LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Dead Pool February to July 2012

It’s been a while since the last dead pool! Forgive me if I’ve missed anyone; sorting through 6 months of data isn’t easy.

Aerovps Aerovps

Current Status: Redirects to Racklot.com
AeroVPS first, and only, appearance on Lowendbox was in December 2010 when they offered a $5 128MB OpenVZ VPS in Phoenix Arizona. There was speculation at the time that Areovps was related to accuratehub, however the relationship wasn’t explored further. Up until March this year, Aerovps were still advertising at webhosting talk.

Axisnext AxisNext

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

AxisNext was an Indian-based hosting company who were also featured in December 2010 (unlucky month, huh?). They sent in a special three year openvz offer which included: 256MB Ram, 10gb Storage and 5TB of Bandwidth on a gigabit connection. The offer worked out at $54 for three years, $1.50 monthly, obviously this wasn’t honoured as three years later would be around November 2013. At the time, their servers seemed to be with Netdirekt in Germany.

In 2011, the original lowendbox thread was bought back to life with claims the owner had scammed his customers. Subsequently, the owner was banned from kidswiththeirbooters.com wjunction. Fast-forward to Decemeber 2011, they posted their final offer at webhostingtalk. A few months later, in February this year, former clients created a thread on webhostingtalk reporting that their service was down and that axisnext were not reachable by email or telephone.

Boostvps BoostVPS

Current Status: Redirects to www.topdll.com (a site for downloading .dlls)

In December 2010, BoostVPS, an Australian vps provider, posted a special offer at webhostingtalk which caught the eye of fellow Australian, lowendadmin. He went on to repost the special xen offer, which included 256mb ram, 10gb storage and 100gb bandwidth, which was hosted with GNAX in Atlanta. It was also highlighted in the same post that BoostVPS had acquired ZoomVPS, which itself was listed on lowendbox in March 2010.

BreatHost BreatHost

Current Status: Redirects to http://twitter.com/breathost

Breathost, a German based entity, were featured on lowendbox twice. Firstly in December 2010 when they promoted a 256MB openvz based vps with 500GB bandwidth located with wholesaleinternet in Kansas City. The plan was $4.95 per month and the thread received a sour response. Sebastian, the owner, had previously operated another vps company called SynHost.eu, who had also appeared on lowendbox before. The company received some criticism because his ‘company’didn’t have a tax id, which supposedly german law requires you to have, and claims that his previous company had scammed people. More recently in February this year a customer replied to the thread stating that he was still a customer, after a year, and was very happy.

Please note: this isn’t the first time Breathost have been in the deadpool. In July 2011 they were featured after their website ip stopped resolving. However, they lived on. In January 2012, lowendadmin admitted he had received some offers from β€œDaniel Serjey”, the new owner of BreatHost, who emailed him in November 2011 telling him that they were resurrecting the brand and were offering LowEndBox customers a discount (he never posted their offer). He blamed the old owner Sebastian for previous problems.

Centicero Centicero

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

Centicero’s first and last appearance was way back in June 2008 when they offered a $6 64MB OpenVZ VPS in Scranton, PA courtesy of a post on webhostingtalk. There’s not really much more information on them.

DashingHost DashingHost

Current Status: Domain Parked

Michael from dashinghost sent in a total of three offers during 2010. Their first offer was a 128MB ram vps for $6.99 a month and their final offer came a similar plan with 128MB ram but with an additional 10GB of storage for $5 a month. All the vps were run on the OpenVZ platform in a datacenter in Los Angeles.

In June last year it appears the owner of Dashinghost made a last ditch attempt to sell up.

DMBHosting DMBHosting

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

DMB Hosting, a UK based provider, was initially featured on lowendbox in August 2011. Daimon, the owner of DMB, was an active community member until supposed personal problems happened, which resulted in Daimon subsequently vanishing of the face of the earth. Their first thread on lowendbox was for a Β£2.99 vps with 256MB ram, 5GB Storage and 500GB of Bandwidth located in Kent, United Kingdom. The final offer which got listed included 256MB Ram, 20GB HDD and 200GB bandwidth which was hosted of their own hardware in Burstnet’s Manchester datacenter.

