The Buzz: Latest News, Gossip, and Drama from LowEndTalk
$22,000 in missing crypto, provider deadpools, suspicious CPU need to be reading LowEndTalk!
Read More$22,000 in missing crypto, provider deadpools, suspicious CPU need to be reading LowEndTalk!
Read MoreKiwix is an information archival service and recently they were dropped by Hetzner. It's quite a tale.
Read MoreOur video master, Piotr, has been lighting up the metrics on YouTube with some great videos on LowEndBoxTV. If you're not a subscriber, you're missing out! Did any of these slip past your stream unclicked?
Read MoreFor a long time, hosting with Hetzner meant hosting in Germany or Finland. But recently they've gone global, expanding into the USA and later to Singapore. They claim their systems are the same at each location, but are they...? No! And Piotr has the proof.
Read MoreI like to host with the best, and my LowEnd empire is a star-studded cavalcade of great LowEnd providers. Who are you hosting with these days?
Read MoreIs a high-end dedicated server faster than a high-end VPS? It depends but the numbers are a lot closer than you'd think! In this new LowEndBoxTV video, I dig into a comparison between a ServerFactory Ryzen VPS and three different Hetzner dedicated servers.
Read MoreThe GEX44 is under $200/month. Is it right for you?
Read MoreIs Windows or Linux faster on a server? The answer is, naturally, "it depends". But what it depends on might surprise you, and the benchmarks will definitely surprise you!
Read MoreThe Hetzner AX41 looks like an amazing deal. But for just 2 EUR more per month, you can get something that is a bit more interesting! The EX44 features an i5, 14 cores, 65GB of RAM, and dual 512GB NVMe drives and is a lot closer to the AX102 in performance. Piotr conducts a full review!
Read MoreGoodbye, Russian Hetzner customers. The West can't take your money anymore.
Read MoreHow does Hetzner's AX102 dedicated server compare to their AX41? Let's go in-depth and see!
Read MoreInstalling Windows on Hetzner servers is not as straightforward as you might think. The tutorial they publish does not work on their newest dedicated servers. But Piotr has a fixed!
Read MoreRecently, if you host your own Plex server on a Hetzner IP address, there's a very good chance you received the following email: Important notice about the hosting service you may be using. We're cont...
Read MorePiotr uses a LOT of providers. In this video he goes into each and every provider he uses: RackNerd, GreenCloud, HostHatch, Hetzner, Netcup, PHP-Friends, and BuyVM! Get his opinions on the pros and cons of each service and why he chose them.
Read MoreCAX vs CPX - or in other words ARM vs x86. Which is the best choice for you? Piotr helps you pick as he breaks down the pros and cons of each offering.
Read MorePiotr got at 100TB server but then faced the question of how best to set it up. The benchmarks he did might surprise you!
Read MorePiotr likes disk. A LOT of disk. How should he optimize his 10x10TB hard drives? With ZFS it's a snap but setting it up on a Hetzner dedi is not straightforward. Fortunately Piotr makes it a breeze.
Read MoreWe did a six-part tutorial on setting up a highly available Wordpress site using two VPS systems, configuring MariaDB and replication, using DRBD and OCFS2 for filesystem replication, and tying it all off with round-robin DNS. It still works!
Read MoreWant to setup OpenLiteSpeed on Oracle Cloud arm instances? Need to transfer data between Telegram and your VPS? Want to configure your VPN to exit fast TOR nodes? Check out LowEndTalk's tutorials!
Read MoreIt's like eBay for cheap dedicated servers!
Read MoreLowEndTalk @Teko recently posted a comment that he was enjoying his InterServer storage VPS. I thought his experiences might be interesting to everyone, so we stepped it up to a full interview. Here...
Read MoreRecently we've been discussing getting started on a new VPS or dedicated server. Specific topics have included updating the operating system and configuring ssh, running a yabs benchmark, and checking...
Read MoreRecently we posted How To Begin On Your New VPS Or Dedicated Server. That post discussed our first steps on a new server, including updating the operating system and configuring sshd. Next we posted a...
Read MoreEnjoy this YABS workout from Tom! Sorry, couldn't resist the pun. I should have. --raindog308 Benching With Yabs Hello again from sunny Sonora! Recently I wrote about How To Begin On Your New VPS O...
Read MoreIntroduction Hello from sunny Sonora! This morning I was delighted to receive an email from Hetzner telling me that my new AX41-NVMe server was provisioned with Debian and ready to go! This post discu...
Read MoreLast night, in a moment of sudden Low End Inspiration, I grabbed a Hetzner Auction Server! It's been awhile since I had a server at Hetzner. I wanted something for a few new projects. I haven't decide...
Read MoreLowEndTalk’s 2021 Best Providers poll has been taken, the votes have been counted, the people have spoken, and the awards have been given! #1 Best Provider Award: RackNerd #1 Most Professional Provide...
Read MoreHetzner announced Wednesday that they are adding a new location: Ashburn, Virginia, USA! This is the company's first foray into North America and it joins their existing German and Finnish locations. ...
Read MoreMar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025