MariaDB Swallowed by Private Equity
MariaDB is free as in love, but MariaDB Plc is no longer free as in independent. It's been swallowed up by private equity.
Read MoreMariaDB is free as in love, but MariaDB Plc is no longer free as in independent. It's been swallowed up by private equity.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. We're at the final part and now we're going to wrap up with round-robin DNS, Let's Encrypt, and a test of the HA setup.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. In part six, we're setting up MariaDB multi-master replication using Galera.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. In part five, we're using the Gluster install we did in the previous part to setup Wordpress.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. In part four, we're installing GlusterFS and getting it working on all three nodes.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. In part three, we'll leverage Ansible to make our setup fast and easy.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. In part two, we'll step through provisioning these VMs at Hetzner.
Read MoreThree years ago, we published a series on building a highly-available Wordpress site from scratch. Now we're going to refresh the technology stack and bring it up to date for 2024. In part one, we're covering some background, design considerations, and architecture.
Read MoreRecently I read a long article about the difference between SYSDATE() and CURRENT_DATE() in Oracle databases. It reminded me that I once researched the difference between NOW() and SYSDATE() in MySQL. These functions seem very similar, and for many (most?) uses, you'd be hard-pressed to observe a difference. But they're not exactly the same. Here's a quick guide on which to use when.
Read Moreapt just slaps at the problem; dpkg solves it. An interesting experience trying to get MariaDB back to a clean slate.
Read MoreWe did a six-part tutorial on setting up a highly available Wordpress site using two VPS systems, configuring MariaDB and replication, using DRBD and OCFS2 for filesystem replication, and tying it all off with round-robin DNS. It still works!
Read MoreAfter you create users and grant privileges in MySQL, the next step is to FLUSH PRIVILEGES, right? Wrong.
Read MoreIn a previous tutorial, we showed you how to setup Galera replication for MariaDB so you could have multi-node, multi-master clusters. We also saw how MariaDB painlessly replicates data. In this tut...
Read MoreGalera is MariaDB's multi-master replication technology which makes it a snap to setup highly-available multi-node MariaDB clusters. In this tutorial we'll walk through setting up a cluster and also...
Read MoreIn this series, we take you from bare-metal to a highly-available Wordpress site, load-balanced over two nodes and resistant to VPS failures using MariaDB multi-master replication, DRBD, and round-rob...
Read MoreLots of people want to automate their system setup, and this is frequently done by either using the provider's new VM hooks to run a script at setup time or later using something like Ansible. If you...
Read MoreThis tutorial will show you how to install and configure the LEMP stack on your VPS/LowEndBox. LEMP stands for Linux Nginx MySQL PHP, and is a lightweight variation of the LAMP stack, which includes A...
Read MoreWelcome to the last installment in the CentOS 7 LAMP Server Tutorial: Modernized and Explained series! In this article we are going to turn our LAMP server into a LEMP server by removing Apache and in...
Read MoreMoodle is an open source Learning Management System or LMS. It hails as the worlds most popular learning platform with over 153M users worldwide. Moodle is consumable in 3 basic hosted varieties: DI...
Read MoreIn the previous CentOS 7 LAMP Server Tutorials, we configured a LAMP stack, secured it with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates, and installed WordPress with WP-CLI. Here in Part 5 we're going to up our ga...
Read MoreWelcome to the fourth installment of the CentOS 7 LAMP Server Tutorial: Modernized and Explained series.In Part 1 and Part 2 we configured a LAMP server with PHP-FPM running PHP 7.3 and a modern versi...
Read MoreWelcome to the third installment of the CentOS 7 LAMP Server Tutorial: Modernized and Explained series. This tutorial builds on the work done in Part 1 and Part 2, so if you haven't checked them out,...
Read MoreIn Part 1 of this Tutorial, we discussed why we decided to build a LAMP server instead of getting one pre-configured via a control panel such as cPanel or Virtualmin. We configured Remi's repository f...
Read MoreWelcome to another LowEndBox Linux tutorial! In this post we're going to design and configure a high performance server that will allow you to run multiple websites using the latest software available...
Read MoreMariaDB is forked from MySQL, MariaDB has been known to be a drop-in replacement that brings enhancements and performance optimizations over MySQL. This tutorial will show you how to install, optimize...
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