Customers began reporting issues in February and subsequently were unable to get in contact with Daimon.

Elicitservers ElicitServers

Current Status: IP address not resolvable
Way back in December 2010, LowEndAdmin reposted a Montreal based offer from Webhostingtalk. The $5.09 openVZ offer featured 128MB ram, 5GB storage and 50GB bandwidth. Their last post on webhostingtalk was at the end of March this year. Shortly afterwards, clients began complaining that their service was down and they were unable to get in contact with ElicitServers.

fusevps FuseVPS

Current Status: Website displaying a message stating they’ve closed

During 2011 Fusevps were featured 3 times. The first package listed on lowendbox included: 512MB Ram, 10GB Storage and 150GB Bandwidth for only $5.95 a month. Their servers were hosted with Softlayer. The same offer returned three months later in April of that year. However their final offer listed at lowendbox in October of 2011 was slightly cheaper at $5.06 for the same specifications. They offered an interesting SLA, for every hour the network was down, the customer would be reimbursed 10% of their monthly hosting bill.

They blamed Softlayer for the decision to close stating β€œYou may have noticed other OpenVZ providers discontinue their service at Softlayer over the last 12 months. While we cannot say this with certainty, we would not be surprised if they found the same difficulties we have.”.

getmyvps GetMyVPS

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

Getmyvps was a sub company of the Australian based web hosting provider, Alfrahosts. The first offer from Getmyvps was listed in August 2010 via a webhostingtalk advertisement. This included 128MB Ram, 15GB Storage and 150GB Bandwidth for $3.95 month. Servers were with HostNOC in Scranton, Philadelphia. However the brand was short lived surviving possibly only one day before they refunded everyone and closed their doors due to β€˜fake signups’. That wasn’t the end of Getmyvps, after appearing in the deadpool, in July 2011 they sent in an Xen based offer which included 256MB Ram, 15GB HDD and 150GB Bandwidth for $4.95 per month. This time though servers were with DataShack/Wholesale Internet in Kansas City. The same offer returned in September with double the bandwidth but the same specs and price.

grwh Green River Web Hosts

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

In July 2011, Chris of, Green River Web Hosts emailed in a Chicago based lowendbox special. The openvz special came with 256MB Ram, 10GB Storage and 500GB Bandwidth. A month later in August, Chris signed up to lowendtalk and promoted a similar plan but now in Phoenix, Arizona. Their last post on webhostingtalk was a Christmas special in December 2011.

Host90 Host90

Current Status: Blank page

Host90, a Cyprus based provider, made a total of two appearances on lowendbox. Their first was promoting the β€˜baby vps’ an openvz based package which had 128MB ram, 10GB Storage and 50GB Bandwidth. The servers were located with Burstnet at their Scranton facility. Their second, and final, post was in August 2010 when they offered the exact same plan but this time in Chicago or Scranton and for 75p cheaper at $4.24/month.

Subsequently in August 2011 Host90 listed themselves for sale. It is unknown if this was a Constantinos Coudounaris / HostRail enterprise.

itsjusthosting Itsjusthosting

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

itsjusthosting.com were featured twice in 2009, first in August and secondly in October. Their initial listing was for a Fully Managed $6.99 OpenVZ vps. The plan featured 128MB Ram, 10GB Storage and 100GB Bandwidth. Servers were located in Dallas and came with some sort of DDoS Protection. Their second, and final, offer listed a month later came with 64MB Ram, 5GB Storage and 45GB Bandwidth for $5.99 a month. It came with considerably less resources than their former plan, considering it was only a dollar less. Clients started to report that their services had gone down and they were unable to contact support in late April.

