LAST DAY: Need Cheap Storage? Crunchbits Has You Covered! 2TB From Less Than $5/Month!
Need big, big storage? Like 2TB in the cloud? How's less than $5/month strike you? Read on to learn about this cool offer from CrunchBits!
Read MoreNeed big, big storage? Like 2TB in the cloud? How's less than $5/month strike you? Read on to learn about this cool offer from CrunchBits!
Read MoreAre you a Cloudflare user? Our of the box, the service has some warts but in this video, Piotr shows how to tune it up. Learn some unadvertised tricks to determine your POP, setup rate limiting,. and page rules. Maybe as you grow you'll want to sign up for paid CF services, but you'll be amazed what you can do with CF without paying a penny!
Read MoreWe span the globe to bring you constant variety in offers. Today we're looking in Stockholm, Sweden and have an offer from Internetport, a veteran provider who has some deals on KVM systems for you to consider.
Read MoreWith NextArray, you never know what great deal they're going to bring next: a discounted dedi, a cheap colo, or a very low-priced VPS as we see today. $15/YEAR for a 1GB with unmetered bandwidth - click to get in on this deal!
Read MoreIf you've been researching online, you have heard the chorus of those who insist a VPS is the only way to fly. And if you've signed up with mass-market providers such as Hostinger, InMotion, GoDaddy,...
Read MoreHere are some headlines on SeekingAlpha, a popular investing news service: Intel: Complete Devastation Intel: A True Disaster Intel: You Were Warned Intel: $15 Before $40 (referring to the share pice,...
Read kicks off 2023 with offers on dedicated servers in Dallas, Texas! Dual E5s, 10TB bandwidth, DDoS Protection, and more.
Read MoreThe legendary TOS Generator was never meant to supply a terms of service for providers's web hosting businesses. Yet that's how some use it. Let's get into this crusty old legend and look at some of the hilarious terms it produces.
Read MorePlatinum Host has great deals on cheap VPS systems in London and Los Angeles. They also have game servers, dedicated servers, shared hosting, and TOR relays for your persual!
Read MoreWhat if $100 worth of cheap Wi-Fi routers could scan inside your neighbor's house and paint a real-time picture of everything he does? That's what a new paper claims can be done.
Read MoreWelcome, PacketVM! They've got great deals on cheap VPS, shared, and reseller hosting in Dallas, London, and Singapore. Save on monthly deals - or take it to a new level with their annual plans. Check it out!
Read MoreDediPath's Chinese New Year offer is here and it features awesome deals on cheap VPS, shared, and dedi systems! If you need hosting of any kind in Los Angeles, Secaucus (New Jersey), Las Vegas, Jacksonville, Dallas, Atlanta, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle, or San Jose, read on.
Read MoreThe purple is gone! QuadraNet has revamped their web site...and the helping! They posted a draft and the community has been critiquing/helping. Check out some of the deals on the site while we wait for a special LEB offer!
Read MoreCongratulations to Terrahost on deploying their 10,000th server! Wow! To celebrate they have an awesome VPS deal in Kansas City (US) and Sandefjord (NO) you need to see.
Read MoreDouble bandwidth? Why is it doubled? Doubled compared to what? Learn a little community lore and lingo in this post!
Read MoreWe have a screaming deal for you on the East Cost. 8GB VPS for only $3.50/month! Wow! Eat your heart out, DigitalOcean.
Read MoreIncogNET is running a free VPS giveaway on LowEndTalk, and it's a good opportunity to consider supporting a provider who is beloved in our community, takes your privacy very seriously, and will defend your free speech to the hilt.
Read MoreAs we discussed earlier today, Zare has been assisting customers who had London-based services under NexusBytes. iI they go this above-and-beyond when they don't have to, they're going to go above-and-beyond when they do. Check out this awesome deal on a cheap dedi in London from an awesome provider.
Read MoreLowEndTalk members are attempting to help those whose servers are winking out at NexusBytes. It's a sad story. If you are an NB customer, there's a thread you need to be reading if you care about your data.
Read MoreIs the famous "Portrait of J. Random Hacker" (first published in 1990) still an accurate description of IT engineers in 2023? Yes and no. Most don't wear beards and Birkenstocks, but the culture of diversity and toleration persists.
Read MoreSilicom Network has returned with the same incredible offer they ran during Black Friday: less than five bucks a year for cheap shared hosting. And we're talking cPanel, unlimited bandwidth, and Softaculous! It's all waiting for you in St. Louis, Missouri. Read on!
Read MoreBrowsing on Facebook and I see BetterHelp is recommending LowEndTalk and demonstrating how it can be used to reduce stress and frustration! You don't need to pay $300 a month to BH to learn that. Just read the subtitles. Enjoy this edition LowEndLOLs!
Read MoreWe've got free stickers and a $1 pack of IT-related stickers that includes free shipping! Come celebrate National Sticker Day!
Read MoreSOME sites will use computer-generated texts. Not here! We ran across and article with an interesting take on one famous site's growing reliance on AI-written content.
Read MoreLuxvps is giving away free webhosting on their Discord. Who doesn't like free?!? Check out their giveaway and also their most recent offer if you're looking for cheap shared hosting or a cheap VPS.
Read MoreMar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025