The ability to run programs automatically is one of the great liberating powers of computers. In Unix, it’s common for users to schedule jobs using cron or at (or with systemd, timers). But what if you want to run a job not based on a schedule but rather in response to an event?
Imagine you had a directory and whenever you put a file in that directory, you wanted it to be compressed and put in a backup directory. Or perhaps you have a “share” directory where individuals can upload pictures and (after testing it if it’s a picture), you automatically move them to your web directory and add them to your hosting. Or perhaps you have a complicated backup system and after kicking off, it places a flag file in a certain spot.
In the old days, people would write cron jobs that ran every minute to see if files existed, etc. These are crude, resource intensive, and often bug prone – for example, you have to guard against multiple copies of these frequently-running scripts executing at the same time.
With Linux, we can use inotify (inode notifications), which react to filesystem changes at a very fine-grained level. Typically, you’d create a daemon that sets up filesystem watches, runs in the background, and reacts to events by calling some code or firing off a script.
There are several ways of using inotify:
- If you’re a kernel programmer, you can use the C API
- There are two command-line programs (inotifywatch and inotifywait, part of the inotify-tools package in Debian). I find them not very useful. inotifywatch gathers statistics and inotifywait simply waits until filesystem events occur. inotifywait does have a daemon option but it’s limited to logging events to a file.
- Python has an inotify module, which is ideal for writing daemons.
Installing Python’s inotify
To install the module, we’ll use pip. Install pip if you don’t have it, and then install the inotify module:
apt -y install python-pip pip install inotify
Using Python’s inotify
Let’s start with an example script so you get the feel of inotify. This script watches the directory /tmp/test and responds to file change events occurring there. First, setup the test:
mkdir /tmp/test
Now put the following in a file calleed
#!/usr/bin/python import inotify.adapters i = inotify.adapters.InotifyTree('/tmp/test') for event in i.event_gen(yield_nones=False): (_, type_names, path, filename) = event print("PATH=[{}] FILENAME=[{}] EVENT_TYPES={}".format( path, filename, type_names))
Note: Because this is Python, be sure that the indented lines are indented with a single TAB character.
Now execute it:
chmod 755 ./
Initially, nothing happens. Now open a second session to your VPS and execute some filesystem commands in that directory. You’ll see events fire off as we create, populate, chmod, and delete files:
touch /tmp/test/LowEndFile PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_CREATE'] PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_OPEN'] PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_ATTRIB'] PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_CLOSE_WRITE'] echo 'put something in' >> /tmp/test/LowEndFile PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_OPEN'] PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_MODIFY'] PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_CLOSE_WRITE'] chmod 600 /tmp/test/LowEndFile PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_ATTRIB'] rm /tmp/test/LowEndFile PATH=[/tmp/test] FILENAME=[LowEndFile] EVENT_TYPES=['IN_DELETE']
You can hit control-C to stop
As you can see, each change fires off one or more events. Some such as touching a file (creating it) fire off multiple events.
Creating an inotify-based Daemon
Let’s do something more useful. We’ll create a daemon that we can start at system time with systemd and have it react to events by calling a shell script. This is just a skeleton you can take and extend.
First, install Python’s daemonize module:
pip install daemonize
In /usr/local/bin, create the following file as
#!/usr/bin/python # CONFIG directory_to_watch = '/tmp/test' script_to_call = '/usr/local/bin/' event_type_to_watch = 'IN_CREATE' # END CONFIG from daemonize import Daemonize import inotify.adapters import subprocess pid = "/run/" def main(): i = inotify.adapters.InotifyTree(directory_to_watch) for event in i.event_gen(yield_nones=False): (_, type_names, path, filename) = event for event_type in type_names: if event_type == event_type_to_watch:[script_to_call,filename]) daemon = Daemonize(app="watchfs",pid=pid, action=main) daemon.start()
Again, remember that each indented line must be indented with the right number of TABs.
If this looks like Greek to you, don’t sweat it. The only lines you need to modify to customize it are in the lines between CONFIG and END_CONFIG:
- which directory you want to watch (directory_to_watch)
- which script you want to call in response (/usr/local/bin/
- which filesystem event you want to watch for (here, IN_CREATE)
Now create this file in /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/bash FILENAME="${1}" echo "new file: $FILENAME" >> /tmp/reaction.log
All this script does is write the name of the file to /tmp/reaction.log. You can easily extend it to do whatever you want with the file name it receives.
Make both files executable:
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/
Let’s set it up in systemd. Place the following file in /etc/systemd/system/watchfs.service:
[Unit] Description=watchfs [Service] PIDFile=/run/ ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ [Install]
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable watchfs systemctl start watchfs
Let’s test it:
# touch /tmp/test/tutorial # cat /tmp/reaction.log new file: tutorial
This is a basic example but it should be obvious how you can customize it and extend it to more watches. Since it’s just calling a shell script, you can tailor to do whatever you want when new files are created. If you know (or want to learn) a little Python, you can easily watch multiple directories with a table of events and actions. Enjoy!
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You might find Watchman useful – It lets you do this sort of watching without having to write a Python script. It uses inotify on Linux, but also supports MacOS (FSEvents), BSD (kqueue) and Windows.