Just295 Just295

Current Status: Redirects to http://www.silverknighttech.com/specials/vps-special

Just295’s first, and only, listing at lowendbox came in August 2011 when their 256MB Ram, 5GB HDD, 1TB bandwidth openvz package appeared on lowendbox. Just295 were, at the time, a division of Ruby Ring Tech, a Nevadan Based company who themselves had previously marketed a similar plan but in Dallas on lowendbox. Their servers were with VegasNAP in Las Vegas. Considering they were trying to sell the domain at webhostingtalk a while back, it looks like they consolidated all three brands into one: SilverKnightTech.

Rubyringtech, their former owner, now also seems to redirect to silverknighttech.com.

Meteorvps Meteorvps

Current Status: Domain Parked

Meteorvps were first, and only, featured on lowendbox in November 2011. At the time they were promoting a 1GB, 15GB storage, 1TB Bandwidth openvz deal which was hosted with Redstation in Hampshire, UK. There was a bit of controversy in the thread as it turned out Chris, the owner, was 17 years old which some argued meant he couldn’t enter a legally binding contract.

I managed to speak with Chris, he stated “the idea of MeteorVPS was a short-term thing, possibly leading long-term; I decided that I would take advantage of some cheap providers, offer solid performance and services/support for a cheap amount”. After being given the run around by their dedicated server provider, which made things increasingly more difficult, Chris took the noble decision to close shop, to prevent further problems from affecting his clients. He also states that: “Customers were given one months notice, and no payments were taken for the final month. Many e-mails were sent out and personal messages were given to server owners on minecraft through the use of multicraft.”

NixDot NixDot

Current Status: Domain Parked

In January 2012, Nixdot emailed in a 256MB Ram, 30GB storage, 500GB bandwidth openvz based offer with 2 ipv4 addresses, something of a rarity these days. The servers were with Servers PhoenixNAP in Phoenix Arizona. You could either pay $4.49 monthly for this vps or $30 yearly. In February accusations of scamming started to appear, including on the original offer thread. An employee admitted the owner had β€˜pumped and dumped’ and advised clients to file disputes to reclaim their money.

odishahosting Odishahosting

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

Odishahosting, were a New Jersey based hosting business operating out of datacenters in both Philadelphia, PA and Hyderabad, India. Their Virtuozzo based offercame with 128MB Ram, 5GB HDD and 50GB of Bandwidth. This special was located in Philadelphia. Odisha’s last hosting related post was in 2010, so this host may have been dead for a while.

pingvps PingVPS

Current Status: Server Index

In July 2010, UK based, pingvps emailed in a 64MB ram openvz offer for $1.59 a month. The plan also included 5GB storage and 10GB bandwidth and was hosted with OVH in Roubaix, France. In April 2012 pingvps website, and possibly more?, was supposedly hacked. Clients complained they couldn’t contact the owner.

rhinorack RhinoRack

Current Status: Acquired by Errantweb

Rhinorack were listed on lowendbox in January 2012. RhinoRack was owned by a Nick Perkins, who had previously owned Rackmountain, which had only just been sold a few months earlier. Rhinorack offered a $7 512MB Ram OpenVZ plan equipped with 30GB HDD and 200GB of Bandwidth. Servers were colocated with HostDime in Orlando Florida.

Less than a month later, Rhinorack had been sold to Errantweb.

Virtupulse VirtuPulse

Current Status: Default cpanel page

In July 2010, Virtupulse, spinoff brand of Virpus, were featured on lowendbox. Unlike Virpus, Virtupulse had more customisable options which let you build a VPS to your needs. Servers were in Kansas City. I assume Ken, the owner of Virpus, merged the brand into Virpus.

