am pretty sure that you can accomodate customers with different needs than my are pretty well.
Thanks for your points and comments. We are always willing to listen to the needs of potential clients and will sometimes be able to make adjustments to the TOS to address this. However in the 8 years that we have been in the hosting industry this has proved to be rare and I can only think of 3 or 4 times when we have been approached and made an adjustment.
Nice to see a professional provider around here. Hopefully others will maybe take the hint. :)
Heck, we can only dream…
The No IRC bit doesn’t bother me as many providers here don’t allow such. The No Offering Of Free Accounts is the show stopper for me. I’ve been setting up a network of WordPress Mutiluser and Elgg installs and offering account, both free and upgradable. Per their ToS, that’s not allowed. Not saying that as a negative. Just saying what would stop me from getting one of these accounts.
The only other real concern I have with the ToS is the terms aren’t identified. Pronouns like You and Us and Them and We and all that. From experience in this industry, the terms would probably get tossed by any judge if something ever made it to court.
One more thing. General abuse appears to be allowed under the ToS. They may want to add in a phrase that prohibits it. For example as I read it, using the VPS to send out ping attacks is allowed. (It’s early and I’m on my first cup of coffee. Bear with me. :)
It don’t bother you because “many providers here don’t allow such” or because you don’t use/don’t need it? Your argument isn’t really argument as it’s everything about personal needs as you confirm with the rest of your post ;-)
Please open a pre-sales ticket about how your network of WordPress and Elgg installs work and I’ll look at this further. Probably less of a concern with KVM as isolation is so much better than with Openvz.
Also thanks for your input in general on the TOS as well.
It was just a personal observation. The budget won’t allow yet another one currently. Thanks though for the follow up.
Spirit, it wasn’t an argument. It was me pointing out that many providers here have the same clause in their contracts. I even believe it;s one of the items LEA has on his checklist.
drmike actually you would be surprised how many hosts around allow IRC. From my experience way over half of those which are featured on LEB. Some of them even changed their mind when they got explained what IRC is.
I see main problem here lack of understanding of some hosts what IRC is. Most of hosts with “no IRC policy” have no clue what’s this evil IRC and some of them even put it in their TOS under “illegal” section which is of course completely wrong (just because they see it in other companies TOS). Internet relay chat isn’t illegal but can be abused same as any other vps service – and with nowaday IRC unpopularity way less than hosting mailserver, website, etc.. While I understand some companies with “better prevent than heal” way of thinking… nowaday IRC is neither popular enough neither risky enough to be treated like “abuse”. Sites as example get ddosed way more ofteh than irc clients but hosts don’t prevent webhosting usage.
And of course, same as you said – that’s just a personal observation and I am pretty glad that I can chose among so many decent LEB featured hosts which can give me what I require.
Jonathan sorry for hijacking this thread with IRC related discussion. Post above isn’t directed to your TOS but generally – as expressed observation in general.
AFAIK many providers disallowing IRC because up-stream network forbids any IRC traffic. Not that many would explicitly disallow IRC because “IRC traffic might attract DDoS/encourage P2P transfer of copyrighted files, etc”
But yeah I am in the same camp as drmike. Not a biggie if a host disallows IRC. There are plenty that do here, and I can easily find one if I have such need.
Can i run custom windows iso on this vps ?
Please open a pre-sales request for this but providing you can provide proof that you hold a license this may be possible. This would need to be uploaded onto our master server and we would set this for access from your account.
I opted for bumping RAM to 512MB. Instaneous setup which I missed since ALL welcome emails ended up in Google Apps spam (fyi), but sweet so far.
^ code tag suckage :P
You should see how bad it looks in the feed.
suckage fixed.
Cheers chief :)
Looks like a good host at the moment.
I cant decide between xen and KVM for mainly wordpress and centos 32bit, any recommendations between xen and KVM anyone?
It seems KVM is “the future”. And well, KVM has advantages over Xen PV. But I don’t know anything else.
