LowEndBoxTV started in 2021, and since that time we’ve had thousands and thousands of views. We’ve tried different things, and then Piotr came on and took our channel to the next level.
He mentioned recently that one of his CloudFlare videos had hit 10,000 views and it prompted me to go and look at our analytics. Of the 94 videos we’ve created, here are the five most popular, in order.
1. Obsidian vs. Joplin vs. Notion vs. Evernote vs. OneNote vs. Apple Notes
In this “unscripted” LowEndBoxTV episiode, I made an in-depth comparison of these popular personal information management tools. I spend a few minutes on each and compare pros and cons according to my criteria and pick a winner. Plus find out which one I have a T-shirt for!
2. Use Cloudflare FREE like a PRO! 😎 Do You Know These Features?
Are you a Cloudflare user? Our of the box, the service has some warts but in this video, Piotr shows how to tune it up. Learn some unadvertised tricks to determine your POP, setup rate limiting,. and page rules. Maybe as you grow you’ll want to sign up for paid CF services, but you’ll be amazed what you can do with CF without paying a penny!
3. Host Your Own Top Level Domain for FREE!
Why settle for a .com or a .org when you can easily run your own top-level domain? .android, .apple, .amazon, .involucrated, .cheap-vps, .cheap-cpanel, .i-am-too-lazy-to-think-of-a-good-name – you can use them all effortlessly!
4. Bunny.net Stream: Gotchas and Tips. Is it the best video hosting for your website? 🐰🎥🟠
Bunny.net been a LowEnd community favorite for a long time. In this video, Piotr shows off their Stream feature and walks you through how to set it up and optimize. There are some gotchas and things to be aware of as you build our your site and Piotr goes over everything.
5. How to get DirectAdmin for Free!
DirectAdmin is a serious challenger to cPanel and is the hosting panel that’s taking over the world. Did you know that there are many providers who offer FREE DirectAdmin licenses? In this video we’ll tell you how you can get a FREE DirectAdmin license to use on your cheap VPS.
Related Posts:
- eWallHost: 4GB VPS for Only $4.99/Month in Finland or Germany! - September 7, 2024
- Hostneva: Cheap Shared Hosting on Enterprise-Grade Fabric Around the World, Starting at Only $6/YEAR! - September 6, 2024
- Hudson Valley Host: Yearly VPS Offers That Make a 2GB VPS Cost Only $1.50/Month! - September 5, 2024
Great summary, thanks for sharing.