Vmport Vmport

Current Status: Acquired by FTN Hosting

Vmport, an active member in the lowendtalk community, had a total of four offers listed on lowendbox. Their first offer, in August 2011, was a Β£2.33 256MB Ram, 20GB HDD, 250GB Bandwidth OpenVZ vps located in either Kansas City, MO or DΓΌsseldorf, Germany. They later expanded to further locations and toyed around with XEN. Vmport even started a short-lived kvm subsidiary called kvmport, but after facing many problems with their provider, they were forced to cease kvm operations. After this, vmport tried to refocus on offering KVM vps servers in England, but this proved to be in vein after other sides of the business dragged this profitable section down.

On May 2012, FTN Hosting announced they had acquired vmport and that it would be migrating vmport’s existing infrastructure to FTNHosting’s fully owned equipment. The previous owner of VMport, Ashley, subsequently launched another company ‘GetKVM’ which would focus on the profitable KVM side of the industry.

vpsone VpsOne

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

Canadian based Vpsone, appeared on lowendbox in July 2010 with a $5 128mb Ram offer. The offer featured 10GB HDD and 200GB of bandwidth. The vps were openvz based and hosted on a softlayer server in Dallas, Texas.

vpsvillage VpsVillage

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

Vpsvillage.com marketed a 64MB Ram XEN vps way back in February 2008. The offer at the time was for 64MB Ram, 4GB HDD and 50GB Bandwidth. The servers were located in Philadelphia, PA. Vpsvillage was a part of GrokThis.net. Their last advertisement on webhostingtalk was in May 2010, so they may be long dead and buried.

whitelabelhosting WhiteLabelHosting

Current Status: 502: Bad Gateway

Whitelabelhosting, were featured twice during their existence. On their first post, they were promoting a $20/year 256MB OpenVZ VPS in Seattle. The plan also came with 25GB HDD and 250GB Bandwidth. They also had a 512MB OpenVZ plan which came with 50GB HDD and 500GB Bandwidth for $35/year. A month later they sent in a New Years Eve special which consisted of 512MB Ram, 25GB HDD and 500GB Bandwidth for $5 monthly. This time the servers were located in Kansas City, MO.

Clients began to report their servers were down and they couldn’t contact whitelabelhosting in February this year.

zoomvps ZoomVPS

Current Status: IP address not resolvable

Zoomvps were listed on lowendbox in March 2010. At the time they were running a 50% off recurring discount which meant that their 256MB OpenVZ plan equated to $5 monthly. The plan also came with 50GB HDD and 250GB Bandwidth as well as 2 IPv4 Addresses. Customers had a choice between two locations: Chicago or New Jersey. They stopped advertising at webhostingtalk in November 2011.

That’s it for now! If I have missed anyone, please do bring it to my attention.


  1. HUGE thanks to Liam for putting this together! Incredible effort!

    July 12, 2012 @ 10:42 am | Reply
  2. Phenomenal effort Liam, this must have taken hours ;)

    July 12, 2012 @ 11:08 am | Reply
  3. With VpsVillage their parent company, GrokThis.net sent the following out on the 22nd Jan 2012:

    Going out of business 2/16

    We regret to inform you that we will be going out of business on February 16th, 2012. This date is the final date of operation for all of our hosting services. Customers are advised to backup and migrate their data.

    This decision was not an easy one to make, but after 10 years of operation, we can no longer offer the quality of service, support, and forward-leaning technology offerings which we set to provide.

    We stopped billing customer credit cards and terminated all PayPal subscriptions as of January 16th. At this time, all customers should be up to date within our billing system for shared, dedicated, and VPS hosting offerings. Those with domain registrations to be renewed in January/February will be contacted directly.

    We are evaluating customer balances for those that were paid quarterly or annually. On this topic, expect further communication.

    Thank you for your understanding and patronage,
    Eric Windisch

    July 12, 2012 @ 11:22 am | Reply
  4. oh bad man

    July 12, 2012 @ 11:33 am | Reply
  5. Mtko:

    WOW a massive list. Lots of providers going out of business these days, whats up

    July 12, 2012 @ 12:34 pm | Reply
    • Humza:

      Although that is true, this is over a 6 month period, since there has been no deadpool posts in around 6 months. So it is going to be a larger than usual list, however it is correct that as the days pass more and more companies are going out of business, and with summer coming up expect more ;)

      July 12, 2012 @ 1:20 pm | Reply
  6. Wow Liam , Thanks for the effort.

