Are you a Cloudflare user? Our of the box, the service has some warts but in this video, Piotr shows how to tune it up. Learn some unadvertised tricks to determine your POP, setup rate limiting,. and page rules. Maybe as you grow you’ll want to sign up for paid CF services, but you’ll be amazed what you can do with CF without paying a penny!
This is Piotr’s third video for us and he continues to deliver excellent, informative, actionable content. If you haven’t subscribed to our YouTube channel, please do so now so you don’t miss updates!
Are you prepared to play the game BitLife – Life Simulator and experience an interesting virtual life? Before your life is over, start your life over and make the right choices little by little, year by year, until you eventually become a model citizen.
Cloudflare’s free tier is such a powerful tool when used right! It’s amazing how much protection and performance improvement you can get without paying a dime. This video makes it clear that you don’t need to spend big to get top-tier web security!
Agreed – CloudFlare is excellent.