I will recommend KVM over XEN
Thanks Yomero and Asim, yeah kvm does seem the way forward, but we seem at the mercy of the host more than xen, in terms of server fulfillment and management.
Anyway its light years away from user mode linux that I was using in 2003.
Sorry fugoki that you didn’t get the VPS email straightaway. For your information and that of other clients if you don’t get that email after you’ve made payment you might want to login to your account in WHMCS. Copies of all the emails sent are stored there so handy to check and look back in the future for information.
No mate I did, immediately; like I said they ended up in my spam folder so it was just an FYI in case anyone else has the “where’s my server?” issue :)
I have to admit that when I’m dealing with an issue with a ticketing system, I just leave the ticketing system open in a browser window and hit refresh every so often.
One thing to remember that if for whatever reason an email doesn’t get sent, most email systems won;t try to resend again right away. Many will wait upwards of an hour to send again.
I think the ability to customise ram, disk space, cpu cores, and bandwidth will meet most users needs, but if not please just open a Pre-sales request and we will further customise for you
Just let us know the full details of your requirements.
I like your offer.
If I buy it now and change the configuration to better every month, would the recurring discount stay?
I believe it would, but certainly I’ll give an undertaking to maintain this providing you keep the account in good order and ensure all payments are made by the due date.
I’ve now also had a few enquiries asking about reselling our VPSs. This is possible on our full range of OpenVZ, XEN, XEN HVM, and KVM VPSs. We have a sliding scale that starts at 2 active VPSs and you reach the maximum discount level for 10 or more active VPSs. You’ll be given your own promotional code to use. If we are running a promotion like this KVM one feel free to use that coupon as the discount is higher and only one coupon can be used on a single order.
As some of you know the new Ubuntu server 11.04 ISOs have been released today. I’ve just finished adding these to our list of available ISOs for install via our XEN HVM and KVM platforms. At this stage these have not been tested but a new client that just signed up I hope will give me some feedback. Any one else want to give our KVM platform a try and feedback on this. We have both 32 and 64 bit versions.
This is the link to what’s new on the Ubuntu web site
IPv6, test ip ?
Currently neither of our two UK Datacentres have deployed IPv6 but have indicated that they will within the next 3 months approximately. For those that want openvz with IPv6 we can do that in one of our US Datacentres or for testing ping This is in the BlueSquare Datacentre in Maidenhead for ping test This is Redstation Datacentre in Gosport
I now have limited availibility of IPv6 in one of our UK Datacentres for Alpha test if you want to give this a try. Please raise a support ticket in your THH account.
Also speed test link for Redstation Datacentre available here
I must say it’s nice to see a VPS provider offering FreeBSD. I’ve just finished getting my VPS set up as I like it and I must say I’m impressed. A ticket to set up rDNS was answered in a couple of *minutes* (don’t always expect this, but it does prove they’re on the ball) and the VPS itself is running smoothly.
If you need IPv6, H.E. tunnels are a breeze to set up, so don’t let the lack of this put you off.
A very good setup indeed!
I would like to thank Chronos for his help. He has shared his expertise with FreeBSD and I’ve posted a few articles on our knowledgebase specific to FreeBSD kernel config and IPv6 H.E. tunnels
He has also agreed to make some further tests of FreeBSD so our users can get the best out of their VMs
This is greatly appreciated
check your knowledge base article on the ipv6 tunnel, parts of the sentences can’t be read due to it being badly formatted.
I’ve tried re-formatting it plus Chronos has also give a more detailed HOW-TO for FreeBSD on our KVM virtualization. The direct link to the article is at
I can’t register or log in to the forums on the site Jonathan? Is this intentional or a bug? I have tried with FF, Chrome and IE, all at their latest versions and with a emptied cache…
This has been fixed now. Thanks for letting me know as it might have been a while before I spotted it myself.