    July 12, 2012 @ 2:04 pm | Reply
  7. lol, I tried NixDot which offer 60$ per year for cPanel VPS 1Gb. Huge discount, right?
    Whitelabelhosting.co offer good hosting, however they gone. R.I.P.

    Thanks for your helpful post.

    July 12, 2012 @ 2:09 pm | Reply
  8. Good job, Liam!

    Still going, despite monumental setbacks: IPXcore :D

    I noticed vmport.com redirects to vmport.eu. Is it the same company that acquired them?

    July 12, 2012 @ 2:50 pm | Reply
    • liam:

      Yeah… I’ll edit the post in a bit.

      Kudos to you guys! I’d be in hospital by now considering the level of stress you must be facing!

      July 12, 2012 @ 3:37 pm | Reply
  9. Bobby:

    Nice job!

    July 12, 2012 @ 2:56 pm | Reply
  10. Next, GetKVM?

    July 12, 2012 @ 3:31 pm | Reply
    • Liam:

      They’re doing good by the looks of things.
      Ash has remained focused which is what was previously lacking.

      July 12, 2012 @ 3:38 pm | Reply
    • What makes you say/think that? VMPort didn’t go bankrupt or rob anybody.

      Thank you Liam :)

      July 13, 2012 @ 10:46 am | Reply
      • Just wondering, will you sell your business again?
        And created another new one?

        July 13, 2012 @ 11:01 am | Reply
        • I don’t plan on doing. I’m just saying predicting my company as a deadpool candidate with no real reason is not very nice :)

          VMPort didn’t go to the dead-pool, it was profitable when i sold it and i gather it still is.

          July 13, 2012 @ 4:09 pm | Reply
  11. Good work, Liam! I hope to see again a monthly or quarterly deadpool in the future!

    July 12, 2012 @ 4:42 pm | Reply
    • Liam:

      There will be one in a month ;-)

      July 12, 2012 @ 4:47 pm | Reply
  12. porknbeans:

    For whoever did pay for services with Sebastian (breathost)… I did pre-warn you all on the offer page that LEB posted, whether you listened or not I’m not sure…

    But one thing I can say is… ‘I told you so’. Stay away from anything to do with Sebastian (synhost/breathost) or John (igsobe). I assume he will be back under another name/host/vps service soon enough.

    Regards, disgruntled customer aka porknbeans.

    July 12, 2012 @ 4:59 pm | Reply
  13. eastonch:

    Thank you Liam for conferring with me, prior to any posts about MeteorVPS :’]!

    Looks like a good write up overall +1!

    July 12, 2012 @ 5:13 pm | Reply
  14. jcaleb:

    Thanks Liam!!!! Great effort!

    July 13, 2012 @ 3:56 am | Reply
  15. LOL, all listed have a good site but still out of business. Not like us, don’t have good website but still alive since 2004 !!!

    July 14, 2012 @ 12:31 am | Reply
  16. WhiteLabelHosting:

    Good work Liam and a very detailed list indeed. I’m happy to say we went out peacefully and gave our clients plenty of time to move out, something I didn’t want to do but it had to be done considering all of the things I was going through in my life. Maybe I’ll be back in the future.

    As for the others, well I hope they did the same, dead pooling isn’t necessarily a bad thing so long as you don’t screw the customers over! Good luck everyone.

    July 14, 2012 @ 6:56 am | Reply
    • I thought you had disappeared off the face of the earth , If Possible could you get in contact with me!


      July 14, 2012 @ 10:47 pm | Reply
  17. It’s a shame that people cannot keep things going, and then they continue onto new ventures in the same industry.

    Nice work, but always shocking to see so many people going out of business.

