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Google is Building a Datacenter in...um, Where...?!?

Google is building a new datacenter in...well, I wouldn't have guessed this city.

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Google is Building a Datacenter in...um, Where...?!?

Oracle Cloud Launches in Colombia, While AWS/GCP/Azure Lag in South America

Oracle cloud recently announced they're setting up shop in Columbia, their third South American location. Let's take a quick look at the South American hosting situation.

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Oracle Cloud Launches in Colombia, While AWS/GCP/Azure Lag in South America

CLONE WARS: How Every Major RHEL Clone is Reacting to IBM, From Counter-Exploiting Legal Loopholes to RHEL++ Semi-Clones

Alma, Rocky, SUSE, and Oracle are all taking different approaches to IBM's bombshell announcement that it's crippling the RHEL clone market. Let's look at the landscape and what the future of RHEL++ semi-clones will be like.

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CLONE WARS: How Every Major RHEL Clone is Reacting to IBM, From Counter-Exploiting Legal Loopholes to RHEL++ Semi-Clones

From Oracle Cloud to TOR to Telegram: Check Out LowEndTalk Tutorials!

Want to setup OpenLiteSpeed on Oracle Cloud arm instances? Need to transfer data between Telegram and your VPS? Want to configure your VPN to exit fast TOR nodes? Check out LowEndTalk's tutorials!

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From Oracle Cloud to TOR to Telegram: Check Out LowEndTalk Tutorials!

PostgreSQL 15 is Released!

The world's most advanced open source database

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PostgreSQL 15 is Released!

How To Install Caddy Web Server On Oracle Cloud Free Tier

Back in March, LEB published Asking the Oracle, "Is 'Always Free' the future of the Low End?" The March article pointed out one of the main features of Oracle Cloud Free Tier: no credit card is requir...

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How To Install Caddy Web Server On Oracle Cloud Free Tier

Cloud Providers Prepare to Pull the Plug on Putin

Major cloud services companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle may cut off Russia's access to cloud services in days to come.  Already, Amazon has suspended new service signups. This is...

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Cloud Providers Prepare to Pull the Plug on Putin

Asking the Oracle, "Is 'Always Free' the future of the Low End?"

Last year, on May 26, 2021 @alvin posted on Low End Talk about Oracle releasing 200 GB of storage for Oracle Free Tier VMs. Beginning last year, according to the screenshot @alvin posted, the Oracle F...

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Asking the Oracle,

SQL vs. NoSQL - Which is Better?

In the world of database systems, SQL has been the king since it took off in the early 80s.  It was conceived, developed, and codified in the 1970s but really hit its stride once developers had worked...

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SQL vs. NoSQL - Which is Better?

LowEndBoxTV: How to Get a Free VPS

Is cheap cloud hosting not cheap enough for you?  Can you really get a VPS for free? Yes! In this video we review a variety of offers from various providers. Some are 1-year trials, some are shorter-t...

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LowEndBoxTV: How to Get a Free VPS

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