I’m sorry to say this but the login is still not working correctly. I tried logging in with the same mail and password as to the support part of the page, and I’m getting “Username or password incorrect. “. I have tried the same mail&password combination on the support page, and they are correct. I have changed the password from the original set one, and I also tried to log in using the old one, but no luck.
Please create a support request on web site so I can check things out for you there.
Looks like some sort of bug as I don’t seem to be able to login either so I’m looking into this further. Let me know via Presales request if there is something I can help you with.
I registered a couple of days ago and the 256mb vps at hosthouse has been running fine. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Are there any more LEB readers out there like Chronos who would like to share their expertise with our users. If so please do get in touch with your area(s) of expertise via this link
I signed up for 3 months with 512megs and have received an excellent service from Jonathon so far, the KVM is performing very well, even when using the 1G swap in Centos. I just need to fine tune my mysql settings for my 300meg mysql database.
With the help of Chronos we are expanding our support for FreeBSD
Since THH is one of the few VPS providers that offers FreeBSD, I thought it might be useful to have a local package build repository to save everyone having to build from source, having the full 50-odd meg of the ports framework + distfiles on their VPS or accepting out of date packages from pointyhat. I’ll be using tinderbox and I’d like a few suggestions on which packages to include.
For full posting please see this posting on our forums
Have just added the Scientific Linux 6.0 32 and 64 bit ISOs. Basic testing shows these work providing you configure network on install (I used dhcp) This distribution is very much like RHEL 6 but is available for free and uses a 2.6.32 kernel
Following a client request we also had the desktop version of ubuntu 11.04 desktop to our available ISOs for install. If the one of your choice isn’t shown please don’t be afraid to ask.
For our clients using FreeBSD we have added the Frenzy 1.3 iso – Frenzy is a “portable system administrator toolkit,” LiveCD based on FreeBSD. It generally contains software for hardware tests, file system check, security check and network setup and analysis.
Further details of the iso here
Jonathan, if I buy two 512 MB KVMs with 40% discount, is it possible to merge them into one 1024 MB instance with 1+1 IP address?
Please raise this as a Pre-sales enquiry. Our ordering system allows you to configure your order like that already with your choice of ram, disk space, bandwidth, CPU cores, and IPs. Price is almost identical two buying 2 x 512mb VMs assuming you want to double everything except CPU cores. If you don’t need double disk space and / or bandwidth then this will actually be cheaper than buying 2 base VMs with 512 mb ram.
Am I to understand that you are NOT using virtio disk drivers? Any plans to do so in future?
Currently this is not easily supported as I understand it. If it is released in the future then we will probably support it but I cannot tell you our future plans for something that isn’t currently available on our platform.
Jonathan, can you create a link in usd for this offer?
Converting PP balance from USD to Punds has totally pathetic conversation ratio =/
Try this link and then change currency to USD and apply coupon and it is coming out for me at $4.90 it may vary from day to day due to rate fluctuations.
I’ve now added USD, CAD, and EUR as accepted currencies so you shouldn’t have this issue outlined by Tom anymore. If you need anything else just let us know.
Due to lots of requests we’ve just added a US KVM node utilising RAID1 and a 100 mbps uplink. This will have a much lower VM count so stock is limited. Also just posted an offer of FREE Directadmin VPS license on our OpenVZ platform in our Kansas City Datacentre
Code KVMRECUR has already been used…. still 3 KVM’s left though?
Any chance to fix that?
Hi Daniel, How are you?
Well try contacting him via Support Ticket, he would help you
Hi Asim,
I am doing real well, thank you. How are you?
I will mail him about this right away :)
13:41:53 up 136 days, 20:48, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Love this host! uptime would be much higher if i wouldn’t have rebooted server due to kernel upgrade…
Hope they can keep this up, KVM and The host house are both awesome!
20:21:02 up 192 days, 3:27, 2 users, load average: 0.54, 0.14, 0.04
This surely is a keeper!