    July 14, 2012 @ 4:21 pm | Reply
  18. You know you have to be a really shitty owner/person to get banned from wjunction.


    July 14, 2012 @ 7:34 pm | Reply
    • Not really Fran , The mod/admin team there is pretty corrupt.

      July 14, 2012 @ 10:48 pm | Reply
  19. Lolkovic:

    Only if you are a complete retard you can get banned from WJunction. There members open 10th hosting companies WITHOUT getting banned…

    July 15, 2012 @ 3:10 pm | Reply
  20. danperteet:

    I recieved this email from Host90 on September 13th 2011

    Valued Customers of Host90.com,

    Effective immediately, Host90.com has been acquired by Digitally Justified Technologies Inc. (DJT Inc.) This is an advantageous move for all, as DJT Inc. has more resources than Host90.com with benefits that will be directly passed to you – the customer.

    First off, this news does not affect any current customers and/or the plans that they currently have registered. Plans and pricing remain the same. As you are currently being invoiced and receiving support by WHMCS, this will remain the same. However, instead of making payments to Host90.com, payments will now be made to Digitally Justified Technologies Inc. – via PayPal, Checks and/or Credit Card. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to accept MoneyBookers as a form of payment.

    DJT is excited about this new opportunity, and looks forward to serving Host90.com customers as we strive to better ourselves in the hosting community. A couple of upgrades to your service that will be happening right away include:

    - 24x7 Technical support
    - Phone Support
    - Migrating your services to our cloud platform for better uptime and speeds

    Additional information to follow as it becomes available.

    If at any time you have questions or concerns regarding this acquisition, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will be more than happy to assist you.

    Thank you once again for your business and we look forward to working with you.

    Derek Thornton, President/CEO (derek@digitallyjustified.com)
    Digitally Justified Technologies Inc.

    About DJT Inc.
    In business since 2002, we are a Canadian-based, profitable and debt-free, corporation providing services to over 2,000 people worldwide. Our hosting services operate under the name SuperWebhost.com and web development services under the name EvillageMedia.com.

    July 16, 2012 @ 7:29 pm | Reply
  21. Hi there,

    Just noticed this post. Orpheum Hosting Solutions acquired AeroVPS in May. We completed the acquisition and announced the launch of new VPS plans on June 19, 2012.


    July 19, 2012 @ 1:22 am | Reply
  22. gabgue:

    i have a account with Elicitservers, they look how a serious company, is incredible, never send me a email about the close, was a expensive service, this class of scammers need appear not only in a deadpool is better a black list of providers.

    July 20, 2012 @ 5:12 pm | Reply
  23. Imran:

    fastvps.co should also be added into the dead pool. There should also be a black pool I think, for the services that ripped off consumers big time. There IPs, countries of operation, domain whois details,etc and all concerned details should also be put in so that in someway the mal-practices are identified.

    July 22, 2012 @ 11:13 pm | Reply
    • it’s right, but 1 of 5 my VPS is work fine until now, but i cant access solusvm, client area, and ssh

      July 27, 2012 @ 11:02 am | Reply
  24. frank:

    Got this email a while back from getmyvps

    It is with great regret to inform you that GetMyVPS will be closing shop and will cease trading as of now. Due to declining profits, declining sales and increased costs it is not viable for us to continue. After much discussion with our service provider, it is with regret to tell you that we cannot switch the servers back on. They are not allowing us to do this, however, as per our TOS you should have up-to-date backups available for you to restore data to a new service provider. All of our remaining profits have gone towards paying the service provider off and as per our terms of service, we cannot give a refund. All PayPal subscriptions have been cancelled, however, please ensure this is showing in your PayPal account and cancel any subscription to us.

    We are executing the current agreement in our Terms of Service agreement: “The Company has the right to suspend and/or terminate your Service at any time at its sole discretion.”

    Thank you for your understanding and we deeply apologise for any inconvenience caused.


    Stewart Wilson

    August 22, 2012 @ 8:41 pm | Reply

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